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【第1句】: 白雪公主(英语原著)精彩摘抄

So she kept house for them. Every morning they went into the mountains looking for ore and gold, and in the evening when they came back home their meal had to be ready. During the day the girl was alone. the good dwarfs warned her, saying, "Be careful about your stepmother. She will soon know that you are here. Do not let anyone in." Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow-White's lungs and liver, could only think that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all. She stepped before her mirror and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her, and that Snow-White was still alive. Then she thought, and thought again, how she could kill Snow-White, for as long as long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her envy would give her no rest. At last she thought of something. Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler woman, so that no one would recognize her. In this disguise she went to the house of the seven dwarfs. Knocking on the door she called out, "Beautiful wares for sale, for sale!" Snow-White peered out the window and said, "Good day, dear woman, what do you have for sale?" "Good wares, beautiful wares," she answered. "Bodice laces in all colors." And she took out one that was braided from colorful silk. "Would you like this one?" "I can let that honest woman in," thought Snow-White, then unbolted the door and bought the pretty bodice lace. "Child," said the old woman, "how you look! Come, let me lace you up properly." the unsuspecting Snow-White stood before her and let her do up the new lace, but the old woman pulled so quickly and so hard that Snow-White could not breathe. "You used to be the most beautiful one," said the old woman, and hurried away. Not long afterward, in the evening time, the seven dwarfs came home. How terrified they were when they saw their dear Snow-White lying on the ground, not moving at all, as though she were dead. They lifted her up, and, seeing that she was too tightly laced, they cut the lace in two. Then she began to breathe a little, and little by little she came back to life. When the dwarfs heard what had happened they said, "The old peddler woman was no one else but the godless queen. Take care and let no one in when we are not with you." When the wicked woman returned home she went to her mirror and asked: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? the mirror answered once again: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. When she heard that, all her blood ran to her heart because she knew that Snow-White had come back to life. "This time," she said, "I shall think of something that will destroy you." then with the art of witchcraft, which she understood, she made a poisoned comb. Then she disguised herself, taking the form of a different old woman. Thus she went across the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, knocked on the door, and called out, "Good wares for sale, for sale!" Snow-White looked out and said, "Go on your way. I am not allowed to let anyone in." "You surely may take a look," said the old woman, pulling out the poisoned comb and holding it up. The child liked it so much that she let herself be deceived, and she opened the door. After they had aGREed on the purchase, the old woman said, "Now let me comb your hair properly." She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-White's hair when the poison took effect, and the girl fell down unconscious. "You specimen of beauty," said the wicked woman, "now you are finished." And she walked away. Fortunately it was almost evening, and the seven dwarfs came home. When they saw Snow-White lying on the ground as if she were dead, they immediately suspected her stepmother. They examined her and found the poisoned comb. They had scarcely pulled it out when Snow-White came to herself again and told them what had happened. Once again they warned her to be on guard and not to open the door for anyone. Back at home the queen stepped before her mirror and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? the mirror answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains With 。

【第2句】: 关于《白雪公主》的英语作文(五句话)

SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn't love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king's palace: ----白雪出场 S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ? 音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 Q: I am a queen , I'm very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who's the most beautiful ? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you ! Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white . 猎 人 出 场 H: Yes, my queen 音乐起,猎人追赶白雪,公主惊慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please ! 白雪顺利脱逃后 S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down. 音乐起,7个小矮人出场, D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food---- 2\Somebody drank my water---- 3\Someone is sleeping now---- 4\What a beautiful girl!---- 小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话 5\How do you do? S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you! D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too---- 6\ welcome to our house!---- 7\Would you like to live here? S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much! D: Let's go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white. 皇后、魔镜出场 Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who's the most beautiful? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you! Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma! Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 白雪公主咬一口后倒地 Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha… 小矮人出场、围着公主哭 Snow white wake up, wake up… 音乐起,小矮人引着王子出场 P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子唤醒公主,公主醒了 P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen ! S.w: Thank you for your help ! P: My pleasure ! 音乐起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。

【第3句】: 用英文写几句关于白雪公主故事的句子

After the queen died , the King married another woman, who was in effective terms a witch. She was so jiealous of the beauty of Princess Snow White that she asked someone to take her life. But the man was unwilling to do that evil. At last ,he took Snow White to a forest and let her escape. However, one day ,the witch found that Snow White was still alive.She dressed up as a old grandma and come to the cottage where Snow White lived.She gave her a poisonous apple.Poor Snow White knew nothing about it and ate the apple happily. Unfortunately ,she fell down because of the apple.The seven dwarfs was sad but put her in a coffin. It was when holding the funeral that the handsome Prince turned up.He was impressed by the beauty.He came down and kissed Snow White.Then, suepringly,Snow White woke up. Finally ,they got married and stayed happily with each other。

【第4句】: 讲述《白雪公主》故事的英语作文

是自己写吗?Once upon a time, there was a beautiful queen who had never got pregnancy, and she had tried many times.However, once she made a wish, and then suriprisingly, she got pregnant.To their astonishment, their daughter was born with such beautiful skin that just like the snow, so they called her snow white .Unfortunately, the queen died quickly after she gave birth to the snow white.The king felt so lonely and sad that he could not concentrate on his country.Since he met a charming young lady did he crash on her rapidly.Then, the beautiful young lady became his wife, the new queen.Though the new queen looked pretty, she did not have a pretty heart.She always used snow white as a slave, and ordered her to do many chores.Also, the new queen had a secret which was a magic mirror that could answer the whole questions in the world.She often asked the mirror who was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the mirror always replied to her that was herself.Twelve years later, snow white grew into a beautiful young princess, and the mirror told the new queen that she could replace her occupation easily with her beauty in the world.Thus, the new queen felt so annoy that she ordered the hunter to kill snow white,and also brought back her lung.By the way, snow white was so kind hearted that the hunter did not want her die.So he asked snow white to run away, and ran far away from the palace, and then he killed a boar to replace snowwhite's lung. Finally, snow white got tired, and she found a tiny house.Therefore, she went into the house and ate some meal from the table, and got slept quickly.Several hours later, the seven little dwarfs came back home and found things strangely, but eventually they found snow white and became friends with her quicky.However, good times didn't last long, the queen found her alive soon.Thus, the queen camplauge as an old lady, and when the qween got closed to the tiny house.She knocked the door, and she got snow white's trust easily.Then, snow white ate the poison apple, the time she bit the apple the time she collapsed in front of the house.Soon, the seven little dwarfs found her, and they all felt deeply sad, so they built a beautiful crystal coffin for her.At the end, a charming prince passed there by accident,he crashed on her at once.So he got the admittion of seven dwarfs, and he kissed her.Finally, they got mirried and lived happily ever after.And for the queen, she got a punished that the hunter gave her a pair of toast shoes, and ordered her to put on it.In the end, the queen died with a pair of toast shoes.你看看能不能用,我自己写的,可能得有些语法错误,多见谅吧。

【第5句】: 用英文写几句关于白雪公主故事的句子

After the queen died , the King married another woman, who was in effective terms a witch. She was so jiealous of the beauty of Princess Snow White that she asked someone to take her life. But the man was unwilling to do that evil. At last ,he took Snow White to a forest and let her escape. However, one day ,the witch found that Snow White was still alive.She dressed up as a old grandma and come to the cottage where Snow White lived.She gave her a poisonous apple.Poor Snow White knew nothing about it and ate the apple happily. Unfortunately ,she fell down because of the apple.The seven dwarfs was sad but put her in a coffin. It was when holding the funeral that the handsome Prince turned up.He was impressed by the beauty.He came down and kissed Snow White.Then, suepringly,Snow White woke up. Finally ,they got married and stayed happily with each other.。

【第6句】: 白雪公主英文感想

"Snow White" tells the evil queen wants to kill the Snow White .But eventually, she got the retribution. We can see from the story, because of the queen's jealousy, ruthless caused her consequences, which can be worthy to see. In real life, it's also the interaction between people, When you find a job because of your good grades, was what mattered to boss, step by step, but some are reminding him: "one day she will rob you of the position." Beware of you is more and more serious, when the same position for you and play all means, behind, with all available means to defeat you, but finally he is often fail.

This turn out that god is fair, you set your mind to do forever belongs to you, Exhausted means do leave you forever, life is just like this! "Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer.

" You put your mind to treat each person or every thing, to get what you should get,.To treat each person or every thing by tricks , get what you should deserve. Say good to the past, summon the future


【第7句】: 白雪公主优美的句子





【第8句】: 白雪公主英语作文50词

Snow white


从前有一个公主名叫白雪。Long time ago,there is a beautiful girl names:snow.她很漂亮,也很善良,所以,大家都很喜欢她。She is beautiful,so,everyone like her so much.邪恶的皇后有一面魔镜,她每天都要照镜子。The evil queen has a magic mirrol,she will look at herself in the mirror everyday.每天早上,她会问魔镜:“谁是世界上最美丽的女人?”Every morning,she will ask magic mirror:“Who is the best of beautiful woman in the world?"魔镜都会回答道:“你就是世界上最美丽的女人,我的皇后!”The magic mirror will say:You just the best of beautiful woman in this world,my queen!"And then,because of snow white's exsit,make queen uncomfortable and not very happy,so therefore,she want to find snow white and kill her die,and then the snow white escaped the 7's lower persons house,they were very happy being together.随后,因为白雪公主的存在,让皇后感到不高兴,因此,要追杀白雪公主,公主之后逃到了七个小矮人的住处,快乐的生活在一起。The queen knowed the prince doesn't be die,so she pitched the witch make snow white eat the poison apple,the snow white never wake up again,witch also to be die.皇后得知公主未死,就派了巫婆引诱白雪公主服用了毒苹果,白雪公主从此再未醒来,巫婆也因此死了。One day,the prince passed the little lower persons house,he kissed the princess,the princess wake up at the finally,so,they just very happiness live together.有一天,王子经过了小矮人的屋子,他吻了公主,公主因此而苏醒过来了,就这样,他们从此幸福的生活在了一起。

【第9句】: 求白雪公主的故事and优美的翻译

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Queen told her huntsman to kill Snow white. The huntsman took the girl to a forest. But the kind man did not kill her. Instead, he killed a bear, took out its, heart and carried it to the Queen. Poor little Snow White walked alone in the forest. She walked on and on. At last, she saw a little house. She went in and cleaned it. Then she had some food and went to bed. It was dark. The masters of the little house came back. They were seven dwarfs. When they opened the door, they found the room clean and tidy. They shouted one after another. “Who has sat on my chair?” “Who has eaten from my plate?” “Who has taken a piece of my bread?” “Who has eaten some of my vegetables?” “Who has used my fork?” “Who has cut with my knife?” “Who has drunk out of my glass?” “Someone has visited our house.” Then lovely Snow White work up. “Who are you?” “I'm Snow White. My stepmother wants to kill me. I have no home. Can I stay with you?” “Sure, you are welcome.” From then on, they lived together happily. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the most beautiful of us all?” “Oh, you are a beautiful queen, But Snow White is more beautiful then you. Over the hills and far away, She is living with the seven dwarfs today.” The Queen was very angry. She came to the little house and gave a poisonous apple to Snow White. Snow White had a bite of it. At once, she looked dead. The seven dwarfs were all very sad. They put her in a glass coffin. All seven of them sat around it and cried for three days. A few days later, a prince happened to see Snow White in the glass coffin. He said to himself, “I've never seen such a beautiful girl before.” Then he asked the dwarfs, “Can I take her home?” “All right,” the dwarfs agreed. The prince asked his men to carry the coffin to his palace. But they stumbled on the road. The piece of the poisonous apple came out pf Snow White's mouth. She sat up! “Where am I?” asked Snow White. “you're with me, my dear,” answered the Price. “Would you like to be my wife?” “Yes, I'd like to,” answered Snow White with a sweet smile. They became husband and wife and lived a happy life from then on. ?md=3。

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