爱,甜又苦Love in Bittersweetness

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爱,甜又苦Love in Bittersweetness

Sweetness 爱之甜蜜蜜

It is not a fairy tale, it is a true love story. 这不是童话,而是一个真爱的故事。

Ever since Princess Victoria Westling had been toghther, they have been the focus of not only the press, but also the people. Even the Princess herself once said, that the modern way is to marry someone you love, not necessarily based on where she or he comes from. Though she did not mention Westling by name, Victoria did admit, There is someone in my life. 自从维多利亚公主和韦斯特林在一起后,他们不仅是狗仔们追逐的对象,也是民众关注的焦点。即使是公主本人也说:我认为结婚这件事,最酷的就是和你爱的那一位结婚,而不要在乎什么所谓的门当户对。虽然她并没有指名道姓地说出韦斯特林这个名字,她也是间接承认了,她的真命天子已经出现了。

Love is said to conquer all. 传说,爱能超越一切。

And it did conquered all at least in this case. 确实,在这一场恋爱中,爱超越了一切。

The wedding took place in Stockholm Cathedral on 19 June 2010, the 34th anniversary of her parents wedding. 他们的婚礼在2010年的6月19日在斯德哥尔摩举行,那一天恰好是公主父母的结婚34年纪念日。

On 17 August 2011, the Swedish royal court announced that Prince Daniel and Crown Princess Victoria were expecting their first child in March 2024. She gave birth to a baby girl on 23 February 2024. 2011年的8月17日,这对夫妇宣布他们迎来他们的第一个小孩。维多利亚公主在今年的2月23日顺利诞下一个女娃。

Love did bloom between this couple, isnt it sweet? 爱情之花在他们之间盛放,甜蜜蜜啊~

And there is a love song particularly composed for applauding for this loving couple: Cant Stop Love by Darin. 有感于这现实中的公主和青蛙的感人爱情,歌手Darin还把他们的故事唱成歌儿了

:Cant Stop Love。 The Once Mr. Mrs.Perfect 曾经的才子佳人

One of Sarah Connor s representive work is Living to Love You, and on the wedding of Marc.Terenzi and Sarah Connor, Marc.Terenzi performed his new song Love to Be Loved by You, responding to Sarah Connors Living to Love You. 莎拉寇娜的代表作之一是活着只为爱你,而在她和马克特伦西的婚礼上,马克演唱了他自己写的喜欢被你爱着,一唱一和,好不羡煞旁人!(背景补充:Marc.Terenzi原来是Natural的主唱和发起人。但实际上,Natural在美国并不是很红,因为当时是新派摇滚兴起的时候,大家更接受Linkin Park。而乐队经纪人发现他们的专辑却在德国大卖,似乎德国人更接受这种老式流行风格的东西。于是乐队之后把重心放在了德国。正是因为这样,Marc.Terenzi在德国遇到了德国大牌流行女艺人Sarah Connor。两人一见钟情,步入爱河,之后Marc.Terenzi只身在德国发展。)

Sarah and Marc met in 2002 and got married in 2004. They have two children together. They starred in the reality show Sarah and Marc in Love together, which had filmed their whole process of marriage, including the quarrel during the preparation. 莎拉和马克在2002年初遇,于04年结婚。他们有两个小孩。他们的结婚过程全程在电视上直播,包括他们在婚礼准备阶段的争吵。

They were said to be falling love for the first sight and yeah, they wrote a beautiful fairy tale. 据说,他们是一见钟清的,是的,他们谱写了一曲爱的童话。(知道他们两个的八卦后,再听两位的歌,各种画面浮现啊~) Bitterness 爱之苦茶一杯

爱的时候,觉得可以为你摘下星星和月亮,你不爱我的时候,我觉得我自己可以当做星星和月亮~只不过是要坠落的星星和月亮~一要离别,连迎面而来的风都是苦的! Sarah and Marc announced their separation at the end of 2008. 莎拉和马克在08年底宣布了他们分居的消息。

Sarah announced in a statement that their friendship and love for each other will continue. Were sorry, for us, our children and families. The roots of this development have their originating far back and whatever now that is in the media has nothing to do with the true reasons for our separation. How painful is it to sing the songs stabbing the past scar? 莎拉在她的离婚声明中说他和前夫的友谊将继续。我们很遗憾,对我们自己和孩子说一声抱歉,这段感情的破裂,病因早就有了,媒体们和我们的离婚没什么关系的。 以前浓情蜜意的时候,唱那些为各自订做的情歌,是很甜蜜蜜,只是,离婚后,每唱一次,就是挖自己的伤疤一次啊!(离婚后首次亮相的Sarah,她双眼红肿,Tee上印着Always Family唱歌时几次有想要哭的冲动。无法让人不去感叹天长地久有尽时,曾经的love to be loved by you最终成为了Just one last dance。)


















Sweetness 爱之甜蜜蜜

It is not a fairy tale, it is a true love story. 这不是童话,而是一个真爱的故事。

Ever since Princess Victoria Westling had been toghther, they have been the focus of not only the press, but also the people. Even the Princess herself once said, that the modern way is to marry someone you love, not necessarily based on where she or he comes from. Though she did not mention Westling by name, Victoria did admit, There is someone in my life. 自从维多利亚公主和韦斯特林在一起后,他们不仅是狗仔们追逐的对象,也是民众关注的焦点。即使是公主本人也说:我认为结婚这件事,最酷的就是和你爱的那一位结婚,而不要在乎什么所谓的门当户对。虽然她并没有指名道姓地说出韦斯特林这个名字,她也是间接承认了,她的真命天子已经出现了。

Love is said to conquer all. 传说,爱能超越一切。

And it did conquered all at least in this case. 确实,在这一场恋爱中,爱超越了一切。

The wedding took place in Stockholm Cathedral on 19 June 2010, the 34th anniversary of her parents wedding. 他们的婚礼在2010年的6月19日在斯德哥尔摩举行,那一天恰好是公主父母的结婚34年纪念日。

On 17 August 2011, the Swedish royal court announced that Prince Daniel and Crown Princess Victoria were expecting their first child in March 2024. She gave birth to a baby girl on 23 February 2024. 2011年的8月17日,这对夫妇宣布他们迎来他们的第一个小孩。维多利亚公主在今年的2月23日顺利诞下一个女娃。

Love did bloom between this couple, isnt it sweet? 爱情之花在他们之间盛放,甜蜜蜜啊~

And there is a love song particularly composed for applauding for this loving couple: Cant Stop Love by Darin. 有感于这现实中的公主和青蛙的感人爱情,歌手Darin还把他们的故事唱成歌儿了

:Cant Stop Love。 The Once Mr. Mrs.Perfect 曾经的才子佳人

One of Sarah Connor s representive work is Living to Love You, and on the wedding of Marc.Terenzi and Sarah Connor, Marc.Terenzi performed his new song Love to Be Loved by You, responding to Sarah Connors Living to Love You. 莎拉寇娜的代表作之一是活着只为爱你,而在她和马克特伦西的婚礼上,马克演唱了他自己写的喜欢被你爱着,一唱一和,好不羡煞旁人!(背景补充:Marc.Terenzi原来是Natural的主唱和发起人。但实际上,Natural在美国并不是很红,因为当时是新派摇滚兴起的时候,大家更接受Linkin Park。而乐队经纪人发现他们的专辑却在德国大卖,似乎德国人更接受这种老式流行风格的东西。于是乐队之后把重心放在了德国。正是因为这样,Marc.Terenzi在德国遇到了德国大牌流行女艺人Sarah Connor。两人一见钟情,步入爱河,之后Marc.Terenzi只身在德国发展。)

Sarah and Marc met in 2002 and got married in 2004. They have two children together. They starred in the reality show Sarah and Marc in Love together, which had filmed their whole process of marriage, including the quarrel during the preparation. 莎拉和马克在2002年初遇,于04年结婚。他们有两个小孩。他们的结婚过程全程在电视上直播,包括他们在婚礼准备阶段的争吵。

They were said to be falling love for the first sight and yeah, they wrote a beautiful fairy tale. 据说,他们是一见钟清的,是的,他们谱写了一曲爱的童话。(知道他们两个的八卦后,再听两位的歌,各种画面浮现啊~) Bitterness 爱之苦茶一杯

爱的时候,觉得可以为你摘下星星和月亮,你不爱我的时候,我觉得我自己可以当做星星和月亮~只不过是要坠落的星星和月亮~一要离别,连迎面而来的风都是苦的! Sarah and Marc announced their separation at the end of 2008. 莎拉和马克在08年底宣布了他们分居的消息。

Sarah announced in a statement that their friendship and love for each other will continue. Were sorry, for us, our children and families. The roots of this development have their originating far back and whatever now that is in the media has nothing to do with the true reasons for our separation. How painful is it to sing the songs stabbing the past scar? 莎拉在她的离婚声明中说他和前夫的友谊将继续。我们很遗憾,对我们自己和孩子说一声抱歉,这段感情的破裂,病因早就有了,媒体们和我们的离婚没什么关系的。 以前浓情蜜意的时候,唱那些为各自订做的情歌,是很甜蜜蜜,只是,离婚后,每唱一次,就是挖自己的伤疤一次啊!(离婚后首次亮相的Sarah,她双眼红肿,Tee上印着Always Family唱歌时几次有想要哭的冲动。无法让人不去感叹天长地久有尽时,曾经的love to be loved by you最终成为了Just one last dance。)
















