Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

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Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

本集内容 Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

学习要点 有关“Health 健康”的词汇

边看边答 According to this study, at what time of day is there less risk to your health if you are going to have medical surgery?

There’s a biological clock keeping time inside all of us. It's the reason we want to sleep at night, but it also drives huge changes in the way our body works including in our heart muscle.

This is lifesaving open-heart surgery. The operation puts the heart under huge stress and the study in Lille in France suggests the body clock also influences our recovery.

The study on five hundred patients showed the risk of complications, including heart attacks, halved from 18 percent in morning operations to just nine percent in the afternoon.

The researchers said patients should not be frightened away from vital surgery. They want to do more studies, but think high-risk patients might benefit from being moved to the afternoon.

This study shows the potential of doing medicine in time with the body clock and the researchers are now investigating other types of surgery.






词汇 biological clock


open-heart surgery




high-risk patients




你知道吗? The first heart transplant was carried out 50 years ago in 1967, by surgeon Christiaan Barnard, in Cape Town, South Africa.


问题答案 The answer is in the afternoon. The study found the risk of complications halved from 18 percent in morning operations to just nine percent in the afternoon.

Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

本集内容 Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

学习要点 有关“Health 健康”的词汇

边看边答 According to this study, at what time of day is there less risk to your health if you are going to have medical surgery?

There’s a biological clock keeping time inside all of us. It's the reason we want to sleep at night, but it also drives huge changes in the way our body works including in our heart muscle.

This is lifesaving open-heart surgery. The operation puts the heart under huge stress and the study in Lille in France suggests the body clock also influences our recovery.

The study on five hundred patients showed the risk of complications">complications, including heart attacks, halved from 18 percent in morning operations to just nine percent in the afternoon.

The researchers said patients should not be frightened away from vital surgery. They want to do more studies, but think high-risk patients might benefit from being moved to the afternoon.

This study shows the potential of doing medicine">medicine in time with the body clock and the researchers are now investigating other types of surgery.






词汇 biological clock


open-heart surgery




high-risk patients




你知道吗? The first heart transplant was carried out 50 years ago in 1967, by surgeon Christiaan Barnard, in Cape Town, South Africa.


问题答案 The answer is in the afternoon. The study found the risk of complications halved from 18 percent in morning operations to just nine percent in the afternoon.