2024年中考英语词组辨析:go / walk

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2024年中考英语词组辨析:go / walk

  Ⅰ. go 指朝着一定地点的方向运动。如:

  ① We go to school at seven in the morning.

  ② Please go downstairs to have lunch.

  ③ 此外,go的主语还可以是动物、交通工具和机械等。如:

  My watch goes fast.我的表走快了。

  The train goes to Beijing. 火车开往北京。

  Ⅱ. walk 指朝着一定地点或无目的地“走”,常译为“步行、散步”如:

  ① He often walks after supper. 饭后他经常散步。

  ② They are walking along the river. 他们正沿着河岸走。

  ③ Let’s go out for a walk. 我們出去散步吧。