mebeforeyou经典台词(me before you经典语录)

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mebeforeyou经典台词(me before you经典语录)

1、Why didn#39t you ring for him?Lorelei LeeI didn#39t think of it Isn#39t that silly?Henry Spofford IIIIf you were a burglarmebeforeyou经典台词, and I helped you escapeLorelei LeePlease help me before somebody comes;6In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you 我爱mebeforeyou经典台词你,直到世界终结出处飘 7思嘉 我爱的是某个我自己虚拟的东西,那个东西就像媚兰一样死了 就像我缝制了一套精。

2、经典英文爱情电影台词 篇1 1阿甘正传Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I#39ll never forget this !I wish I could have been there with you Your;8There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret Not because I’m in here, or because you think I should I look back on the way I was then Then a young, stupid kid who committed that。

3、Dr Whatever happens tomorrow ,you must promise me one thing That you must stay who you are Not a perfect soldier But a good man 无论明天发生什么,答应我一件事永远别忘了你是谁,不要当一个好兵;I told you before,we had a fallingout a long time ago我跟你说过我们父子不合很久了My mother died when I was twoIt was just him and me家母在我两岁时去世We just didn#39t get along我们就是合不来 You#39re。

4、8You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on 放下包袱,继续前进 9Shit happens! 不好的事情发生了 10Stupid is as stupid does 傻人做傻事阿甘看似傻人,然而往往是那些自以为是自恃甚高的;36You have got to put the past behinde you before you can move on 放下包袱,才能继续前进 37It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayouThere was a million sparkles on the river 就像;Remember#8194me#8194before#8194the#8194memory#8194of#8194love#8194disappears在爱的记忆消失以前,请记住我The#8194family#8194is#8194more#8194important#8194than#8194the#819;21 I’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s much more troublesome than I would have believed But that’s probably just because it’s you Ordinary people seem to make it through the。

5、Edward Bella, you are my life now爱德华贝拉,现在你就是我的生命了Bella I dream about being with you foreverEdward Forever?Edward Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me;So tell me do you really want another child? 爱普莉说吧,告诉我告诉我实话,弗兰克记不记得?我们以前总是坦诚相待的你知道说实话有什么好处么?人人都知道其中好处,尽管大家都离那么遥远没有人会忘记事实,弗兰克,他们。

6、6 You just stay away from me please求你离开我7 If you are ever in trouble, don#39t try to be brave, just run, just run away你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开8 It made me look like a duck;out 只是你再一次挡住我逃跑And now you have no weapon而且你现在没有武器了6 Come on doggy It’s just you and me now过来乖狗狗现在只有我们两个了Come on, you filthy, slimy mangy cur过来;are you attracted to me? “真爱只有一次,你知道我们是天生一对唯一的问题就是你喜欢我吗?” Rachel I don#39t know I mean, I#39ve never looked at you that way before “我不知道,我一直拿你当朋友,从没放在。