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10 Enough talk十句英语经典台词, let#39s fight十句英语经典台词! 少废话十句英语经典台词,决斗吧11 There#39e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness十句英语经典台词! 牛人不收费十句英语经典台词,迷死人不偿命!12 The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup isnothing To。

英语电影对话里的,十句经典台词?简单易懂! 英语电影对话里的,十句经典台词要好记得,好懂得,搞笑的,要英语电影里面的!别发网站! 英语电影对话里的,十句经典台词 要好记得,好懂得,搞笑的,要英语电影里面的!别发网站! 展开。

10句感人至深的英文电影经典台词 1 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why itrsquos called present!昨天已成为历史,明天是未知的,而今天是上天赐予我们的礼物,这就是。

1 经典的英文句子 1 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉 2 No man or woman is wor。

求五部英文电影,每部抄录十句经典台词 比如泰坦尼克号,功夫熊猫之类的 比如泰坦尼克号,功夫熊猫之类的 展开 #xE768 我来答 2个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗? 1萤火之森 20240805 · TA。

30句,怕百度不让发那么多字我个人最喜欢的电影是肖申克的救赎看了几十次了,每一次都好像能让我重生这部电影的经典台词很多,网上流传最广的帮你摘录了一部分 Red Let me tell you something my friend Hope is a。

1A rat is a rat 2I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do A weakling makes trouble Now run along 3When I#39m out here,there#39s no place to go but in When I#39m indoors。

1I guess when you#39re young, you just believe there#39ll be many people with whom you#39ll connect with Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times翻译年轻的时候你以为会和许多人心灵相通。

11I love you more than I#39ve ever loved any woman And I#39ve waited longer for you than I#39ve waited for any woman 此句只可意会不可言传 12If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God。

10一切事无法追求完美,唯有追求死力而为这样心无压力,出来的结不美观反而会更好方海权 things can be the pursuit of perfection, do everything in Such a heart without pressure, it would be。

心灵奇旅经典励志台词英文如下1This isnt the great beyond, its the great before2Forgetting the trauma of childbirth is one of the great gifts of the universe3Dont worry, you cant crush a soul。