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Buzz I wouldn#39t let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my assMarv There! What are we gonna do with him, Harry小鬼当家英文台词?Harry We#39ll do exactly what he did to us we#39re gonna burn his;小鬼当家2经典台词英汉互译1I don#39t understand why people keep watching movies over and over again, I#39ve seen it, I cried, once is enough我不明白人们为什么总是把电影看一遍又一遍,我看过了,我哭。

3Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things And no good thing ever dies 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的 二Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 1Life was like a box of chocolates;海底总动员 皮克斯 迪士尼 梦工厂 英语电影,适合12岁可以看的亲子 小鬼当家,适合初中生看到英语电影,英语歌 英语电影我看过不少 什么歌舞青春啦 放牛班的春天 超人集中营 人工智慧等等 不过话说迪斯尼和华纳的都。

马福闻是的Harry Know what that is?哈利是什么Marv Fish?马福鱼Harry It#39s freedom哈利是自由Marv No, it#39s fish马福不,是鱼Harry It#39s freedom, and it#39s money哈利是;下面这8部儿童英文电影都堪称经典,快来看看小鬼当家英文台词你家宝贝是不是都看过马上为宝贝收藏吧 小鬼当家Home Alone 共五部 剧情简介一年一度的圣诞节又到了全家忙着外出欢度圣诞假期,不料忙中出错,将家里最。


1、In the film, Kevin is the youngest member of a family, when his family flew to Paris to celebrate Christmas, but he accidentally left alone in the house, but are more complex, the Kevin familyhas。

2、I may be confused, but I believe you, so I give you time to go, I will count to three,give you this bitch out, one!Two!Three!Ha ha ha merry Christmas, beastAnd happy New Year也许我一时糊涂。

3、1小鬼当家2 我喜欢的经典对白 奇云你有带朋友上来吗 妇女 我的朋友不多 奇云哦,抱歉 妇女我喜欢鸟儿人们在街上与我擦肩而过,他们经过我但没看到我,他们不当我是都市的一份子 奇云。


5、小鬼当家1里的十句台词英文版1马弗喂,我们该如何收拾他,哈利 Muffle Hey, how do we deal with him, Harry 2哈利我们按他说的做我们要用喷灯去烧伤他的头Harry we#39ll do what he says w。

6、站在那里 我知道是你,你一出电梯我就闻到 你昨晚也在这儿吧你昨晚在这和我兄弟鬼混 你不用解释了,你和每个人都有一手,史那非,艾里,里奥,还有基夫,我可以一直数下去 好吧,我相信你,但我的机关枪不信,你跪下。


1、第二季台词 Great You can get black charcoal好极了,你一定可以晒成黑炭He can#x27t bask in the sun, so he is jealous不能晒太阳,所以嫉妒He has freckles all over his face他已经。

2、小鬼当家4 Buzz I wouldn#39t let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my assMarv There! What are we gonna do with him, Harry?Harry We#39ll do exactly what he did to us we#39re gonna。


4、2,Home Alone小鬼当家Kevin Buzz! I#39m going through all your private stuff! You better come out and pound me!Kevin Guys, I#39m eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me!Har。

5、小鬼当家2经典台词英汉互译如下1I don#39t understand why people keep watching movies over and over again, I#39ve seen it, I cried, once is enough我不明白人们为什么总是把电影看一遍又一遍,我看过了。