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  badge /bAdV/ n.徽章

  [双语语境] Chains are a badge of slavery. 锁链是奴隶制度的标志.

  [串联记忆] People usually wear badges to show their rank, employment, membership of a group and so on.

  A. alert B. cosmic C. counterpart D. emblem

  bald /bR:ld/ adj. 秃的,秃头的

  [双语语境] Our dog has a bald patch on its leg. 我们的狗的腿上秃了一块.

  [串联记忆] When he grew bald he bought a toupee.

  A.tall B. short C. bare D. ugly

  bandage /5bAndidV/ n. 绷带//vt. 用绷带包扎

  [双语语境] Bandage is necessary in battleground.

  The nurse bandged a wound

  [串联记忆] Disinfect the wound before you bandage it.

  A. tie down B. tie hard C. tie D. tie up

  beware /bi5wZE/ vi.当心,谨防

  [说文解字] be-使+ware 注意,留心

  [举一反三] 同

  attend, be careful, be attentive to, bring to ones notice, observe, pay attention to, take notice, turn the mind to

  [双语语境]He told us to beware of icy roads.

  [串联记忆] Beware of what you do with this dangerous substance.

  A. Look after B. Take care C.Take notice of D. Watch out

  bewilder /bi5wild[/ vt. 使迷惑;使手足无措;使着慌;使发愣

  [举一反三] 同

  perplex, distract, puzzle, confound 派

  bewilderment n.

  [双语语境] The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.

  [串联记忆] The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city.

  A. perplexed B. surprised C. frustrated D. enlightened


  badge /bAdV/ n.徽章

  [双语语境] Chains are a badge of slavery. 锁链是奴隶制度的标志.

  [串联记忆] People usually wear badges to show their rank, employment, membership of a group and so on.

  A. alert B. cosmic C. counterpart D. emblem

  bald /bR:ld/ adj. 秃的,秃头的

  [双语语境] Our dog has a bald patch on its leg. 我们的狗的腿上秃了一块.

  [串联记忆] When he grew bald he bought a toupee.

  A.tall B. short C. bare D. ugly

  bandage /5bAndidV/ n. 绷带//vt. 用绷带包扎

  [双语语境] Bandage is necessary in battleground.

  The nurse bandged a wound

  [串联记忆] Disinfect the wound before you bandage it.

  A. tie down B. tie hard C. tie D. tie up

  beware /bi5wZE/ vi.当心,谨防

  [说文解字] be-使+ware 注意,留心

  [举一反三] 同

  attend, be careful, be attentive to, bring to ones notice, observe, pay attention to, take notice, turn the mind to

  [双语语境]He told us to beware of icy roads.

  [串联记忆] Beware of what you do with this dangerous substance.

  A. Look after B. Take care C.Take notice of D. Watch out

  bewilder /bi5wild[/ vt. 使迷惑;使手足无措;使着慌;使发愣

  [举一反三] 同

  perplex, distract, puzzle, confound 派

  bewilderment n.

  [双语语境] The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.

  [串联记忆] The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city.

  A. perplexed B. surprised C. frustrated D. enlightened