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1、1肖申克经典英文台词励志的救赎Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝2 教父Great men are not born great, they grow。

2、推荐以下几个经典的英文励志句子1If winter comes , can spring be far behind 经典英文台词励志?冬天来了,春天还会远吗2If you want knowledge, you must toil for it若要求知识,须从勤苦得3Pain past is。

3、经典英文电影台词励志一 1ldquoThere is no certainty, only opportunityrdquoV for Vendetta 2005 V Hugo We***ing没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样mdashmdashV字仇杀队,V雨果威明2。

4、2024经典英文励志语录经典 1While there is life there is hope一息若存,希望不灭2I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退3Cease to struggle and you cease to。

5、英文励志 经典句子 1用勤奋实现梦想,用智慧成就人生with diligence dream, with achievement life wisdom2经常是最后一把钥匙打开了门is often the last key to open the door3时间是宝贵的,抓。

6、励志的英文电影经典台词语录 1 I#39m only brave when I have to be Being brave doesn#39t mean you go looking for trouble我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表经典英文台词励志你要到处闯祸2When the world turns its。

7、励志经典英文句子 1你不怕困难,困难就怕你You are not afraid of difficulties, difficulties do you2擒龙要下海,打虎要上山To catch the dragon tiger mountain to the sea3对的,坚持错的,放弃Right。

8、励志的经典英语名言1Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀窍2Enrich your life today, yesterday is ow is mystery充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。

9、以下是我为大家整理的英语经典语录励志短句,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢 英语经典语录励志短句1 1Great minds have purpose, others have wishes 杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望 2Being single is better than being in an。

10、励志的英语名言传递着满满的积极向上的鼓舞人心的正能量,以下是我为你分享的励志的英语名言带翻译内容,希望对你有帮助!励志的英语名言带翻译推荐 你必须成功,因为你不能失败You must succeed, because you can#39t fail。


12、励志的语录总是能给我们带来正能量的,接下来由我为大家整理了励志英语经典语录,希望对大家能有所帮助! 1 我不怕磨难多,因为那是上天在嫉妒我们的爱太美 I am not afraid of hardships, for it is the beauty that God is。

13、篇一美剧中那些励志的英文经典台词 Don#39t let your pride leave you all alone 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人吸血鬼日记 I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was。

14、英文电影台词经典语录1 一Shaething inside ,that they can#39t get to , that they can#39t touch That#39s yours 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的 3Hope is a good thing and maybe the best。

15、电影经典英语励志台词如下1Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called present!昨天已成为历史,明天是未知的,而今天是上天赐予我们的礼物,这就是为什么我们把。