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  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. The early history of bookbinding.

  How old books become valuable.

  Economical ways to protect old books.

  Why some books decay.

  20. They are often handled improperly by readers.

  The paper is destroyed by chemicals.

  The ink used in printing damages the paper.

  The glue used in the binding loses its strength.

  21. They are difficult to read.

  They are slowly falling apart

  They were not made from wood pulp.

  They should be stored in a cold place.

  22. Get some books for the man to look at.

  Ask the man to look over her notes.

  Continue her research in the library.

  Find more information on how books are preserved.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. Which major the woman will be choosing.

  An anthropology course the woman is taking,

  How to find a job in publishing.

  which anthropology professors the man recommends.

  24. It is not as difficult as she had thought it wonld be.

  She would like her professor to explain it more clearly.

  She took a class on it last semester.

  Her professor will write a book on it soon.

  25. Her professor.

  A classmate.

  Her former boss.

  A foreign diplomat.

  Conversation One

  19.D综合推断题。结合听力材料,特别是对话开头提到的old book...a lot of pages are turning brown and becoming brittle可以推断,对话谈论的是书的腐烂问题,所以D正确。


  21.C信息明示题。男士说books have been made from wood pulp only since the 1850s,即19世纪50年代以前的书不是由木浆做成的,所以C正确。

  22.C同义替换题。女士最后说的get back to my project与选项中continue her research同义,所以C正确。


  suppose意为猜想,尤指建立在推测性根据上的不确定的猜想,如:Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.科学家们猜想大型恐龙栖居于沼泽地中。还可指应该,允许,如:We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.我们不应该在星期日踢足球。

  make sense指有意义,意思清楚,有道理,如:What you say makes no sense.你的话没有道理。其他与sense相关的短语还有:make sense of sth.理解或弄清某事物;see sense明白事理,如:I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win.我希望她能尽快明白过来,不要再打这场赢不了的仗了。

  Conversation Two





  start out意为开始,该短语还有起程,动身的含义,如:Wemust start out early.我们必须早些动身。与start相关的短语还有:start over重新开始;startup开始工作等,如:He started his daughter up in the trade.他让女儿从事贸易工作。


  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. The early history of bookbinding.

  How old books become valuable.

  Economical ways to protect old books.

  Why some books decay.

  20. They are often handled improperly by readers.

  The paper is destroyed by chemicals.

  The ink used in printing damages the paper.

  The glue used in the binding loses its strength.

  21. They are difficult to read.

  They are slowly falling apart

  They were not made from wood pulp.

  They should be stored in a cold place.

  22. Get some books for the man to look at.

  Ask the man to look over her notes.

  Continue her research in the library.

  Find more information on how books are preserved.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. Which major the woman will be choosing.

  An anthropology course the woman is taking,

  How to find a job in publishing.

  which anthropology professors the man recommends.

  24. It is not as difficult as she had thought it wonld be.

  She would like her professor to explain it more clearly.

  She took a class on it last semester.

  Her professor will write a book on it soon.

  25. Her professor.

  A classmate.

  Her former boss.

  A foreign diplomat.

  Conversation One

  19.D综合推断题。结合听力材料,特别是对话开头提到的old book...a lot of pages are turning brown and becoming brittle可以推断,对话谈论的是书的腐烂问题,所以D正确。


  21.C信息明示题。男士说books have been made from wood pulp only since the 1850s,即19世纪50年代以前的书不是由木浆做成的,所以C正确。

  22.C同义替换题。女士最后说的get back to my project与选项中continue her research同义,所以C正确。


  suppose意为猜想,尤指建立在推测性根据上的不确定的猜想,如:Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.科学家们猜想大型恐龙栖居于沼泽地中。还可指应该,允许,如:We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.我们不应该在星期日踢足球。

  make sense指有意义,意思清楚,有道理,如:What you say makes no sense.你的话没有道理。其他与sense相关的短语还有:make sense of sth.理解或弄清某事物;see sense明白事理,如:I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win.我希望她能尽快明白过来,不要再打这场赢不了的仗了。

  Conversation Two





  start out意为开始,该短语还有起程,动身的含义,如:Wemust start out early.我们必须早些动身。与start相关的短语还有:start over重新开始;startup开始工作等,如:He started his daughter up in the trade.他让女儿从事贸易工作。