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1少儿简单英语小故事 A Woodman came into a forest to ask the Trees to give him a handle for Ax It seemed so modest a request that the principal tree at once agreed to it英语课前小故事, and it was settled among。

优秀英语小故事3分钟一The Old Cat An old woman had a cat The cat was very old she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old One day the old cat saw a mouse。

英语课前三分钟小故事篇1 Where Do You keep Yours 英语课前小故事?你英语课前小故事的东西放到哪儿去英语课前小故事了?The famous, but rather aged, doctor was making his rounds, followed by a young intern Suddenly the intern noticed something peculia。

1简单英语课前小故事的英语小故事 a man was going to the house of some rich person as he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road he said, quoti do not want to eat those apples for。