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  A: I beckoned him to come, but he refused to move.

  B: Perhaps you were not polite enough.


  v. 示意,召唤

  A: Watch out, there is a beetle crawling under your leg.

  B: Ah, I hate insects.


  n. 甲虫

  A: You should have telephoned me beforehand when you knew you were going to be late.

  B: I am sorry, but my mobile phone is broken.


  ad. 预先,事先

  A: There is no need to bellow orders at me.

  B: Sorry, but I did not think that you would hear me unless I shouted.

  A: The fire is going out. What should I do?

  B: Use the bellows to blow air onto it.


  vi. 1.咆哮,怒吼; 2.吼叫

  vt. 大声发出,大声喝道

  n. 1.喊声,咆哮; 2.风箱

  A: I have a pain in my belly.

  B: Well, you should have bad breakfast.


  n. 肚子,腹部

  A: Thank you for the beautiful present, you are far too benevolent.

  B: You are most welcome. Kindness is not a complaint.


  a. 仁慈的,善意的,慈善的

  A: The test results have come back and the lump was benign.

  B: Thanks, Doctor. I was so worried.


  a. 1.善良的,慈祥的; 2.良性的,无危险的


  A: I beckoned him to come, but he refused to move.

  B: Perhaps you were not polite enough.


  v. 示意,召唤

  A: Watch out, there is a beetle crawling under your leg.

  B: Ah, I hate insects.


  n. 甲虫

  A: You should have telephoned me beforehand when you knew you were going to be late.

  B: I am sorry, but my mobile phone is broken.


  ad. 预先,事先

  A: There is no need to bellow orders at me.

  B: Sorry, but I did not think that you would hear me unless I shouted.

  A: The fire is going out. What should I do?

  B: Use the bellows to blow air onto it.


  vi. 1.咆哮,怒吼; 2.吼叫

  vt. 大声发出,大声喝道

  n. 1.喊声,咆哮; 2.风箱

  A: I have a pain in my belly.

  B: Well, you should have bad breakfast.


  n. 肚子,腹部

  A: Thank you for the beautiful present, you are far too benevolent.

  B: You are most welcome. Kindness is not a complaint.


  a. 仁慈的,善意的,慈善的

  A: The test results have come back and the lump was benign.

  B: Thanks, Doctor. I was so worried.


  a. 1.善良的,慈祥的; 2.良性的,无危险的