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  Activity is the only road to knowledge .


  (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)


  行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)


  A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books .


  (Thomas Jefferson , American president)




  美国总统 杰斐逊 . T.)


  A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist )




  (美国幽默作家 富兰克林. A.)


  If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .


  (Benjamin Franklin , American president )


  倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.)


  Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )


  想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦. A. )


  Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )


  知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)


  The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )


  满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)




  Activity is the only road to knowledge .


  (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)


  行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)


  A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books .


  (Thomas Jefferson , American president)




  美国总统 杰斐逊 . T.)


  A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist )




  (美国幽默作家 富兰克林. A.)


  If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .


  (Benjamin Franklin , American president )


  倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.)


  Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )


  想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦. A. )


  Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )


  知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)


  The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )


  满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)
