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  The Chinese Premier , Wen Jiabao , meets President Bush today . Will both sides be talking tough on trade ? 中国总理温家宝今日将会晤布什总统。 双方在贸易问题上还会语气强硬吗?   Free prescription drugs for Americas elderly .But , what impact will the new law have on the race for the White House ? 为美国的老人提供免费的处方药品 , 可是这一新的法律又会对总统竞选产生何种影响呢?   There is the will to explore , and as long as that will to explore is there , we will go to space . said the NASA . 美国航空航天局称:时时有探索的雄心 。 只要探索的决心还在 ,我们就要奔向宇宙 。   Israelis and Palestinians blame each other for failing to reach agreement on the cease-fire . 以色列和巴基斯坦没有就停火问题达成协议 , 双方因此相互指责。   Despite recent failed talks with Palestinian factions , the Palestinian Prime Minister insist the talks were constructive . 尽管同国内各派别最近的对话失败 , 巴总理仍然认为这次谈判是建设性的。   WGN Radio said this Cartwright firing is a reflection on the players more than it is Cartwright . 芝加哥电台称这次解雇而蒙羞的不是卡特莱特本人 , 而是所有队员 。