2024届高考英语一轮复习单元课件:必修4Unit 3《Tomorrow’s World》

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2024届高考英语一轮复习单元课件:必修4Unit 3《Tomorrow’s World》

  5. give out散发; 用光, 耗尽; 分发 【填一填➡激活思维】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell. (

  ) ②When my boy made the same mistake again, my patience

  gave out. (

  ) ③After climbing up the mountain, I gave out. (

  ) ④In order to go to school, the 7-year-old boy made money

  by giving out leaflets in the street. (

  ) 散发 用光, 耗尽 筋疲力尽 分发 【记一记➡构建知识】 give away 赠送; (无意间)泄露 give up  放弃; 戒掉 give in (to sb. )(对某人)让步; 屈服

  give off 放出; 散发出(气味、热、光等) *(2024·辽宁高考)We have given away half of what we owned through websites.

  我们已经把我们所拥有的一半通过网站赠送了出去。 6. He or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of

  achievement upon reaching the top.

  一到达山顶, 他/她就能体验到一种幸福感和成就感。 【填一填➡激活思维】句型转换。 ①As soon as I arrived, I went to see my former teacher.

  →________ ___ ______, I went to see my former teacher.

  ②As soon as they heard the scream, all rushed out to see

  what was happening.

  →________ _______ the scream, all rushed out to see what

  was happening.

  Upon/On my arrival Upon/On hearing 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)upon/on +n. /doing = as soon as一……就……。 (2)其他表示“一……就……”的表达:

  ①时间名词: the moment/instant/minute/second (that). . . 。其后的that经常省略, moment等词前可以用very等形容词修饰。

  ②连词: no sooner. . . than. . . , hardly (或scarcely). . . when(或before). . . ; as soon as(从句中不得使用将来时态)。 ③副词immediately, directly, instantly ④介词at+名词 注意: no sooner. . . than. . . , hardly (或scarcely). . . when(或before). . . 主句多用过去完成时; 用于句首要部分倒装。 *I have to go to Dallas the moment the meeting finishes.

  会议一结束, 我就得去达拉斯。

  *No sooner/Hardly had she said it than/when she realized her mistake.

  话刚一说出口, 她就认识到自己错了。 *I started immediately I got your letter.


  *At the thought of being sent to prison, he shook with fear.

  他一想到被送进监狱就吓得发抖。 3. disadvantage n. 缺点; 不利因素, 障碍 【填一填➡激活思维】用适当的介词填空。 ①Because of the Internet, the radio media is now __ a


  由于因特网, 无线电媒体现在处于不利地位。 ②___ her disadvantage, the dancer is not enough tall.

  对这位舞蹈演员不利的是她身高不够。 ③Younger learners have an advantage ____ the old in

  learning a language.

  在学习语言上较年轻的学习者比年长者有优势。 at To over 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)at a disadvantage   处于不利地位 to one’s disadvantage/to the disadvantage of sb.

  对某人不利 (2)advantage  

  n. 优势; 利益; 有利条件 take advantage of 利用 have an advantage over胜过 *I might take advantage of the cheap fares to go and visit my brother.

  我可能会趁车费便宜的时候去拜访我哥哥。 *His inability to speak English put him at a disadvantage.

  他不会说英语, 这使他很吃亏。 4. accuse vt. 控诉, 控告; 谴责 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Her assistant ____ _______ __ theft by the police.

  她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃罪。 ②He ____ _______ __ a murderer but released innocently.

  他曾经被控告为杀人犯, 但被无罪释放。

  was accused of was accused as 【记一记➡构建知识】 accuse sb. of (doing) sth.  控告/指责某人(做了)某事 accuse sb. as控告某人为…… the accused

  被告 【辨一辨➡明晰异同】 accuse “指控, 控诉”, 语气比blame强, 指责或指控某人的过错或罪行, 可用于一般意义上的指责或责难, 也可用于法律意义上的指控或控告。常用结构: accuse sb. of (doing) sth.

  charge “指责; 指控, 控告”, 语气比accuse强, 多指较严重的错误或罪行, 而且往往向法庭提出正式起诉。常用结构: charge sb. with sth.

  blame “责怪, 指责, 归咎于”, 指由于错误、过失而指责别人, 侧重指对产生的不良后果负有责任。常用结构: be to blame for sth. ; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb.

  【拓展延伸】动词+sb. +of+sth.

  remind sb. of sth.   使某人想起某事 rob sb. of sth.

  抢劫某人某物 inform sb. of sth.   通知某人某事 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 cure sb. of sth. 治疗某人的疾病 suspect sb. of sth.  怀疑某人某事 5. escape vi. & vt. 逃跑, 逃离, 逃脱; 避免, 避开; 被遗忘,


  被忽视 n. 逃离, 逃脱 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①A prisoner has _______ _____ a jail in northern England.

  一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中逃跑。 ②We were lucky to ______ _____ ________.

  我们很幸运, 没有受罚。 escaped from escape being punished 【记一记➡构建知识】 escape from 从……逃走; 逃脱, 逃跑 escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事 escape one’s notice/attention   逃过某人的注意 have a narrow escape

  侥幸逃脱, 九死一生 *Unexpectedly, the soldier could have a narrow escape from death. 这名战士能够死里逃生, 是人们没有想到的。 【猜一猜➡熟词生义】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①Seeing the poisonous gas escaping from the broken pipe,

  he sounded the alarm. (

  ) ②The matter has quite escaped my memory. (

  ) 漏出, 渗出, 溢出 被忘掉 【核心短语】 6. add to使增强, 使增加, 使扩大 【填一填➡激活思维】用add的适当短语填空。 ①(2024·天津高考)Getting close to nature _____ __ the joy of

  life. 接近自然增添了生活的乐趣。 ②If the tea is too strong, ____ some water __ it.

  如果茶太浓, 就加点水。 ③Please ____ all the figures ___, and you will get the total.

  请把这些数字加起来, 你就会得到总数。 ④For a hit show, profits can ____ ___ __ millions of dollars.

  一场热门演出的利润可达数百万美元。 adds to add to add up add up to 【记一记➡构建知识】 add up  

  合计, 把(数目)加起来 add up to   加起来等于, 总计达到 add. . . to. . . 把……增加到…… *(2024·福建高考)Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before it’s too late. 趁还来得及的时候, 马上打电话把这些银鹰添加到你的收藏中吧。 【看一看➡巧学助记】

   add. . . to. . .  add up to 7. put forward 提出, 提议; 把……提前; 拨快(钟等); 推荐 【填一填➡激活思维】 观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①He put his watch forward to avoid being late for the meeting.

   ( ) ②The women’s final has been put forward to 2: 00 pm. (

  ) ③Chairman Xi put forward proposals that we should save

  every coin. (

  ) ④We put Mary forward to compete for the champion. (

  ) 拨快 提前 提出 推荐 【记一记➡构建知识】 put away 

  把……收起, 整理; 储蓄 put aside 

  把……放到一边; 暂不考虑 put on

  穿上; 上演; 增加 put off

  推迟, 延期 put up with

  忍受 *I’m just going to put the car away.

  我正打算把车开进车库。 *They’ve had to put off their wedding until September.

  他们只得把婚期推迟到九月。 8. hold on to紧紧抓住; 坚持, 不放弃  保留; 依靠, 控制 【填一填➡激活思维】 观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①If we believe something was true, we should hold on to it.

  ( ) ②Mr Smith told me to hold on to my oil shares. ( ) ③Hold on to my arm on this icy surface.( ) 坚持 保留 抓牢 ④I was so frightened that I had to hold on to myself not to

  scream.( ) ⑤With all his family members gone, he had no one to hold

  on to. ( ) 控制 依靠 【记一记➡构建知识】 hold back  阻止; 抑制; 隐瞒; 退缩 hold on 不挂断电话, 等一下; 坚持 hold up 举起; 耽搁, 延迟 hold out坚持; 伸出; 维持 *Continuous violence could hold up progress towards reform.

  持续的暴力活动可能会耽搁改革的进程。 【经典句式】 9. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment.

  使用者不仅能感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛, 还能体验到周围环境的寒冷、气味、景观和声音。 【填一填➡激活思维】仿写句子。 ①He likes not only English but also Chinese.

  =_________________________, but also Chinese. 他不但喜欢英语, 也喜欢汉语。 ②He not only turned up late, but also forgot to take the books.

  =________________________, but he also forgot to take the


  他不但来晚了, 而且忘了带书。 Not only does he like English Not only did he turn up late 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)not only提到句首, 其所在分句要用部分倒装。 (2)not only A but also B=B as well as A。 (3)not only. . . but also. . . 连接并列主语时, 谓语遵循“就近原则”。 (4)but also中的but可省去; but also也可换为but. . . as well。

  *Not only I but also she likes pop music.

  不但我喜欢流行音乐, 而且她也喜欢。 *This book is not only interesting (but) also instructive. =This book is instructive as well as interesting.

  这本书不仅有趣, 而且有教育意义。 【要点拾遗】 1. fade vi. 逐渐消失; (使)变淡; 走下坡路, 衰落 【填一填➡激活思维】观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①All colors faded—especially under the impact of direct

  sunlight. ( ) ②With the sun setting in the west, the light in the room

  began to fade gradually. ( ) ③Not given enough care, the roses faded after three days.

  ( ) ④All memory of the childhood faded from her mind.

  ( ) 退色, 失去光泽 逐渐变暗; 逐渐变弱 枯萎, 衰败 逐渐消失, 消逝 【记一记➡构建知识】 fade away 衰弱, 病重死亡 fade in/out(画面)淡入/出; (声音)渐强/弱 *In the last weeks of her life she simply faded away.

  她在生命的最后几个星期已是油尽灯枯了。 2. function vi. 起作用; 正常运转  n. 作用, 功能; 职能 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①On weekdays, one third of the room ________ __ workspace.

  在工作日, 房间的1/3用作办公区域。 ②____ ________ __ the project is to protect the wild animals in this area. 该项目的作用是保护该地区的野生动物。 functions as The function of 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)function as 

  担任……, 起……作用, 具有……的功能 perform a function  起作用, 发挥职能 (2)functionaladj. 实用的; 运转的 *The main function of the investment bank is to raise capital for industry. It performs the function of promoting the development of the local industry.

  投资银行的主要作用是为企业筹集资金。它起着促进当地产业发展的作用。 3. convenience n. 方便, 便利; 便利的设施或用具 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①We bought this house ___ ___________; it’s near the shops

  and railway station.

  为了方便起见我们买了这座房子, 它靠近商店和火车站。 ②Can you telephone me __ _____ ___________ to arrange the



  for convenience at your convenience 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)for convenience  为了方便 at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候 (2)convenient  adj. 方便的; 便利的 it is convenient for sb. to do sth.   某人方便做某事 *The family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen. 这家人认为在厨房吃饭更方便。 *When it is convenient for you, come and see us.

  当你方便的时候, 过来看看我们。 4. impression n. 印象; 感想 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①He has told me his plans and he’s _____ __ _____ __________

  ___ me. 他告诉了我他的计划, 给我留下了一个好印象。 ②___ ____ __________ __ her is that she is friendly.

  我对她的第一印象是她很友好。 made a good impression My first impression of on 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)make/leave/have an impression on sb.

   给某人留下印象 first impression 第一印象 (2)impress    vt. 给……留下印象; 使钦佩;

  使……铭记; 使意识到 impress sb. with sth.  

  给某人留下深刻印象 impress sth. on sb.

  使某人铭记……; 让某人意识

  到……的重要性 (3)impressive  adj. 令人敬佩的; 令人赞叹的 (4)impressed   adj. 印象深刻的 be impressed by/with. . .

  被……打动; 对……留下印象 * I was deeply impressed by his speech.

  他的演说给我留下深刻的印象。 *The teacher impressed the importance of speaking on his students.

  老师让学生铭记演说的重要性。 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 【话题词汇】 1. accomplish

  v. 完成; 实现 2. research  

  v. & n. 研究 3. explore v. 勘查, 探索, 探究 4. promotev. 促进, 推进; 提升

  5. exploit

  v. 开发, 利用, 开拓 6. replace v. 取代, 更换 7. artificial  

  adj. 人工的; 人造的 8. advanced  

  adj. 先进的; 高级的 9. digital  adj. 数字的; 数码的 10. electronic  adj. 电子的 11. scientific  

  adj. 科学的 12. intelligence

  n. 情报; 智力 13. technology

  n. 技术 14. achievement n. 成绩; 成就 15. robot  n. 机器人 16. apply (. . . ) to  

  应用 17. bring about 带来 【经典语篇】 未来的生活不同于现在的生活, 请以“Life in the Future”为题, 根据以下要点写一篇100~120个词的作文。 要点: 1. 随着医学的发展, 人类的平均寿命将会达到120岁。

  2. 由于新能源的出现, 污染问题将得到控制。 3. 人们的日常生活也将有很大的变化。如机器人可以为你做家务; 椅子的颜色也能够随着你所穿的衣服而改变; 手机可以戴在手腕上, 通话时可以看到对方; 可以乘坐新型的电梯进入太空度假。 参考词汇: 手腕wrist Life in the Future [提出观点]Life in the future will be different from that of today.

  [举例说明]Firstly, with the development of the medical science, the life span of people can be as long as 120 years old on the average since the advanced medical idea provides people with scientific lifestyle, including the reasonable eating and sleep. Secondly, because of the discovery of new energy, the environmental pollution will be controlled. Thirdly, the daily life of people will change a lot. For example, robots will do all the housework for you; the color of your chair will change to match what you are wearing; the mobile phone can be worn on the wrist just as a watch and you can see the caller while speaking. What’s more surprising, you can take the new lift to space for your holidays.

  【厚积薄发】 Ⅰ. 完成句子 (1)人们相信在未来人类在人工智能方面会取得更大的成就。 It is believed that man can __________ greater ____________

  in ________ __________ in the future.

  (2)电子技术在生活中的应用越来越广泛。 _________ __________ is _______ __ life more and more widely.