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  英语中,人称代词有主格,宾格和所有格形式之分,而的格又有形容词和名词两种形式,即:I, me, my ,/ we, us, our / he , him, his / she, her, her / they, them, their / you, you, your / it, it, its 这里就不详细讲解了。记住一点:形容词的格永远不能单独使用;名词的格永远是单独使用的。


  Come if you like to see ______ painting. ______ very beautiful.

  A. your / Thats

  B. hers / Its

  C. hers / Thats

  D. his / Its



  英语中除了人称代词,其他名词没有主格和宾格之分。表示一个名词的时,称为所有格,即的格.英语中的格一般用介词of 或名词后加来表示,如:学校的财产,原则上可以有两种表达方式:the property of the school或 the schools property.但是若用此表达鲁迅的书 Luxuns book 或a book of Luxun时,便可能出现意义上的混淆,即,也可能是一本关于鲁迅的书.因此,若要表示鲁迅书时,要表达为a book of Luxuns , 称为双重所有格,即of 与 同时使用。

  双重所有格除了以上用途外,还表示亲切,如:a friend of my fathers比 my fathers friend更显亲切。


  My wife bought me ______ at a ______ shop.

  A. a piece of clothes / tailors

  B. a new clothing / tailor

  C. an article of clothing, tailors

  D. a piece of clothing, tailors

  解题思路:这道题考两个语法点:单位词和所有格。如果考生看不懂这个句子,一般应在C、D中选择,正确答案是C, 一块布用a piece of cloth

  3、反身代词-self /-selves

  1) 反身代词-self /-selves不能脱离其主格或宾格单独使用,如不能说: The boss wanted to have a talk with herself. The boss wanted to have a talk with her herself. 实际使用中很少会这样讲话。

  2) 注意以下表达方式:

  of ones own / to oneself 如:She wants to have a room of her own

  on ones own 如:She wants to finish it on her own.

  by oneself, 如:She has been living by herself for three years.





  英语中,人称代词有主格,宾格和所有格形式之分,而的格又有形容词和名词两种形式,即:I, me, my ,/ we, us, our / he , him, his / she, her, her / they, them, their / you, you, your / it, it, its 这里就不详细讲解了。记住一点:形容词的格永远不能单独使用;名词的格永远是单独使用的。


  Come if you like to see ______ painting. ______ very beautiful.

  A. your / Thats

  B. hers / Its

  C. hers / Thats

  D. his / Its



  英语中除了人称代词,其他名词没有主格和宾格之分。表示一个名词的时,称为所有格,即的格.英语中的格一般用介词of 或名词后加来表示,如:学校的财产,原则上可以有两种表达方式:the property of the school或 the schools property.但是若用此表达鲁迅的书 Luxuns book 或a book of Luxun时,便可能出现意义上的混淆,即,也可能是一本关于鲁迅的书.因此,若要表示鲁迅书时,要表达为a book of Luxuns , 称为双重所有格,即of 与 同时使用。

  双重所有格除了以上用途外,还表示亲切,如:a friend of my fathers比 my fathers friend更显亲切。


  My wife bought me ______ at a ______ shop.

  A. a piece of clothes / tailors

  B. a new clothing / tailor

  C. an article of clothing, tailors

  D. a piece of clothing, tailors

  解题思路:这道题考两个语法点:单位词和所有格。如果考生看不懂这个句子,一般应在C、D中选择,正确答案是C, 一块布用a piece of cloth

  3、反身代词-self /-selves

  1) 反身代词-self /-selves不能脱离其主格或宾格单独使用,如不能说: The boss wanted to have a talk with herself. The boss wanted to have a talk with her herself. 实际使用中很少会这样讲话。

  2) 注意以下表达方式:

  of ones own / to oneself 如:She wants to have a room of her own

  on ones own 如:She wants to finish it on her own.

  by oneself, 如:She has been living by herself for three years.
