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【第1句】: 关于 初中毕业感言的 英语作文

I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. You were alway so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. I felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking English. You made the excercise so interesting that I was always very eager to participate and practice. My English has improved so much. How could I thank you enough?! I cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my English.

Sincerely yours,

【第2句】: 初中毕业感言(英语)

I will be graduating from middle school in the coming days. I have a lot of feelings that I want to express. First, I want to thank all the teachers. You have been working hard to teach us. I would also like to thank my classmates. You have been offering great help to me.

I am so happy today. This will be an end to my middle school life, and soon we will begin the new life in high school. Dear teachers, dear classmates, I will always remember you.

Thank you all.

【第3句】: 初中英语作文带翻译:毕业感言

Rush years, the flowers bloom. Junior high school three years will be learning to live the moment has passed. Leaving his alma mater, leave, students about to leave, the hearts full of nostalgia.Forget, beautiful alma mater. In your arms, we become ignorant of everything from ignorance, from naive to mature, from the timid become brave. Here, we received a strict education; here, we form of discipline, good style; here, we obtain knowledge, understand the truth, people here grow sturdily.Forget, dear teacher. You just like that "wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently" spring rain, nourishing us these small seedlings. You let me understand : the sun is to illuminate the life, the gardener is how to take care of the flowers, spring breeze is how green the world。

。 In my eyes, the teacher, you already tender majesty, both ordinary and great. That is my heart rain, you are the sunshine of my heart 。

。 Will always be grateful to you.Forget, my dear classmates. We walked side by side for three years, in these three years, we spent a wonderful time, gave me the seeds of a friendship, sowing into my heart. In be together morning and night, we grow together, in the blink of an eye, but separated from the heart, calm? So, please remember to spend every minute, let friendship!Will treasure the rest of every minute and every second, do not let the six year be sorry. The alma mater, memories ; to leave a good impression ; give students leave a good memory. 翻译:岁月匆匆,花开花落。



在这里,我们受到了严格的教育;在这里,我们养成了遵守纪律、团结友爱的好作风;在这里,我们获得了知识,懂得了道理,们在这里茁壮成长。 忘不了,敬爱的老师。


就是我心中的春雨,您就是我心中的阳光……将永远感谢您。 忘不了,亲爱的同学。

我们并肩走过了三年,在这三年中,我们一起度过了一段美好的岁月,送给了我一颗友谊的种子,播进我的心田。在朝夕相处中,我们一道成长,转眼间,却要分开,心中怎能平静呢?那么,就请记住们在一起的每一分钟,让友谊地久天长! 将珍惜剩下的每一分,每一秒,不让这六年成为遗憾。


【第4句】: 一篇关于初中毕业感想的英语作文

How time fies.!

My school life is over.

Here're what I want to say to classmates,teachers.

I love my teachers so much,beacause they teach me a lot .

When I was in trouble ,they gave me a hand .

When I failed the exam,they gave me a smile.

And they tell me not to give up.

In a word,thank them so much at the bottle of my heart.

I will miss them though I am not their student any longer.

I enjoy myself with my classmates .I got on well with them.

And I never forget them because they are very good.

Most importantly,many happy moments about us are kept in my memory.

I'll try my best to suady that I can Return my school.

I had a good time in school and I learn a lot of Knowlegle from my beautiful school


【第5句】: 初三毕业感言英语作文不少于80词

Tanzhi in Little Rock via small Shitan landscape features, in the moving and changing lead us to enjoy a variety of different scenery, is like a landscape picture, with strong dynamic picture sense. The first two sentences focused on the author's discovery of the small stone pool after a row. In the beginning, he led us to the west hill for the one hundred and twenty step. Came to a bamboo forest, across the bamboo, can hear the sound of the water flow. No, first。

【第6句】: 初三毕业感言(英语作文 不少于80词)

How times flies! We have spent three years in the school. I am very sad that I have to say good bye to you. <br /> In the past three years. Our teacher worked hard and took care of us. All the students studied very hard and we all very friendly to each other . we will go to diferent senior shools next term .I hope everyone will have a bright future! I'll miss old classmates and teachers.<br>


【第7句】: 毕业感言小学唯美句子英语

【第1句】: Time is flying away, and years are passing by. Only our friendship is always in my heart. Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend!


【第2句】: Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.


【第3句】: Life is a profound book. Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding. May you find and create something new in it.


【第4句】: Don't be disappointed on the journey of life. There are friends in the world. Seize your chance and value your opportunities. May our friendship be everlasting?


【第5句】: Time does not water down the wine of friendship; distance does not separate our hands of longing. Wishing you happiness forever!

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【第8句】: 英语作文 毕业感言

After 13 years(你多大了?) which we all thought were the longest years of our lives, now the last day for us is finally here,English class of Cambridge is graduating and now everyone can't believe how (这里写你上了多长时间,比如说4 years) went by so fast? Four years ago, which still feels like just yesterday, was the day which marked the beginning of a journey for the class of 2007 that is now at an end, however, has gone by and will have a lasting impression on all of us.

These students that graduate today have become more than just classmates but a family.? We are not a year anymore; we are people entering the world.? We have always been there for one another, through good and bad, helping each other learn and grow. We left our families to go to school and make friends of our own and as we grew and progressed through the years today we are separating from the people who have now become our families.

The moments we have had at school are the moments we will cherish forever.? Here is where we made some lifelong friends who brought unforgettable moments.

We would also like to thank our teacher (Mr 姓)? He gives the way of study,the belief of our life. He is not only an teacher,but also an elder.Don't you remember those times our teacher blames us for our minds going away at class. Our techer is worried of us for our not taking serious of our lectures.Sometimes it hurts our teacher but we didn't take it seriously. Now I sincerely apologize to you,Mr(老师姓),for our rude behaviour.

Over the years people have come and gone. Those that left us will stay in our hearts for as long as the memories will stay with us, we stand here today remembering moments like the time we were playing together in the school yard.

Cambridge English School's Class of 2007 we are the ones who have lasted and made it.? Congratulations, you are now Cambridge English School graduates.