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  gaze n.凝视 v.凝视,盯,注视

  典型例句:The general turned his gaze from one person to the other present at the summit meeting.


  名师导学:该词属于常考词汇,考试题型以词义辨析为主:gaze通常指长时间充满迷恋、惊奇、敬畏或尊敬地看,如:after gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.(泰勒先生对此陈列凝视了几分钟之后,便回到店里去了)。 stare特别表示 睁大眼睛凝视 ,并含有 惊奇 、 傲慢 或 茫然 的意思,如:The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.(那位贵族对那张空白纸凝视了几秒钟)。 glare表示 凶狠而且带有威胁性地瞪眼睛 ,如:He didnt shout or swear, but just glared silently at me.(他不喊不骂,只是默默地怒视着我)。

  gear n.齿轮,传动装置,排档 v.装备,调整

  典型例句:The truck driver changed gear to go up the hill.


  名师导学:该词做动词时常与to连用(使适合;配合)Education should be geared to childrens needs.教育应适合学生们的需要。

  gene n.(遗传)因子,(遗传)基因

  典型例句:In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment.


  generally ad.一般地,通常地

  历年真题:Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.(2007年12月阅读)


  名师导学:该词属于常考词汇,常用搭配为generally speaking(一般地说)。

  generate v.发生,产生,生成,生殖

  历年真题:Extensive reporting on television has helped to generate interest in a wide range of sports and activities.




  gaze n.凝视 v.凝视,盯,注视

  典型例句:The general turned his gaze from one person to the other present at the summit meeting.


  名师导学:该词属于常考词汇,考试题型以词义辨析为主:gaze通常指长时间充满迷恋、惊奇、敬畏或尊敬地看,如:after gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.(泰勒先生对此陈列凝视了几分钟之后,便回到店里去了)。 stare特别表示 睁大眼睛凝视 ,并含有 惊奇 、 傲慢 或 茫然 的意思,如:The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds.(那位贵族对那张空白纸凝视了几秒钟)。 glare表示 凶狠而且带有威胁性地瞪眼睛 ,如:He didnt shout or swear, but just glared silently at me.(他不喊不骂,只是默默地怒视着我)。

  gear n.齿轮,传动装置,排档 v.装备,调整

  典型例句:The truck driver changed gear to go up the hill.


  名师导学:该词做动词时常与to连用(使适合;配合)Education should be geared to childrens needs.教育应适合学生们的需要。

  gene n.(遗传)因子,(遗传)基因

  典型例句:In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment.


  generally ad.一般地,通常地

  历年真题:Generally speaking, face-to-face communication with an instructor is minimized or eliminated altogether.(2007年12月阅读)


  名师导学:该词属于常考词汇,常用搭配为generally speaking(一般地说)。

  generate v.发生,产生,生成,生殖

  历年真题:Extensive reporting on television has helped to generate interest in a wide range of sports and activities.

