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【第1句】: 英语句子分析:Theyusethistermtomeanthatunderstan英语句子分析:

他们用这个词来代表:对童年的理解不是在所有地方都一样的,而且即使所有社会都承认孩子是和大人不同的时候,但怎么不同以及对孩子的期待是根据他们生活的社会而改变的.They use this term to mean 【that understandings of childhood ar e not the same everywhere and that (while all societies acoknowledge that children are different from adults,how they are different and what expectations are placed on them,change according to the society in which they live in.)】【that。

and that。】这里面的是mean的宾语从句,用来表示mean什么,and that表并列,都是mean什么(while。)


【第2句】: 20句英语句子成分分析【第1句】:Thefarmcoveredthousandsofacres.【第2句】:Don'

【第1句】:The farm covered thousands of acres.主语the farm ,谓语covered,宾语 thousands of acres【第2句】:Don't leave the water running all the time.否定结构的祈使句【第3句】:The place is worth to be visited.主语The place,谓语is,动词不定式to be visited作宾语【第4句】:Only then did I realiza I was wrong.only在句首的倒装句【第5句】:The rest of the apple is rotten.主语The rest of the apple,谓语is,宾语rotten【第6句】:I choose to go to work by bus.主语I,谓语choose,动词不定式to go to work by bus作宾语【第7句】:There are plenty of restaurants to choose from.主语There,谓语are,宾语 plenty of restaurants,动词不定式to choose from作补语【第8句】:I met her by chance.主语I,谓语met,宾语her,状语by chance【第9句】:I came across an old photo in the drawer.主语I,谓语came across,宾语an old photo,地点状语in the drawer【第10句】:The child tried to catch the teacher's eye.主语The child,谓语tried,动词不定式to catch the teacher's eye作宾语【第11句】:I intend to finish the text today.主语I,谓语intend,动词不定式to finish the text 作宾语 ,时间状语today【第12句】:She looks young considering her age.主语she,谓语looks,状语young,状语considering her age【第13句】:Carry on working while I am away.祈使句.【第14句】:To see is to belive.不定式 to see作主语,谓语is,不定式 to believe作宾语【第15句】:The worker and writer is from Wuhan.主语The worker and writer,谓语is,状语 from wuhan【第16句】:Something has gone wrong with my watch.主语Something,谓语has gone,状语wrong,with my watch状语【第17句】:They were struggling to get out of the burning car.主语they,谓语were struggling,不定式to get out of the burning car作宾语【第18句】:She did want to have what is called mobile phone.主语she,谓语did want,后面不定式是宾语,其中what is called mobile phone是宾语从句【第19句】:We think it is necessary to work hard.主语we,谓语think,后面是宾语从句【第20句】:Seeking friendship is human nature.动名词主语Seeking friendship,谓语is,宾语human nature。

【第3句】: 英语句子分析

【第1句】: 句子分析:

1)The British Association for the Adavancement of Science做句子主语;

2)谓语has reported后面加上一个以that引导的宾语从句;

3)该宾语从句以动名词短语using amobile rhone为主语,从句谓语是doubled,宾语是the risk of developing brain cancer;

4)而a disease which is usually terminal是brain cancer的同位语;

5)当然which is usually terminal是个定语从句,用来修饰a disease.


【第2句】: 句子分析:

1)that was carried out in Sweden是定语从句修饰research;

2)而comparing 1617 patients found to have brain tumours between 1997 and 2003 with the same number of healthy people可以看做该定语从句的状语;

3)其主干是comparing 1617 patients with the same number of healthy people“把1617个病人和同样数量的健康人对比”;

4)而found to have brain tumours between 1997 and 2003则是过去分词短语做后置定语修饰patients.


【第3句】: 句子分析:


2)该从句是个倍数表达句型:A be + 倍数词 + 形容词比较级 + than B,即从句主干为people(who used mobile phones)were two and a half times more likely(to have a brain tumour on the side of the head where they held their phones)than people (who did not use them);


4)且该主语从句还利用了sb be likely to do sth的句型。


【第4句】: 【英语句子分析

主干是you can imagine the reactionwhen后面引导的从句是形容reaction的.从句中,主句是investigation,谓语是singled out,宾语是those(即those schools),as后面是补语,补充说明those schools的状况.in the smugly green village of Berkeley,Calif.是介词短语做定语修饰those.整句的意思翻译过来是:所以,当不久前《今日美国》的全国学校空气质量调查发现,那些坐落在加州伯克利绿色山谷中的沾沾自喜的学校空气质量竟然是全国最差时,你可以想象人们的反应.。

【第5句】: 英语句子分析“It'salsoenvironmentallyfriendly.”全句是:

在北京,公共汽车为人们的出行带来了很大的便利,并且它还很环保.Environmentally 是副词,Friendly 是形容词.environmentally修饰friendly,这个没错!friendly就是用来说 buses 的啊.单看后面这句话,去掉also,environmentally这样的修饰的成分,句子主干就变成了 It is friendly!这样的句式就好比 you are beautiful .I am cold 一样.( Environmentally friendly就是【环保的】的意思,这个属于一种搭配,根据句意,是不能拆开的,否则就不符合句子想表达的意思了,我之所以把句子拆开,提出主干,是为了方便你理解.)欢迎追加.。

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