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  A: How much is the fare?

  B: Just two bucks, it is only a short journey.

  A: The horse bucked and kicked me in the face.

  B: Ouch! Why were you standing behind him?

  A: Buck up, it is not the end of the world.

  B: Easier said then done.


  n. 1.美元,澳元; 2.雄鹿,雄兔

  vi. 猛然弓背跃起

  buck up 振奋,打起精神

  A: I like your new shoes.

  B: Thanks, but the buckles are too stiff at the moment.

  A: What happed to your bicycle?

  B: The wheel buckled when I hit a stone in the middle of the road.


  v. 1.用搭扣扣紧; 2.变形,弯曲

  n. 搭扣,扣环

  buckle down 倾全力,开始认真从事

  A: I am looking forward to the spring when the flowers will come into bud.

  B: Me too, it has been a long winter.


  n. 叶芽,花蕾

  vi. 发芽,萌芽

  A: Do you think that the Buddhist way of life is the best?

  B: I am not quite sure yet, I still need to think about it.


  n. 佛教徒

  a. 佛教的

  A: Have you ever seen a buffalo?

  B: No, but I would like to.


  n. 水牛,野牛


  A: How much is the fare?

  B: Just two bucks, it is only a short journey.

  A: The horse bucked and kicked me in the face.

  B: Ouch! Why were you standing behind him?

  A: Buck up, it is not the end of the world.

  B: Easier said then done.


  n. 1.美元,澳元; 2.雄鹿,雄兔

  vi. 猛然弓背跃起

  buck up 振奋,打起精神

  A: I like your new shoes.

  B: Thanks, but the buckles are too stiff at the moment.

  A: What happed to your bicycle?

  B: The wheel buckled when I hit a stone in the middle of the road.


  v. 1.用搭扣扣紧; 2.变形,弯曲

  n. 搭扣,扣环

  buckle down 倾全力,开始认真从事

  A: I am looking forward to the spring when the flowers will come into bud.

  B: Me too, it has been a long winter.


  n. 叶芽,花蕾

  vi. 发芽,萌芽

  A: Do you think that the Buddhist way of life is the best?

  B: I am not quite sure yet, I still need to think about it.


  n. 佛教徒

  a. 佛教的

  A: Have you ever seen a buffalo?

  B: No, but I would like to.


  n. 水牛,野牛