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  Li Ming


  Dear Sir or Madam:(英语中有逗号) I am a student graduate from Nanjing Normal University. My major is chinese(Chinese) professional. I am writing this letter in purpose of applying for a staff number. I am sure that I am qualified for it. To begin with, I worked as a staff in a compang(拼写错误) in last summer holiday. Whats more, my cheerful personality is well suited to this position. Last but not least my hobbies include music and play basketball. I would extend my precious appreciation if you are so kind to give me an oppotrunity(拼写错误) to your companys interview. Looking forwad(拼写错误) to your reply. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 点评:6分中间一段显得有点过于简洁,可以再加一条你的学习对工作的帮助等信息。或是将最重要的一条展开一两句来说明。注意拼写。