2024年牛津译林版高中英语总复习(第1轮)同步练习 M6《Unit 1 Laughter is good for you》

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2024年牛津译林版高中英语总复习(第1轮)同步练习 M6《Unit 1 Laughter is good for you》

  Module 6

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写(10 min.) 1. Some________ or about daily life.

  2. When I was young, Uncle Wang often told us some h________ tales.

  3. The young girl from the university was s________ enough in French to translate a novel.

  4. Our monitor has the ability to a________ classmates in an embarrassing situation.

  5. Jim is always familiar with his computer, but I am a________ to hear that he doesn't work well.

  6. If there is any __________ (紧急情况) in which I can be of service to you, (杰出的).(常规秩序) after retirement.(怒视) at his opponent, (哀悼) his death.完形填空(20 min.)A serious car crash leads one woman to rediscover her faith in human kindness.

  In March last year, the car I was driving was __1__ in a serious crash with another car on a country road. I soon __2__ myself at the centre of a frenzy of activity, surrounded by paramedics, police, rescuers and members of the local community. An enormous can opener was used to get me out of my wrecked car and __3__ an ambulance.

  Over the next eight hours, I was transported to hospital, dragged up, X璻ayed and diagnosed o(诊断) with a broken neck. Knowing that I'd survived death by a fraction of a second sustained me throughout the long wait in the emergency ward and __4__ me to deal with the visible distress of my hospital visitors. Only after I'd convinced the last friend to __5__ could I direct my energies inwards. Flitting in and out of my line of vision during my hospital __6__ was a Red Cross lady, a gentle presence in white who, from time to time, popped her head in to __7__ cups of tea. After the visitors had gone, she walked into my ward to __8__ that I was all right.

  I found myself telling her everything; about the shock of the accident, my fears for my family as a result of my injuries ?about my whole life. While I i__9__ for an ambulance to transport me to another hospital, she stood by my trolley and held my hand as I off­loaded all the emotion I'd stoically withheld (强忍着的) from my family. She __10____11__. I look forward to a day in the not­too­distant future when my guardian angel and I can meet again, in happier circumstances.

  In times of crisis, faith can sustain us: for me, my faith in human nature, reawakened by the __12__ of a stranger, has helped ease my journey back to recovery.

  1. A. caught

  B. trapped

  C. lost

  D. involved

  2. A. imagined

  B. found

  C. devoted

  D. dreamed

  3. A. into

  B. onto

  C. off

  D. on

  4. A. advised

  B. forced

  C. ordered

  D. helped

  5. A. assist

  B. leave

  C. participate

  D. come

  6. A. stay

  B. visit

  C. operation

  D. appointment

  7. A. make

  B. offer

  C. drink

  D. take

  8. A. claim

  B. consult

  C. conclude

  D. check

  9. A. hoped

  B. prepared

  C. waited

  D. watched

  10. A. puzzled

  B. doubted

  C. stopped

  D. listened

  11. A. progress

  B. pride

  C. surprise

  D. comfort

  12. A. sympathy

  B. strength

  C. kindness

  D. donation


  (原创)Dolphins are mammals,

  Maybe they can't talk as human beings do, but they talk with sounds. They show their feelings with 2.______.

  Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They don't study

  like school children, but they travel together.

  Dolphins talk to each other in the school. 3.______ give out different information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say 揥elcome?when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk 4.______ they play. They can even make a few sounds above water. However, they make many moresc sounds under water. People can't hear these sounds 5.______ the sounds are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.

  Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium (水族馆). People can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be in Dolphins are very friendly animals. Maybe you have heard some stories that people are saved 7.______ dolphins at sea. Dolphin meat is good, 8.______ people don't like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck.

  Ⅲ.阅读理解(8 min.)(首映式) of r Ang Lee joked that his latest film in three years hit the four most notorious “vices” (恶行) in the movie­making process: kids, ul, creative and adventurous pictures”.

  Based on the best­selling novel by Yann Martel, Life of Pi tells the story of Pi (Suraj Sharma), a young man who gets stranded (被困) at sea with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker after the ship carrying Pi's family and his father's zoo from India to Canada sinks.ine. “And the 3­D in particular is the best since perhaps Avatar.?Lee told the New York Film Festival audience that Life of Pi was very hard to make. Due to weather conditions and the difficulty of controlling animals, he said, only one璭ighth of his __planned shots were actually filmed.

  Despite arduous conditions, Lee was able to push an excellent lead performance from Sharma, a newcomer who originally accompanied his brother to the audition before winning the role of Pi himself.

  The film isn't perfect, though. The New York Times said there's 揳 strange moment of exposition at the end? But we know what to expect from Lee, one of the most successful Chinese directors in Hollywood. One thing is for sure: elhe never disappoints.

  1. In Life of Pi, the Bengal tiger is named ______.

  A. Pi

  B. Ang Lee

  C. Yann Martel

  D. Richard Parker

  2. Lee challenged himself with the following difficulties in the movie璵aking process except ______.

  A. 3璂 effect

  B. tiger

  C. oceasun

  D. best­selling novel

  3. What can we learn from Justin Chang?

  A. The computer璯enerated tiger is better than the real one.

  B. The real tiger is better than the computer璯enerated one.

  C. The movie is the best 3璂 movie ever.

  Delf. The movie is the best 3璂 movie since Avatar.

  4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. It is Lee's latest movie in four years.

  B. It is adapted from a best璼elling novel.

  C. Lee actually filmed most of his planned shots.

  D. The leading character is plpyayed by an experienced actor.

  5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A. Life of Pi is not a movie worth watching.

  B. The New York Times does not support the movie.

  C. Lee is the most successful Chinese director ever.

  D. The author encourages us to see this film.

  Ⅳ.阅读填空(10 min.)Many people would like to watch sport matches. First, you need to know about audience manners.

  Most sporting arenas (竞技场) have rules for spectators written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you arrive. Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of the event and don't leave when a game is in progress.When you leave, remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other rubbish.

  During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don't criticize the performance of players and coaches. Be careful with your words, since some may cause anger among other people in the audience.

  Applause is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players, but you should do it properly. When players first appear, clap your hands together to welcome them, but don't go on for too long. After an excellent performance, applaud warmly. If someone fails, your applause will help encourage them.

  Applause is not welcome, however, while players need to keep their concentration. Various sports have various rules for the audience.

  Enjoying artistic gymnastics silence.But lots of cheering can really help basketball and football players. Snooker and table tennis courtside behavior includes a ban on flash photography. Mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.

  To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game — specific rules and related culture of each event.

  Title: Good Audience 1.______

  topic rules

  Before games Sporting arenas ★read your tickets carefully in 2.______

  ★reach and leave there in time

  ★take 3.______ your rubbish when leave

  During games

  Exciting games ★pay attention to your behavior and be 4.______

  5.______ ★use it properly

  6.______ gymnastics ★keep 7.______

  Basketball and football ★you should 8.______

  Snooker and table tennis ★forbid 9.______ photos

  Shooting centers ★Don't use mobile phones

  After games How to be a good spectator ★to learn the 10.______ rules and culture

  名词性从句(1) 1. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew ________ she was so angry.

  A. where

  B. whether

  C. that

  D. why

  2. Even though you know all of these things are false, you still wonder ________ your life isn't more satisfying.

  A. why

  B. how

  C. that

  D. what

  3. The city's pollution and traffic is ________ he hates most.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. which

  D. that

  4. When he first tried to get a taxi home, the taxi driver had no idea ________ he wanted to go.

  A. what

  B. where

  C. which

  D. that

  5. ________ many returned Chinese talents lack are funds to put everything into practice.

  A. That

  B. What

  C. Which

  D. Whether

  6. It's kind of similar to ________ you may learn in a business school.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. what

  D. how

  7. ________ textbooks are not the only resource of Chinese learning is what I knew when I first arrived in China.

  A. What

  B. That

  C. Whether

  D. Which

  8. I quit the job last week and flew back, but I haven't decided yet ________ I'll stay.

  A. if

  B. that

  C. because

  D. whether

  9. From talking with them, I get to know ________ Russian people see their country and the US.

  A. what

  B. when

  C. why

  D. how

  10. The program wants people to realise that we were all born with dreams ________ every child should survive to achieve these.

  A. and

  B. that

  C. but that

  D. and that11. There everything except air, water and sunshine should be earned through work.

  A. that

  B. what

  C. which

  D. as

  12. There were lots of famous people who were all asked ________ they were born to do.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. how

  D. what

  13. It is exciting ________ the hotel is very much a Chinese hotel with an international background.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. which

  D. why

  14. It is said ________ in the ancient night markets of China, smart farmers used lotus leaves to replace small bowls to hold nuomi.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. which

  D. how

  15. Classes are given to teach students ________ kind of dangers they are likely to face during outdoor sports activities.

  A. how

  B. what

  C. whom

  D. who

  16. Jim said ________ his parents had agreed to his demands and ________ he was waiting for a written assurance.

  A. /; that

  B. that; /

  C. that; which

  D. which; that

  17. If that is very different from ________ most people think, I intend to tell him to give up.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. how

  D. what

  18. The exciting things that happen online are not the same as ________ happened offline in countries such as Romania and Libya.

  A. how

  B. what

  C. When

  D. which

  19. ________ she will have a role in the show is unclear.

  A. Whether

  B. That

  C. If

  D. Which

  20. He likes living alone, and says that he wants to go and live in a place ________ nobody knows.

  A. where

  B. that

  C. when

  D. what

  21. ________ is hard is to do good all one's life and never do anything bad.

  A. He

  B. It

  C. That

  D. What

  22. After ________ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

  A. which

  B. it

  C. what

  D. that

  23. — You can't imagine ________ fantastic fun web chatting is.

  ?Really? But it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes.

  A. what

  B. how

  C. why

  D. so

  C24. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just ________ worries the public.

  A. why

  B. which

  C. that

  D. what

  25. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ________ their parents speak at home.

  A. /

  B. which

  C. one

  D. what

  26. Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages that it is ________ you can easily read and understand.

  A. that

  B. one

  C. the one

  D. that one

  27. After five days' climbing in the mountain, they reached ________ they thought was the place they'd been dreaming of.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. which

  D. what

  28. It suddenly occurred to him

  ______ he had left his keys in the office. (2024·江西)(2024·福建)

  D. whomever

  30. Evidence has been found through years of study______ children's early sleeping problem likely to continue when they grow up. (2024·重庆) that

  Module 6

  Unit 1

  Ⅰ. 1. behave 2. humorous 3. skilled 4. amuse

  5. annoyed 6. emergency 7. outstanding 8. routine

  9. glared 10. mourned

  Ⅱ.A:1. D be invloved in… 卷入……之中; be caught/trapped in… 困在……之中;be lost in…沉溺于……之中。

  2. B find oneself in… 不知不觉发现自己陷入……

  3. A into这里可被看做是be sent into的省略。

  4. D 根据上文可知我的九死一生让我挺过了后来一切的手术,也帮我应对探视者给我带来的可见的痛苦。