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期盼已久的《绯闻女孩》第三季首款预告片,终于在CW放出。上东区的孩子们如今离开了他们原先的学校,转身在更大的天地争执、冲突,面临人生的重重困境。但至少,我们能看到有一样不变的,就是Chuck花花公子的本性,一边与Blair约会,一边又在勾搭别的女孩子。星光熠熠《绯闻女孩》第三季 看剧照窥剧情发展



在刚刚落幕的青少年选择奖上,《绯闻女孩》是电视剧方面的大赢家。Leighton Meester和Chace Crawford分获最佳男女演员殊荣,该剧则当选最佳剧情片。Ed Westwick也分得一杯羹,将最佳反派的头衔带回了家。

The first promo to the third season of "Gossip Girl" has been shared by The CW. Now that the Upper East Siders are no longer in the same school, controversies, dilemma and conflicts are bound to happen. Chuck, true to his playboy nature, hits on a new girl while his relationship with Blair still goes on.

"Gossip Girl" season 3, which is premiering on September 14, will follow the Upper East Siders to the college years. Blair, Dan, Georgina and Vanessa are all enrolled in NYU while Serena goes to Brown. Chuck runs his family\'s business and Nate goes to Columbia University.

"Gossip Girl" was a big winner at the 11th annual Teen Choice Awards on Sunday, August 9. Leighton Meester and Chace Crawford won Choice TV Drama Actress and Actor respectively while the series itself was voted as the best drama. Ed Westwick also got his share of victory, taking home the Choice Villain category.

期盼已久的《绯闻女孩》第三季首款预告片,终于在CW放出。上东区的孩子们如今离开了他们原先的学校,转身在更大的天地争执、冲突,面临人生的重重困境。但至少,我们能看到有一样不变的,就是Chuck花花公子的本性,一边与Blair约会,一边又在勾搭别的女孩子。星光熠熠《绯闻女孩》第三季 看剧照窥剧情发展



在刚刚落幕的青少年选择奖上,《绯闻女孩》是电视剧方面的大赢家。Leighton Meester和Chace Crawford分获最佳男女演员殊荣,该剧则当选最佳剧情片。Ed Westwick也分得一杯羹,将最佳反派的头衔带回了家。

The first promo to the third season of "Gossip Girl" has been shared by The CW. Now that the Upper East Siders are no longer in the same school, controversies, dilemma and conflicts are bound to happen. Chuck, true to his playboy nature, hits on a new girl while his relationship with Blair still goes on.

"Gossip Girl" season 3, which is premiering on September 14, will follow the Upper East Siders to the college years. Blair, Dan, Georgina and Vanessa are all enrolled in NYU while Serena goes to Brown. Chuck runs his family\'s business and Nate goes to Columbia University.

"Gossip Girl" was a big winner at the 11th annual Teen Choice Awards on Sunday, August 9. Leighton Meester and Chace Crawford won Choice TV Drama Actress and Actor respectively while the series itself was voted as the best drama. Ed Westwick also got his share of victory, taking home the Choice Villain category.