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  On my way home at the end of the

  __15__, I saw the busker again and he was

  __16__. I watched him pick up the hat and walk


  a cafe counter. There he poured the __18__

  contents into a tin collecting


  an earthquake fund­raising (募捐) event. He was busking for charity (慈善)!

  Now I donate any


  I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

  1. A. left

  B. cleaned C. prepared

  D. searched 答案与解析:A 根据前边的信息“午休时间”和后边的目的状语“要弄些吃的东西”可推断出,作者是离开了办公室。 2. A. led

  B. chose C. saw

  D. fooled 答案与解析:C 在路上,作者看到一个街头艺人,他前边放着一顶帽子。see“看到”;lead“领着,领导”;choose“选择,挑选”;fool“愚弄”。

  3. A. chocolates

  B. coins C. tins

  D. drugs 答案与解析:B 由下文的信息use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol可知,此空的词表示的是钱,第三段的第一句也暗示出了此处应填coins“硬币”。chocolate“巧克力”;tin“罐头盒”;drug“毒品,药”。 4. A. almost

  B. only C. rather

  D. still 答案与解析:B 从前边的“可我不愿意把这些硬币给他”可知,作者当时心里想着那个街头艺人只会把弄到的钱用在吸毒或酗酒上。only“仅仅,只不过”,符合语境。

  4. A. almost

  B. only C. rather

  D. still 答案与解析:B 从前边的“可我不愿意把这些硬币给他”可知,作者当时心里想着那个街头艺人只会把弄到的钱用在吸毒或酗酒上。only“仅仅,只不过”,符合语境。

  5. A. acted

  B. looked C. sounded

  D. smelt 答案与解析:B 从后边的解释词“年轻”和“衣衫褴褛”可知,此空指看到的现象,故用look,“看起来”。act“行动”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”,均与后面的形容词不搭配。 6. A. Though

  B. For C. Therefore

  D. But 答案与解析:D 此处表转折,“可我会用这些零钱来干什么呢?”but表转折“可是,但是”;though表让步,“虽然,尽管”;for表原因,“因为”;therefore表结果,“因此,所以”。 7. A. declared

  B. realized C. expected

  D. guessed 答案与解析:B “接着我意识到,我没有权利只因为他在街上卖艺就把自己凌驾于他之上。”realize“意识到,认识到”;declare“宣告,宣布”;expect“期望,预料”;guess“猜想,猜测”。 8. A. it

  B. all C. him

  D. them 答案与解析:C 此处指的是上文提到的那个街头卖艺的年轻人,用人称代词him。 9. A. waited

  B. followed C. stopped

  D. arrived 答案与解析:C 第二段描写了作者看到街头艺人时的心理活动,此处表示经过了思想斗争后,作者拿定主意要把自己口袋里的硬币给那个艺人,所以应该是停下来把所有硬币放在那人的帽子里。stop“停下来”;wait“等待”;follow“跟随”;arrive“到达”。

  10. A. rag

  B. hat C. pocket

  D. counter 答案与解析:B 第二段第二句中的信息with a hat in front of him暗示了此题的答案是hat“帽子”。 11. A. selfish

  B. awkward C. innocent

  D. special 答案与解析:A 那人已经用微笑答谢作者了,但当时他还感到不满足,还想得到更大的快乐或满足感,这体现出了作者当时的自私,应该用selfish“自私的”,文章首句也暗示了此题的答案。 12. A. happiness

  B. sadness C. love

  D. hate 答案与解析:A 此空的词与后边的satisfaction意思相近,都表示别人的感谢给自己带来的感受,所以用happiness“愉快”最为恰当。 13. A. Disappointedly

  B. Unfortunately C. Coincidentally

  D. Comfortably 答案与解析:A 想得到那艺人更进一步的感谢,从中得到更大的快乐或满足感,但那艺人却没有任何其他表示,所以作者感到失望,离开了那儿。disappointedly“感到失望地”; unfortunately“不幸地”;coincidentally“巧合地”;comfortably“舒服地”。

  14. A. words

  B. effort C. space

  D. money 答案与解析:D 把自己的硬币投到了那个艺人的帽子里,却没有得到作者期望的那种快乐或满足感,所以作者认为他是在浪费钱,应该用money。 15. A. moment

  B. day C. break

  D. event 答案与解析:B 从前边的信息“在回家路上”可以看出,此处表示在一天的工作结束后,应该用day“一天,白天”。 16. A. walking around

  B. passing by C. packing up

  D. running off 答案与解析:C 因为已是收工的时间了,所以那艺人应该是在收拾东西,准备结束自己一天的活动。pack up“包装,打包,收拾东西”;walk around“四处走动”;pass by“从旁边经过”;run off“跑掉,流出”。 17. A. around

  B. in C. behind

  D. to 答案与解析:D 我看到他捡起帽子,走到一个咖啡店的柜台跟前。根据句意,此处应该用表示去向的介词to“向,往,到”。 18. A. chief

  B. basic C. actual

  D. total 答案与解析:D 在那儿,他把帽子里募捐到的所有钱都倒在了为地震灾区募捐活动所设的盒子里。total“总的,所有的,全部的”,符合语境。chief“主要的”;basic“基本的”;actual“实际的,现实的”。 19. A. by

  B. for C. on

  D. with 答案与解析:B 此处应该用表目的的介词for,意为“为,为了”。 20. A. work

  B. time C. energy

  D. change 答案与解析:D 往募捐盒里放的当然是“零钱”了,所以应该用change。work“工作”;time“时间”;energy“精力,能量”。

  The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was __13__

  in the program as “Student Art Assistant” because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I


  I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.

  Being on that stage­design team


  Mrs. Neidl changed me completely. Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought, but I also


  a strong interest and a world I hadn't known existed. She taught me not to __17__

  what people think I should do. She taught me to take chances and not be

  __18__. Mrs. Neidl was my comforter when I was upset. Her


  in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined __20__.

  1. A. and

  B. yet

  C. so

  D. for 答案与解析:B 考查连词。这句话前半句中用到了unpleasant voice,而后半句中用了encouraging and inspiring,由此可见前后分句存在转折的关系,因此选yet。虽然她说话的声音不好听且说话很直接,不过(yet)却让人感到鼓舞和振奋。 2. A. opinion

  B. impression

  C. information

  D. intention 答案与解析:A 考查名词辨析。根据后面一句话中的how I thought we should __3__ things可知,她会问我有什么看法,A项正确。opinion“观点,看法”;impression“印象”;information“信息”;intention“打算”。

  3. A. make

  B. keep

  C. handle

  D. change 答案与解析:C 考查动词辨析。handle在这里表示“处理”的意思。她想知道我认为我们该怎么处理一些事情。 4. A. anything

  B. something

  C. everything

  D. nothing 答案与解析:D 根据前半句中的I had no idea how to answer可知,因为我对舞台设计一窍不通,刚开始时不知该怎么回答。 5. A. questions

  B. comments

  C. explanations

  D. remarks 答案与解析:A 我慢慢地开始回答她的问题(questions)。 6. A. hold

  B. follow

  C. evaluate

  D. form 答案与解析:D 考查动词辨析。联系上下文内容可知,那是一种因果效应:她相信我有自己的见解,这样我便开始形成了自己的观点。hold“持有,拿”;follow“遵从,跟随”;evaluate“评价”;form“形成”。 7. A. happy

  B. lively

  C. reliable

  D. punctual 答案与解析:C 考查形容词辨析。老师喜欢我,因为我值得她信任。根据后面一句话中的believed in me可知C项正确。reliable意思是“可靠的,可信赖的”。happy“高兴的”,lively“活泼的”,punctual“守时的”,都不符合语境。 8. A. message

  B. motto

  C. saying

  D. suggestion 答案与解析:B 考查名词辨析。根据后面引号里的内容可知,这是老师的座右铭(motto)。

  9. A. again

  B. more

  C. instead

  D. later 答案与解析:D 考查副词辨析。later表示“以后”,即试试看,以后会成功的。 10. A. steps

  B. control

  C. charge

  D. risks 答案与解析:D 考查名词辨析。take risks,表示“冒险”。根据后面一句话中的I had been so afraid of failing可知,过去我很害怕失败,而现在开始去尝试,去冒险。其他几个选项不合题意。 11. A. improved

  B. acted

  C. looked

  D. reflected 答案与解析:A 考查动词辨析。improve upon“改善,改进”,即情况有所改善。act upon“根据(建议等)行事”,look upon“看待,考虑”,reflect upon意思是“考虑”,都不合语境。 12. A. easily

  B. carefully

  C. confidently

  D. proudly 答案与解析:C 考查副词辨析。根据上文内容可知,我开始时害怕失败,但渐渐地开始有自信了,可以“画出东西”了。confidently“自信地”。 13. A. introduced

  B. recognized

  C. identified

  D. considered 答案与解析:B 考查动词辨析。be recognized as意思是“赏识,公认”。由于自己的努力和付出,在那个活动中我是大家公认的“学生艺术助理”。 14. A. confirmed

  B. decided

  C. realized

  D. acknowledged 答案与解析:C 考查动词辨析。根据上下文语境可知,就是在那一年,我意识到自己想要一生从事舞台设计这一工作。confirm“证实”;decide“决定”;realize“意识到”;acknowledge“承认”。 15. A. with

  B. below

  C. of

  D. by 答案与解析:A 考查介词辨析。和Mrs. Neidl一起在舞台设计这样一个团队改变了我的一切。 16. A. developed

  B. discovered

  C. took

  D. fostered 答案与解析:B 考查动词辨析。我也发现了自己的兴趣所在,发现一个自己从来不知道的世界。discover “发现”。 17. A. accept

  B. care

  C. judge

  D. wonder 答案与解析:B 考查动词辨析。care表示“在意”,即她教会我不要在意别人认为我应该怎么做。

  18. A. bored

  B. lazy

  C. sad

  D. afraid 答案与解析:D 她教会我要抓住机会,不要害怕(afraid)。与前文第三段的内容照应。 19. A. trust

  B. patience

  C. curiosity

  D. interest 答案与解析:A 考查名词辨析。上文第二段提到了老师对我的信任,因此这里选trust(信任),与上文内容照应。 20. A. accessible

  B. enjoyable

  C. possible

  D. favorable 答案与解析:C 她的信任鼓励我做到了以前从来未想过可能(possible)做到的事情。 Passage 5 (2010·四川)

  Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight


  before setting down. High desert winds had


  the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be


  the city for a few minutes waiting to

  __4__. We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened


  there might be a few bumps (颠簸).

  Well, that few minutes turned into about forty­five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster (过山车)


  by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt


  and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess, that's not a good thing to have happened in a(n)


  space because it only

  __9__ to increase the discomfort of the situation.

  About twenty minutes into the adventure, the entire air­plane became very

  __10__. There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be


  noticed. Every passenger simply held on for dear life... except one. A


  was having a good time! With each bump of the

  __13__, he would let out a giggle (咯咯的笑) of delight. As I observed this, I

  __14__ that he didn't know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his

  __15__. He neither thought about the past nor about the future.

  Those are what we grown­ups have learned from __16__. He was __17__

  the ride because he had not yet been taught to fear it. Having understood this, I took a deep breath and


  back into my seat, pretending I was


  on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even

  __20__ to giggle once or twice, much to the chagrin (懊恼) of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.

  1. A. mistake

  B. delay C. change

  D. wind 答案与解析:B delay“耽搁,延期”。由下文的描述可知,此处表示飞行员抱歉地说“飞机要延迟着陆”。 2. A. forced

  B. warned C. swept

  D. reminded 答案与解析:A force sb. to do sth.“强迫某人去做某事”。强风迫使机场只开放一条跑道。 3. A. watching

  B. visiting C. circling

  D. crossing 答案与解析:C circle“盘旋,环绕……移动”。飞行员说,我们将在城市上空盘旋,择机着陆。 4. A. arrive

  B. enter C. stop

  D. land 答案与解析:D land在此作动词,意为“着陆”。上文信息... before setting down有暗示。文段主要讲飞机着陆前发生的故事。 5. A. if

  B. though C. because

  D. while 答案与解析:C because引导原因状语从句。该句的上下分句是因果关系。我们被要求坐在座位上,而且要系好安全带,因为飞机会颠簸。 6. A. light

  B. pale C. easy

  D. quick 答案与解析:B pale“苍白的,暗淡的”。pale by comparison“相形见绌,黯然失色”。相比而言,似乎使过山车黯然失色。 7. A. sick

  B. nervous C. angry

  D. afraid 答案与解析:A sick“恶心的”。飞机的颠簸使几位乘客感到恶心,呕吐。下文had to use airsickness bags有暗示。 8. A. empty