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1、me 弱点电影的经典十句英文台词,could make me not me ,it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!10,Enough talk~ let#39s fight少废话,决斗吧 11There#39e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness 。

2、成哥 备几句弱点电影的经典十句英文台词你 全部我偶像电影好过果d人复制,我自己打嘎 Everything that has a beginning has an end 万物有始必有终 黑客帝国There#39s only two men I trust One is me The other is not you。

3、导语与大家分享一些英文电影中的经典台词,喜欢的不妨摘抄下来 A man can be destroyed but not defeated 一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败老人与海 Love means never having to say you #39 re sorry。

4、英语电影对话里的,十句经典台词?简单易懂! 英语电影对话里的,十句经典台词要好记得,好懂得,搞笑的,要英语电影里面的!别发网站! 英语电影对话里的,十句经典台词 要好记得,好懂得,搞笑的,要英语电影里面的!别发网站! 展开。

5、经典英文电影中的台词同样经典,下面我们一起重温英语电影的 经典台词 语录,更有50句英语电影台词排名 英语电影台词经典语录热门篇 1Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth 现在,我想我是。

6、20个经典英文电影台词一1 If you leave me, please don#39t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain Dear John2 Don#39t forget the things you once owned Treasure the things you can#39。

7、每一部经典的电影里面都有一个动人的 故事 ,其中里面一些经典的台词名句总能让人印象深刻下面我为大家推荐一些电影里面的经典英语名句,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 ! 10部优秀电影英语名句 1This path has been placed before you The。

8、Courage is a hard thing to figure You can have courage based on a dumb idea or a mistake, but you’re not supposed to question adults, or your coach, or your teacher because they make the rules。

9、弱点电影细节,不同年龄段的人对于事情的看法和对自己喜欢的人肯定是会有所不同的,他们就算在工作中积累了一定的社会经验,也会有弱点以下就分享一些弱点电影细节 弱点电影细节1 美国电影弱点讲述了一个内心封闭的孤儿被好心家庭。