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1、Some years ago小红帽英语故事简短, there were three pigs in the montain They were the best friends in world However 小红帽英语故事简短,one day they argued with each other and said they werenbe the best friends in the world any more。

2、Little red cap once upon a time there was a lovely little girl小红帽英语故事简短, who met with love, but the most like her is her grandmother, just give her what she needs Once, grandma gave the Once, grandma gave;Wolf 背对小红帽,偷偷说“Haha! I’ll eat them all! A Grandpa and a girl must be a big meal !”Part Three Grandma 喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠;Have a girl call little redhood!Her grandmother is the most painful sheOnce,her mother made the grandmother whom she brought chicken cake and wine to get sick eat!The little redhood walks to arrive half。

3、It is about a girl called Little Red Riding Hood, after the red hooded cape or cloak she wears The girl walks through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother A wolf wants to eat the girl;剧本12 第一幕 场景在小红帽的家里,妈妈在看美容杂志旁白这是新一代女性,出得了厅堂,下得了厨房,杀得了木马,翻得了围墙,开得起豪车,买得起洋房,斗得过小三,打得过流氓小红帽跑上台妈妈;具体型 5 0 0 0 字 上Little red cap once upon a time there was a lovely little girl, who met with love, but the most like her is her grandmother, just give her what she needs Once。

4、小红帽去给奶奶送东西他看见了树林中的花,就跑到树林中采花,但被大灰狼看见了,于是大灰狼就跑去奶奶家,把奶奶活吞了下去,装作奶奶把小红帽也活吞了,最后被猎人发现,打死了大灰狼,救出了小红帽和她奶奶小红帽英语故事简短我们不应该像小;大野狼装出和善亲切的笑容说可爱的小姑娘,你要去哪儿小红帽英语故事简短?小红帽不知道大野狼,是喜欢吃人的大坏蛋,因此笑咪咪的回答说大家都叫我小红帽,我要到森林里的外婆家外婆生病了,我得带好吃的东西去给她 大野狼蹑著脚,悄悄的。

5、一次,奶奶送给小姑娘一顶用丝绒做的小红帽,戴在她的头上正好合适从此,姑娘再也不愿意戴任何别的帽子,于是大家便叫她“小红帽” 一天,妈妈对小红帽说“来,小红帽,这里有一块蛋糕和一瓶葡萄酒,快给奶奶送去,奶奶生病了,身子。