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【第1句】: qq英语搞笑个性签名


live or die , make your choice (生或者死,做出你的选择 差不多就这意思了)

然后呢。. 记得lonely里面的歌词挺好的

Runnin' out of time I see who's fake (日久见人心。.)

If I ever should fall , I could count on you with no fear(如果我跌倒,我不会害怕 因为有你能让我依靠。)

After a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes I'm a man lookin' for the light (带着伤痕和泪水去寻找光明。.)

Your ass is late so look for the line (你来晚了就要排队..)

这些差不多吧。如果喜欢可以去找找 其实很多问题百度上都可以找到答案的。.

【第2句】: 有趣的英语句子

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。

I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。 I think that/that "that"/taht(which) that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. I know. You know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know. 我知道。


我知道你知道我知道。 We must hang together, or well be hanged separately. 我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死。

The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。 (这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母。)

Was it a bar or a bat I saw? 我看到的是铁棒还是棒球棍?Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。

Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。 Love the neighbor. But don't get caught. 要用心去爱你的邻居,不过不要让她的老公知道。

Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。

Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。 The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。

Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。 Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。

Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。 (老外也保守,要摸黑办事,哈哈) Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。

"Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep. “现在的梦想决定着你的将来”,所以还是再睡一会吧。There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。

"Hard work never killed anybody." But why take the risk? " “努力工作不会导致死亡!”不过我不会用自己去证明。"Work fascinates me." I can look at it for hours! " “工作好有意思耶!”尤其是看着别人工作。

【第3句】: 英语句子5句,要有趣的,要简单的

【第1句】: Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!

【第2句】: You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!

【第3句】: What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

【第4句】: You shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做!

【第5句】: You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

【第6句】: Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

【第7句】: Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

【第8句】: What's your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

【第9句】: I hate you! 我讨厌你!

【第10句】: I don't want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你!

【第11句】: You're crazy! 你疯了!

【第12句】: Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)

【第13句】: Don't bother me. 别烦我。

【第14句】: Knock it off. 少来这一套。

【第15句】: Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!

【第16句】: Leave me alone. 走开。

【第17句】: Get lost.滚开!

【第18句】: Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

【第19句】: You piss me off. 你气死我了。

【第20句】: It's none of your business. 关屁事!

【第21句】: What's the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?

【第22句】: How dare you! 你敢!

【第23句】: Cut it out. 省省吧。

【第24句】: You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

【第25句】: You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

【第26句】: I'm fed up. 我厌倦了。

【第27句】: I can't take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)

【第28句】: I've had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。

【第29句】: Shut up! 闭嘴!

【第30句】: What do you want? 你想怎么样?

【第31句】: Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?

【第32句】: What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?

【第33句】: How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说?

【第34句】: Who says? 谁说的?

【第35句】: That's what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!

【第36句】: Don't look at me like that. 别那样看着我。

【第37句】: What did you say? 你说什么?

【第38句】: You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

【第39句】: You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。

【第40句】: Drop dead. 去死吧!

【第4句】: 简短唯美的英语句子

."There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail."


It only needs early cultivation to become a power.


If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.


Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.


While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。)

The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。)[想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动。]

【第5句】: 有趣的简短的英语句子

When I was 12, I was just graduate from primary school。

The summer holiday was very long, and without homework。I felt dull and boring。

Absolutely, I knew the problem, no one can call back yesterday, and I mustn't waste time。 So I decided read books in summer holiday。

The first I read was Oliver Trwist and Jane Eyue。 I've never seen such interesting books in my life。

although I did't like reading before I enjoy it。 Now, I can't live without books。

Because a good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever。

【第6句】: 用英语说说:幽默在我们生活中的作用

Humor's role in our lives

People like to be considered humorous, but few of us actually have the sense of humor we hope we have. Some people, on the other hand, may wonder why we should bother to be humorous. These people, I am afraid, do not know the power of humor. A sense of humor can help you become a successful speaker. We can notice that there is no great speaker in the world who is not humorous. One of two humorous remarks can make the audience laugh, making your lecture an enjoyable one. A sense of humor can help you win a lot of friends. If you are humorous you will always attract alot of peoplearound you. A sense of humor canhelp to ease the tension between people. When people are about to quarrel, a humorous remark leading to laughter can help settle the problem. There are many ways to learn how to be humorous. Being together with someone who is humorous is one way. Reading some books which contain humor or humorous stories is another. But the most important way is that we should try to be optimistic about our life at present and, moreover, our life in the future.

【第7句】: 有没有搞笑的英语句子

























A dress is like a barbed fence. It protects the premises without restricting the view.


The more you learn, the more you know , The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.

学的越多,知道的越多, 知道的越多,忘记的越多, 忘记的越多,知道的越少, 为什么学来着?!

The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise.


Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.


Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.

不要等明天交不上差再找借口, 今天就要找好.

Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.

爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养. (老外也保守,要摸黑办事,哈哈)