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Welcome to Sunshine Town练习题及答案

Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

I. 单项选择

( )【第1句】: __________ this book belong to __________?

A. Does; Jim B. Does; Jim’s C. Is; Jim D. Is; Jim’s

( )【第2句】: Daniel is very happy because today is __________ Day.

A. Child’s B. Children’s C. Childs’ D. Childrens’

( )【第3句】: There __________ bread and apples in the fridge.

A. are much B. are lots of C. is many D. is lots of

( )【第4句】: I’ll come back in three __________ time.

A. day B. days C. day’s D. days’

( )【第5句】: They are __________.

A. woman teachers B. women teacher

C. women teachers D. womans teachers

II. 根据要求变换句子。

【第1句】: This book is his. (改为同义句)

This book __________ __________ __________ .

【第2句】: What other things do you need? (改为同义句)

__________ __________ do you need?

【第3句】: Is there a bottle of milk in the fridge? (改为复数形式)

________________________________________in the fridge?

【第4句】: We need two kilos of ham for the party. (对画线部分提问)


【第5句】: They have three kilos of beef for the dinner. (对画线部分提问)


【第6句】: There is only one loaf of bread for us. (对画线部分提问)


III. 根据句意,选用“how much ”或“how many”填空。

【第1句】: ____________________ beef do you need, Millie?

【第2句】: ____________________ people are there in your family?

【第3句】: He has some water. _______________ do you have?

【第4句】: Can you tell me _______________ students there are in your class?

【第5句】: ______________ is the pork?

【第6句】: _____________ meat is there in the fridge?

【第7句】: ________________ apples do you have 初中物理?

【第8句】: Can you count _________________ eggs there are in the basket?

【第9句】: ________________ ham would you like?

【第10句】: _______________ tomatoes does she have?


【第1句】:单项选择 【第1句】: A 【第2句】: B 【第3句】: D 【第4句】: D 【第5句】: C


【第1句】: belongs to him

【第2句】: What else

【第3句】: Are there any bottles of milk

【第4句】: How much ham do you need for the party?

【第5句】: How many kilos of beef do they have for the dinner?

【第6句】: How many loaves of bread are there for us?

【第3句】:用How much或How many填空

【第1句】: How much

【第2句】: How many

【第3句】: How much

【第4句】: how many

【第5句】: How much

【第6句】: How much

【第7句】: How many

【第8句】: how many

【第9句】: How much

【第10句】: How many


break vt., vi. broke, broken, breaking

打破;碰破;折断;打碎 The stone broke the window.石头打坏了窗子。

The cup broke on the floor.杯子摔碎在地板上了。

You'll break your neck if you aren't more careful! (喻)你如果不加倍小心,你会摔死的!

分裂;裂开 The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts.


毁坏;弄坏;损坏 He broke his wristwatch.他把他的手表弄坏了。

(突然用力)变成;成为 The prisoner broke loose.犯人脱逃了。

擦破 to break the skin擦破皮肤

违背;违犯;不遵守 to break the law犯法

He always breaks faith with his clients.他对顾客总是不守信用。

It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job.


If smeone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group.


闯 He broke into the shop他闯入商店。

驯服;制服 to break a horse驯服一匹马

超过;超越 to break a record in sports打破运动记录

泄露;发布;透露 to break the news 发布消息

中断 Let's break for a meal.让我们休息一下去吃饭吧。

结束;停止to break the silence打破沉寂

突然发生,突然出现 as day breaks拂晓时Day breaks.; Day dawns.天亮了。

衰退;减弱His health broke.他的衰退。

突变 His voice broke when he was 【第15句】:他15岁时嗓音突然变了。

破译(密码) She broke their code.她破译了他们的密码。


break the back of完成主要的或最艰难的部分

It took all the members of the section the whole day to break the back of the job.


break camp拔营

break cover跳出躲藏处

break the ice打破冷场

break new ground有新发现

The scheme says nothing new; it doesn't break new ground.这个方案没有新意,它没有提出新的见解。

break step步伐紊乱

break wind放屁

【词性变化】break n.破;破裂;破隙 a break in the clouds云朵间的一线青天

暂停;休息 a coffee break饮咖啡的小憩

Let's have a break.让我们休息一会儿。

After a short break the play continued.休息片刻后,戏继续开演。

We've been doing experiments 24 hours without a break.


突变 a break from the past 一反过去的做法

A break anywhere in the circuit may cause the lights in the neighbourhood to go out.


The cold weather broke at the beginning of April. 寒冷的天气到四月初开始变暖了。

破晓 at day-break破晓时


机会;运气 Give him a break. 给他一次机会。


break away逃走;逃脱

The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup.抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。

Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules. (喻)



A large piece of ice broke away from the main block. 一大块冰从整个大冰块上断裂开来。

break down 破坏;拆散

The Congressmen of the Republican tried to break down the opposition from their opponents to their proposal. (喻)共和党的议员们试图使他们的反对派不再反对他们的提案。

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


break down old conventions打破旧框框

The robbers broke the door down.强盗们把门砸开了。

The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。


Our truck broke down outside town.我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the camp.车子在去营地的半路上抛锚了。

The 8 o'clock train broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.'


失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。

精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept.他不禁失声痛哭。

起化学变化Food is broken down by chemicals.化学物质引起食物转化。


break even不赚不赔;收支平衡

break in 闯入;强行进入

The burglar broke in and stole my money.夜窃贼破门而入,偷了我的钱。

打断;插嘴 It's her usual habit to break in with some ideas of her own.


Don't break in when the adventurer is telling his own story.


Children shouldn't break in on adults' conversation.


The telephone ring broke in on/upon my thoughts.电话铃声打断了我的思路。


The engineering doctor from abroad only broke in with us last month.


break into 闯入The thieves broke into the office and stole some money.小偷闯入办公室,偷了一些钱。

The bandits broke into the jewelry and stole near all the valuable necklaces.



突然…起来 to break into song突然唱起歌来

The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed 初中物理.


The car windows broke into pieces when the two cars crashed into each other.


The new waitress dropped the dish on the floor, and it broke into fragments.


勉强动用 to break into one's savings勉强动用存款

break of 除去(某人的)习性 They broke him of his addiction.他们除去他吸毒的瘾。

Doctors keep trying to break him of smoking the drug.医生多次设法使他戒毒。

break out逃脱;逃出 to break out of prison越狱而逃

突然发生 Fire broke out in the kitchen.厨房突然发生了火灾。

It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighbourhood.


World War II broke out in 19【第39句】:第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。

His back broke out in spots.他背上出现了许多斑点。

She broke out in curses in her dream.她在梦中大声咒骂起来。

The fire broke out in the basement.地下室着了火。

Hostilities have broken out between the two countries. 两国之间爆发了战争。

break through突破 After the storm the sun broke through the clouds.风暴过后太阳冲破了云层。

At last, those physicians and specialists broke through in their fight against heart disease.


The guerrillas soon broke through.游击队很快就突围了。

break up分裂; 结束;解散

The crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。

The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.天气转暖,冰层就会破裂。

Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。

The police broke up the fighting crowd. 警察驱散了打架的人群。

He may break up under all this pressure.在这么大的压力下他可能会崩溃。

Break it up!别打啦!

The company top meeting didn't break up until midnight.公司高层会议到半夜才结束。

The police broke up the fight among the two black gangs. 警察驱散了两个黑帮间的殴斗。

(学校)开始放假When will you break up this winter?今年冬季你们什么时候放假?

使发笑;逗乐;使苦恼 That joke really broke me up. 那个笑话可把我逗乐了。

近义词: burst crack fracture interruption interval letup pause rest rupture violation

反义词: mend repair





任何一篇作文出题都是有它独特的道理的,所以提前审题和构思就显得必不可少了。很多孩子目前存在一个情况,想到哪写到哪,有记流水帐的习惯;这也造成了作文杂乱无章,毫无条理 初中政治,同时容易出现写错单词和用错句型的情况。针对这种情况可以从以下几个方面予以解决:











【第1句】:后接in doing sth

difficulty后接in doing sth时,意思是“做某事有困难”,其中的介词in含有while的意思,表示“当……的时候”“在……的过程中”,整个结构的意思是“当做某事的时候有困难”“在做某事的过程中有困难”。如:

We had difficulty in finding a parking place. 我们费了很大劲才找到一个停车位。

They shouldn’t have any difficulty in finding the house. 他们找这房子时大概不会有困难。

If you should have any difficulty in getting spare parts ring this number. 万一你买备件时遇到什么困难,请打这个电话号码。

One way of deciding what to do when you have difficulty in choosing the best course of action is to toss a coin. 当人们遇到困难不知选什么行动方案最好的时候,一个办法就是扔硬币来决定干什么好。


I had difficulty carrying out the plan. 我执行这项计划有困难。

She was having great difficulty getting her car out, and so I had to move my car to let her out. 当时她正无法把车子开出来,所以我就移开了我的车子让她开出来。

另外,若difficulty后没有出现动名词,而是接名词,则要用with sth。如:

Some people had difficulty with the lecture, but most understood. 有些人听讲有困难,但大部分人听懂了。

If you have the least difficulty with the arrangements for the conference, phone me at once. 如果你安排会议有什么困难,马上给我打电话 初三。

【第2句】:后接about doing sth

difficulty后接 about doing sth时,表示关于做某事的困难,其中的介词about意为“关于”。如:

There shouldn’t be any difficulty about getting you a visa. 给你弄个签证不会有什么困难吧。


There oughtn’t to have been any difficulty about it 此事本不应有什么困难。


There doesn’t seem to have been any difficulty over the money question. 在钱的问题上似乎没发生什么困难。

【第3句】:后接of doing sth

difficulty后接of doing sth时,表示做某事的困难,其中介词of表示所属关系,相当汉语的“的”字。如:

He tried to explain to me the difficulty of learning to cook from books. 他向我解释照着书本烹饪的困难。

One of the annoyances of working here is the difficulty of parking near the office. 在这里有一件伤脑筋的事,就是在办公处附近很难停车。

Both “feat” and “achievement” emphasize the difficulty of accomplishing something mental or physical. feat和achievement均着重指在脑力或体力方面完成某事物的艰巨性。


She has no notion of the difficulty of this problem. 她不了解这个问题的难处。

Do you understand the difficulty of my position? 你了解我处境的.困难吗?




it 指上文的某个事物,和上文是同一个。

This book is very useful. I will take good care of it.


My son has lost himself in the computer games. I’m worried 初中物理 about it.





一些成双成对的名词通常只有复数形式,常见的有jeans (年仔裤), headphones (耳机), trousers (裤子), clothes (衣服), pants (短裤), glasses (眼镜), shoes (鞋子), sunglasses (太阳镜), scissors (剪刀), compasses (圆规)。这些名词可单独作主语,动词用复数形式 初中学习方法,也可用…pair/pairs of修饰,作主语时动词取决于pair的形式。


一些食物名词只有复数形式,常见的有noodles, vegetables, snacks。

We will have noodles for supper this evening. 今天晚上我们吃面条。

She likes to eat snacks very much. 她很喜欢吃零食。


一些固定短语中的名词只有复数形式,常见有的express one’s thanks to sb. (向某人表达感激之情), a letter of thanks (一封感谢信), in high/low spirits (情绪高涨/低落), have sports (进行体育活动)。

Look, all of them are in high spirits. 瞧,他们的情绪都很高涨。


一些不可数名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有news (消息), means (手段)。

As we all know, no news is good news. 众所周知,没有消息就是好消息。


一些专有名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有:the United States (美国), the United Nations (联合国), the United Kingdoms (英国), the Arabian Nights (《一千零一夜》)。

As far as I know, the United Nations was set up in 19【第25句】: 就我所知的而言,联合国成立于1925年。


一些表示庆祝、祝贺的名词只有复数形式,常见的有:celebrations (庆祝), congratulations (祝贺)。

Do you go in for the New Year celebrations every year?你们每年都庆祝新年吗?

beat, hit, strike的区别

【第1句】: beat 指反复地打,尤指用木棍或其它较硬的东西打。如:

He beat the boy with a stick. 他用棍子打那孩子。


(1) beat 还可表示“(心脏)跳动”(注意联想心脏跳动的连续性与beat 表示“打”的反复性)。

(2) “打鼓”、“打拍子”等均强调动作的连续和反复,因此可分译为:beat a drum, beat time.

【第2句】: hit 指有目标地重重一击,侧重击中的意思。如:

He hit 初三 me in the face, 他打了我一耳光。

【第3句】: strike 指急速地或突然地用力打击或敲击。如:

The car ran out of control and struck a tree. 汽车失去控制,撞在树上。




【第1句】: I said a lot to them, and at last they (同意).

【第2句】: You’d better say that (再). He can’t follow you.

【第3句】: Oh, how (优美) this piece of music sounds!

【第4句】: Flower will soon (死) if we don’t often water them.

【第5句】: Five (外国人) were shown around their factory last Saturday.


Leaves are nature’s food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and CO2 into glucose. Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for energy (f&ft) to grow. The way plants turn water and CO2 into glucose is called photosynthesis. That means "putting together with light.” A chemical called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is green. It gives plants their green color.

As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. This is how the trees "know" to begin getting ready for winter.During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and live on the food they have stored during the summer. They begin to close their food—making factories. The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. Then, we begin to see yellow and orange colors. A few of these colors stay in the leaves all the time. We just can’t see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll.

Red and purple colours we see in leaves are made mostly in the autumn. In some trees, like maples(枫树),glucose is stored in the leaves after hotosynthesis stops. Sunlight and the cool nights of autumn turn this glucose into red. The brown color of trees like oaks(橡树) is made from wastes left in the leaves.

【第1句】: The word "chlorophyll" in the first paragraph means _____ in Chinese.

A.叶绿素 B.氧气 C.胡萝卜素 D.蛋白质

【第2句】: Where is CO2 from?

A. Ground. B. Roots. C. Sunlight. D. Air.

【第3句】: The way is called photosynthesis.

A. plants get CO2 from the air

B. plants take water from the ground

C. plants turn water and CO2 into glucose

D. plants use glucose as food for energy to grow

【第4句】: Red and purple colors in leaves are made mostly in _____.

A. spring B. autumn C. summer D. winter

【第5句】: what in the leaves changes into red color in autumn.

A. Sunlight B. Water C. Glucose D. Chlorophyll



Keys: 【第1句】: owners 【第2句】: heard 【第3句】: from 【第4句】: used 【第5句】: idea


【第1句】: B 解析:一般说来,序数词如first,second等前面要加定冠词the,但是,表示“又一”,“再一”时,序数词前加不定冠词(a an),是 a second,a third的.形式。本题翻译为,王平很擅长英语,他决定再学一门外语,再一 ,又一,用a second.

【第2句】:A 解析:many a +可数名词单数,谓语也用单数,但意思翻译为许多的。C选项没有这种用法,D中student要加s,而且如果选D,题干中的动词用复数,是have而不是has.

【第3句】:D 解析:价格的提问方法1,what is the price? 【第2句】:how much is it ?,两者千万不要混淆。

【第4句】:B 解析:主从句时态要一致,when后是过去时,排除AC,family这里指的是家人,复数,选B。

【第5句】:D 解析:过去完成时的时间标志,by the end of last year.

【第6句】:A 解析:情景问答,回答是我在宾馆当服务员,可知,选A。

【第7句】:A 解析:turn on/off应用于有开关物品的开关.open、close指其他物品开关,开收音机,有开关用turn on /off。从题意看,太吵了,所以是关掉。

【第8句】:C 解析: You’d better的用法是 You’d better do / You’d better not do,排除AD,后空用副词修饰receive.

【第9句】: B 解析:词意辨析,angry with生气 B. pleased with因、高兴 C. afraid of害怕 D. sorry for为、抱歉

【第10句】:C 解析:首先,后面一空,was 是be 动词的过去式,be 要和形容词,名词等搭配,排除AB.此题成功可以表示为,successful/a success.



( ) 【第1句】: A. tomato B. pear C. cabbage D. potato

( ) 【第2句】: A. Brazil B. Norway C. Chinese D. Spain

( ) 【第3句】: A. usually B. today C. tomorrow D. now

( ) 【第4句】: A. chalk B. paper C. water D. book

( ) 【第5句】: A. a B. an C. the D. you


When someone asked me what business I am in, my face feels 1 . I envy (嫉妒) people who can say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these job speak for themselves.

I really do make a living by 2 , and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like a school boy. It is a skill (技能) that I have learned, 3 the skill of mending shoes. Whenever and however laughter is needed --- I am asked to do 4 . I laugh like a bus driver or a shopkeeper. I laugh 5 , kindly and happily.

I need 6 point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evening in night clubs (俱乐部). My job is to laugh during the 7 part of the show. My loud, hearty laughter must be timed carefully. It must not come too soon, 8 either must it be too late.

I go through life quietly. I can 9 the laughter of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But I’m not sure that I have ever heard the sound of 10 own laughter.

( ) 【第1句】: A. warm B. cool C. hot D. cold

( ) 【第2句】: A. laughing B. writing C. speaking D. working

( ) 【第3句】: A. at B. to C. by D. like

( ) 【第4句】: A. one B. it C. those D. these

( ) 【第5句】: A. gladly B. sadly C. truly D. suddenly

( ) 【第6句】: A. clearly B. easily C. badly D. hardly

( ) 【第7句】: A. weaker B. stronger C. more terrible D. more wonderful

( ) 【第8句】: A. for B. so C. but D. and

( ) 【第9句】: A. get B. make C. copy D. have

( ) 【第10句】: A. their B. my C. her D. his





【第1句】:当提到自己的工作时,作者很害羞,所以脸是 烫的 hot

【第2句】:后文提到I can laugh like a king

【第3句】:就像修鞋的技巧一样 like 像。。。


【第5句】:后面提到kindly and happily. 都是褒义词,所以也选A 褒义词


【第7句】:在演出的薄弱环节,我负责笑 weak 薄弱


【第9句】:我可以模仿他人 copy复制 模仿

【第10句】:但我不确定,我是否听过我自己的真正的声音 my


【第1句】: What _______ your brother _________ (do) at that time? He ___________ (play) the piano.

【第2句】: Why ________ they __________ (not go) to see the play yesterday? Because they _________(see) it before.

【第3句】: Two thieves _____ (break) into his house last night and _______ (take) away some money.

【第4句】: ________ you _________ (visit) the Summer Palace? Yes, we ________. When ________ you_________ (visit) it? Last term.

【第5句】: If it ________ (not rain) next Sunday, we’ll have a football match on the playground.

【第6句】: While my father ______ (read) newspapers, my sister and I ______ (prepare) our lessons.

【第7句】: The child suddenly ________ (fall) to the ground when he _________ (cross) the street.

【第8句】: As soon as he __________ (come), I’ll give the note to him.

【第9句】: Don’t make any noise! Grandma ____________ (tell) us an interesting story.

【第10句】: My parents __________ (not be) in. They __________ (go) shopping. They ___________(be) back in an hour.

【第11句】: Nothing can make us _________ (turn) against our country.

【第12句】: If you don’t hurry, you _________ (be) late for the meeting.

【第13句】: I _________ (not have) my breakfast today. I _________ (be) so hungry now.

【第14句】: How many English words ________ he ________ (learn) before he went to college?

【第15句】: Tom ________(be) always the first one __________ (get) up his family.

【第16句】: I don’t know when the meeting ________ (begin). But I’m sure it _________ (begin) as soon as the headmaster _________ (come).

【第17句】: What _______ they ________ (do) from eight o’clock to nine o’clock last night? They_________ (make) a model plane.

【第18句】: I received his letter yesterday. I _________ (not hear) from him since he went to America.

【第19句】: He ________ (see) the play last night. But his brother _________ (not see) it, because he ___________ (see) it before.

【第20句】: Mike _________ (live) for five years in that city since he began to work there.


【第1句】: was; doing; was playing

【第2句】: didn’t; go; have seen

【第3句】: broke; took

【第4句】: Have; visited; have; did; visit;

【第5句】: doesn’t rain

【第6句】: was reading; were preparing

【第7句】: fell; was crossing

【第8句】: comes;

【第9句】: is telling

【第10句】: aren’t; have gone; will be

【第11句】: turn

【第12句】: will be

【第13句】: didn’t have; am

【第14句】: had; learnt

【第15句】: is; to get

【第16句】: begins; will begin; comes

【第17句】: were; doing; were making

【第18句】: haven’t heard

【第19句】: saw; didn’t see; has seen

【第20句】: has been living