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  麦当劳员工举行示威要求涨工资   In a prelude to protests planned for the McDonald s annual shareholders meeting Thursday morning, police arrested 139 protesters on Wednesday afternoon outside McDonald s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill.   5月21日下午在伊利诺伊州橡树溪麦当劳全球总部大楼外,警方逮捕了139名示威者,他们原定计划周四上午在麦当劳股东年会再次举行抗议活动。   Oak Brook police said protesters arrested for criminal trespass were from a group of 101 McDonald s workers and 38 clergy and union activists who chose to cross a police barricade.   Workers chanted Hey McDonald s You Can t Hide, We Can See Your Greedy Side, and No Big Macs, No Fries, Make our Wage Supersize, as the arrests were made.   The Oak Brook Police Department was assisted by several surrounding-area departments, said Officer George Peterson, a department spokesman.   Some of those arrested were uniform-wearing McDonald s employees who had come for the protest from 33 U.S. cities. Also arrested was Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, according to the union. Police could not immediately confirm that. The union is the financial and logistical backer for Fast Food Forward, the group organizing the protests.   Workers and activists -- who demand $15-per-hour pay and the right for fast-food workers to try to unionize without retaliation -- say they have focused on McDonald s because of its size and influence. Workers are taking on the biggest, baddest, richest in the $200 billion fast-food industry, says Kendall Fells, leader of Fast Food Forward. If we can bring McDonald s to the table, the road ahead will be a lot easier.


  麦当劳员工举行示威要求涨工资   In a prelude to protests planned for the McDonald s annual shareholders meeting Thursday morning, police arrested 139 protesters on Wednesday afternoon outside McDonald s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill.   5月21日下午在伊利诺伊州橡树溪麦当劳全球总部大楼外,警方逮捕了139名示威者,他们原定计划周四上午在麦当劳股东年会再次举行抗议活动。   Oak Brook police said protesters arrested for criminal trespass were from a group of 101 McDonald s workers and 38 clergy and union activists who chose to cross a police barricade.   Workers chanted Hey McDonald s You Can t Hide, We Can See Your Greedy Side, and No Big Macs, No Fries, Make our Wage Supersize, as the arrests were made.   The Oak Brook Police Department was assisted by several surrounding-area departments, said Officer George Peterson, a department spokesman.   Some of those arrested were uniform-wearing McDonald s employees who had come for the protest from 33 U.S. cities. Also arrested was Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, according to the union. Police could not immediately confirm that. The union is the financial and logistical backer for Fast Food Forward, the group organizing the protests.   Workers and activists -- who demand $15-per-hour pay and the right for fast-food workers to try to unionize without retaliation -- say they have focused on McDonald s because of its size and influence. Workers are taking on the biggest, baddest, richest in the $200 billion fast-food industry, says Kendall Fells, leader of Fast Food Forward. If we can bring McDonald s to the table, the road ahead will be a lot easier.