江西省2024届高三英语二轮专项训练 阅读表达+写作(31)

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江西省2024届高三英语二轮专项训练 阅读表达+写作(31)





  ⑴One of the simple pleasures of a lazy summer day is to be able to enjoy a refreshing slice of watermelon either at the beach, at a picnic, or fresh from the farmer’s market. Delicious and nutritious, watermelon is one of those guilt-free goods we can all enjoy: one cup of watermelon packs only about 50 calories! Watermelons are not only cooling treats for when it is getting hot; they are also loaded with healthy nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene(番茄红素), and etc. vitamins A and C and lycopene are antioxidants, which are substances that work to help get rid of the harmful effects of substances.

  ⑵Research has suggested that a diet high in fruits and vegetables that have plenty of antioxidants can reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers and some other dangerous diseases. A cup of watermelon provides 25% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 6% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A. Additionally, researchers have found that lycopene, a nutrient most traditionally associated with tomatoes, is found in equal or greater quantities in watermelon.

  ⑶Watermelons also provide significant amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin B1, both of which are necessary for energy production. In combination with the minerals and vitamins already described, these B vitamins

  the high nutrient richness of watermelon. Due to its high water content (watermelon is 92% water by weight) and low calorie count, watermelon is a good choice to satisfy your hunger while you try to eat a healthy diet. Think of them as nature’s answer to the heavily marketed “vitamin water” craze.

  ⑷Besides the textured, watery fresh of the fruit, watermelon seeds are also widely eaten as a snack. They are rich in iron and protein and are often pressed for oil or roasted and seasoned.

  ⑸So if you are planning on dining outdoor this summer, or simply looking for a quick and convenient refreshment to serve to unexpected company or reckless children, reach for watermelon. The kids will enjoy its crisp taste and messy juices, the adults will enjoy its refreshing flavors, and everyone will benefit from its nutritious value.

  1. What is the best title of the passage ? (no more than 5 words)


  2. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 5words)

  We don’t feel guilty even if we eat more watermelon because __________


  3. What is the function of antioxidants? (no more than 10 words)


  4. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 2 words)


  5. What does the word “them ” in paragraph 3 refer to? (no more than 2 words)



  近日, “狼爸”萧百佑和他“三天一顿打,孩子进北大”的家教理念再度引起社会热议。在萧百佑近乎残暴的教育方式中他的三个孩子相继考入北大。


  Following the roars of a "tiger mom", a wolf father has become famous for his stick parenting style and three children entering Peking University, one of China's top universities. This Hong Kong businessman is promoting his "wolf dad" approach , who claims that beating your child with a feather duster is a must to get them into Peking University. Recently, your classmates have had a heated debate over the stick parenting style, what’s your opinion?







  1. The Wonders of Watermelon

  2. it contains low calories

  3.They help get rid of the harmful effects of substances.

  4. add to



  Two possible versions:


  I don’t think wolf dad’s stick parenting is worth advocating.

  Obviously, his tough parenting style only focuses on test scores and good degrees rather than his kids' capacity fully to develop and positive attitudes to enjoy life.children need the freedom to explore other possibilities besides academic results and our rights to enjoy a happy and playful childhood. It`s true that children need discipline and guidance but a relaxed environment will help raise smart, creative, and physically and mentally healthy children.

  Additionly, the risk of being a wolf dad is that children could reject the parent along with their stick parenting, thus becoming extremely rebellious. So more encouragement and less punishment are needed in parenting.

  Finally, just as an old saying goes, all roads lead to Rome . I insist there is no universal standard for success. Steve Jobs dropped out of college, but he changed the world .


  Although there has been wide criticism of Wolf Dad among the students, I quite appreciate his sticking parenting.think that anyone can do well if they work hard enough. Honestly, kids need to be pushed sometimes.If you push kid to do well, they're good at it, and they benefit. is there to discipline their children and prepare them better for a good university , which is essential for fierce competition in the future. Besides, the idea of sparing the rod, spoiling the child is well known. Only when you are beaten frequently as a child can you learn discipline. Bearing the pains helps strengthen your mind, build up your character and develop a strong will.

  In a word, it's necessary for parents to be strict with their children.





  ⑴One of the simple pleasures of a lazy summer day is to be able to enjoy a refreshing slice of watermelon either at the beach, at a picnic, or fresh from the farmer’s market. Delicious and nutritious, watermelon is one of those guilt-free goods we can all enjoy: one cup of watermelon packs only about 50 calories! Watermelons are not only cooling treats for when it is getting hot; they are also loaded with healthy nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene(番茄红素), and etc. vitamins A and C and lycopene are antioxidants, which are substances that work to help get rid of the harmful effects of substances.

  ⑵Research has suggested that a diet high in fruits and vegetables that have plenty of antioxidants can reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers and some other dangerous diseases. A cup of watermelon provides 25% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 6% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A. Additionally, researchers have found that lycopene, a nutrient most traditionally associated with tomatoes, is found in equal or greater quantities in watermelon.

  ⑶Watermelons also provide significant amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin B1, both of which are necessary for energy production. In combination with the minerals and vitamins already described, these B vitamins

  the high nutrient richness of watermelon. Due to its high water content (watermelon is 92% water by weight) and low calorie count, watermelon is a good choice to satisfy your hunger while you try to eat a healthy diet. Think of them as nature’s answer to the heavily marketed “vitamin water” craze.

  ⑷Besides the textured, watery fresh of the fruit, watermelon seeds are also widely eaten as a snack. They are rich in iron and protein and are often pressed for oil or roasted and seasoned.

  ⑸So if you are planning on dining outdoor this summer, or simply looking for a quick and convenient refreshment to serve to unexpected company or reckless children, reach for watermelon. The kids will enjoy its crisp taste and messy juices, the adults will enjoy its refreshing flavors, and everyone will benefit from its nutritious value.

  1. What is the best title of the passage ? (no more than 5 words)


  2. Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 5words)

  We don’t feel guilty even if we eat more watermelon because __________


  3. What is the function of antioxidants? (no more than 10 words)


  4. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 2 words)


  5. What does the word “them ” in paragraph 3 refer to? (no more than 2 words)



  近日, “狼爸”萧百佑和他“三天一顿打,孩子进北大”的家教理念再度引起社会热议。在萧百佑近乎残暴的教育方式中他的三个孩子相继考入北大。


  Following the roars of a "tiger mom", a wolf father has become famous for his stick parenting style and three children entering Peking University, one of China's top universities. This Hong Kong businessman is promoting his "wolf dad" approach , who claims that beating your child with a feather duster is a must to get them into Peking University. Recently, your classmates have had a heated debate over the stick parenting style, what’s your opinion?







  1. The Wonders of Watermelon

  2. it contains low calories

  3.They help get rid of the harmful effects of substances.

  4. add to



  Two possible versions:


  I don’t think wolf dad’s stick parenting is worth advocating.

  Obviously, his tough parenting style only focuses on test scores and good degrees rather than his kids' capacity fully to develop and positive attitudes to enjoy life.children need the freedom to explore other possibilities besides academic results and our rights to enjoy a happy and playful childhood. It`s true that children need discipline and guidance but a relaxed environment will help raise smart, creative, and physically and mentally healthy children.

  Additionly, the risk of being a wolf dad is that children could reject the parent along with their stick parenting, thus becoming extremely rebellious. So more encouragement and less punishment are needed in parenting.

  Finally, just as an old saying goes, all roads lead to Rome . I insist there is no universal standard for success. Steve Jobs dropped out of college, but he changed the world .


  Although there has been wide criticism of Wolf Dad among the students, I quite appreciate his sticking parenting.think that anyone can do well if they work hard enough. Honestly, kids need to be pushed sometimes.If you push kid to do well, they're good at it, and they benefit. is there to discipline their children and prepare them better for a good university , which is essential for fierce competition in the future. Besides, the idea of sparing the rod, spoiling the child is well known. Only when you are beaten frequently as a child can you learn discipline. Bearing the pains helps strengthen your mind, build up your character and develop a strong will.

  In a word, it's necessary for parents to be strict with their children.