2024江苏《夺冠之路》高三英语【牛津译林版】一轮复习精品学案:Module9 Units 3—4

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2024江苏《夺冠之路》高三英语【牛津译林版】一轮复习精品学案:Module9 Units 3—4

  Units 3—4


  【1】 strengthen vi. & vt. 加强,增强

  The gale continued to strengthen throughout the night.



  quicken, weaken, soften, harden, sharpen, broaden, widen等。


  enrich, enlarge, encourage, endanger, enable, ensure等。


  ①Aerobic exercise __________ the hearts.

  ②The bridge needs to be __________.

  ③His objections only __________ my resolve to open my own company.




  【2】 conclusion n. 结论;结束

  Your information is inaccurate, and therefore your conclusion is wrong.


  What conclusion did you come to?


  bring sth. to an early conclusion 把事情早早地了结

  bring…to conclusion 使……终结

  draw a conclusion from 由……得出结论

  reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论

  in conclusion 最后,在结束时

  conclude v. 结束,完成

  to be concluded 下期完结(用于杂志的连载文章等)

  to conclude 总而言之,总之

  ①The police ______________________________ he was the criminal of the murder.


  ②The book ________________ a happy ending.


  ③He ________________________ with some amusing remarks.


  ①came to/arrived at the conclusion that

  ②concluded with

  ③concluded his speech

  【3】 oppose vt. 反对;反抗

  Father does not oppose the idea at all.


  My mother is opposed to the new plan.


  Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.


  oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事

  oppose to/against…反对……

  be opposed to…反对……

  opposite n. 相反,对面 adj. 相反的,对面的

  opposition n. 反对,敌手,抵抗

  No other deaf students had applied to a musical school before and some teachers ______ my admission.

  A. supported

  B. followed

  C. required

  D. opposed

  D 从句子的前半部分看可知那样做引起了一些老师的反对。

  【4】 possession n. 所有物;财产,所有,拥有 pl. 财产,财富

  She was found in possession of dangerous drugs.


  According to facts in my possession, he can not possibly be guilty.


  be in (the) possession of the House (议员)在辩论中获得发言权

  come into the possession of sb. (=come into sb.'s possession) 被某人占有

  come into possession of sth. 占有(获得)某物

  get possession of 拿到,占有,占领

  take possession of 获得,占有;购得;占据,占领

  in one's/sb.'s possession (=in the possession of sb.) (某物)为某人所占有

  Don't take the umbrella. It's ______ him.

  A. in the possession of

  B. in possession of

  C. in the possessions of

  D. in a possession of

  A in the possession of (某物)为某人所有。


  circumstance n. “环境,情形,情况”,常用复数形式,表明与某事件或某人有关的情况、环境、境况等。

  I have told you the circumstances, so you must act accordingly.


  in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,由于情况如此

  I wanted to leave quickly but under the circumstances(my uncle had just died) I decided to stay another night.


  in/under no circumstances 意为“绝不”,相同意义的词组还有:in no way绝不;in no case 绝不;at no time 绝不;by no means 绝不


  Under no circumstances will I believe you.


  At no time will China be a superpower.


  By no means am I pleased with this behaviour.








  ①Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.

  ②Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.

  ③She did the job very well in the circumstances.

  【6】 correspond vi. 通信;与……相当,一致;符合,常与介词to,with连用

  If you correspond regularly, you won't be out of touch.


  The arms of a man correspond to the wings of a bird.


  The written record of our conversation doesn't correspond with what was actually said.


  correspondence n. 通信,信件;符合,一致;对应

  correspondent n. 通讯记者

  We've ______ each other for years but I've never actually met him.

  A. written with

  B. corresponded with

  C. communicated to

  D. competed with

  B 句意:我们已互相通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人。用correspond with表示“与……通信”;write 与to连用,表示“与……通信”; communicate与with连用;compete with与……竞争。

  date back to/date from 追溯到,起源于;始自(某时期)。无被动式,通常用一般现在时态。

  The temple dates back to the Ming Dynasty.


  My grandfather's hobby of collecting old coins dates from his childhood.


  ①The Shaolin Temple, ______ has many legends and mysteries surround it, ______ AD 495.

  A. which; dates back to

  B. where; dates back to

  C. which; dated back to

  D. where; dated back to

  ②The building ______ Rome times has been rebuilt recently.

  dates back to

  B. date from

  C. dating back to

  D. dated from

  ①A 关系代词which引导一个定语从句,修饰temple。date back to通常用一般现在时态。

  ②C 分析句子结构可知这里要填的是非谓语动词;date from/date back to为主动形式表被动意义,故选C项。

  【1】 Therefore, the next time you choose an outfit, you should not be arbitrary about what you pick.


  此处the next time 充当了时间状语从句的引导词,the next time you choose an outfit相当于when you choose an outfit next time。许多表时间的名词都可以用来引导时间状语从句,除the next time 之外,还有each time, the first time, the moment, the minute, the instant等。

  He'd let me down more than once so the next time he asked me for a favour I gave him the brush-off.


  The moment I heard the voice, I knew father was coming.


  ①______ I toured Zhangjiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.

  A. For the first time

  B. At first

  C. It was the first time

  D. The first time

  ②I fell in ______ love with Amsterdam ______ very first time I visited the city. (2010南通期中)

  A. /; the

  B. /; a C. the; the

  D. the; a

  ①D 句意:第一次我游张家界时,就被美丽的风景深深地吸引了。

  ②A fall in love with为固定短语;the first time+从句,相当于一个时间状语从句。

  【2】 The son had left home to waste his time and money leading a life of luxury, but later mended his ways and came home.


  句型中 to waste his time and money leading a life of luxury是不定式短语作目的状语,waste time/money (in) doing sth. 表示“浪费时间或金钱做某事”,与动词spend构成的句型相同。

  Don't waste your time playing computer games. It is time that you made effort to study.


  My parents do not allow ______ time ______ nothing.

  A. to waste; to do

  B. wasting; to do

  C. to waste; doing

  D. wasting; doing

  D 句意:我父母亲不允许浪费时间,无所事事。allow之后接动名词作宾语,waste的句型是waste time/money (in) doing sth., in可以省略。

  Units 3—4


  【1】 strengthen vi. & vt. 加强,增强

  The gale continued to strengthen throughout the night.



  quicken, weaken, soften, harden, sharpen, broaden, widen等。


  enrich, enlarge, encourage, endanger, enable, ensure等。


  ①Aerobic exercise __________ the hearts.

  ②The bridge needs to be __________.

  ③His objections only __________ my resolve to open my own company.




  【2】 conclusion n. 结论;结束

  Your information is inaccurate, and therefore your conclusion is wrong.


  What conclusion did you come to?


  bring sth. to an early conclusion 把事情早早地了结

  bring…to conclusion 使……终结

  draw a conclusion from 由……得出结论

  reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论

  in conclusion 最后,在结束时

  conclude v. 结束,完成

  to be concluded 下期完结(用于杂志的连载文章等)

  to conclude 总而言之,总之

  ①The police ______________________________ he was the criminal of the murder.


  ②The book ________________ a happy ending.


  ③He ________________________ with some amusing remarks.


  ①came to/arrived at the conclusion that

  ②concluded with

  ③concluded his speech

  【3】 oppose vt. 反对;反抗

  Father does not oppose the idea at all.


  My mother is opposed to the new plan.


  Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.


  oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事

  oppose to/against…反对……

  be opposed to…反对……

  opposite n. 相反,对面 adj. 相反的,对面的

  opposition n. 反对,敌手,抵抗

  No other deaf students had applied to a musical school before and some teachers ______ my admission.

  A. supported

  B. followed

  C. required

  D. opposed

  D 从句子的前半部分看可知那样做引起了一些老师的反对。

  【4】 possession n. 所有物;财产,所有,拥有 pl. 财产,财富

  She was found in possession of dangerous drugs.


  According to facts in my possession, he can not possibly be guilty.


  be in (the) possession of the House (议员)在辩论中获得发言权

  come into the possession of sb. (=come into sb.'s possession) 被某人占有

  come into possession of sth. 占有(获得)某物

  get possession of 拿到,占有,占领

  take possession of 获得,占有;购得;占据,占领

  in one's/sb.'s possession (=in the possession of sb.) (某物)为某人所占有

  Don't take the umbrella. It's ______ him.

  A. in the possession of

  B. in possession of

  C. in the possessions of

  D. in a possession of

  A in the possession of (某物)为某人所有。


  circumstance n. “环境,情形,情况”,常用复数形式,表明与某事件或某人有关的情况、环境、境况等。

  I have told you the circumstances, so you must act accordingly.


  in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,由于情况如此

  I wanted to leave quickly but under the circumstances(my uncle had just died) I decided to stay another night.


  in/under no circumstances 意为“绝不”,相同意义的词组还有:in no way绝不;in no case 绝不;at no time 绝不;by no means 绝不


  Under no circumstances will I believe you.


  At no time will China be a superpower.


  By no means am I pleased with this behaviour.








  ①Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.

  ②Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.

  ③She did the job very well in the circumstances.

  【6】 correspond vi. 通信;与……相当,一致;符合,常与介词to,with连用

  If you correspond regularly, you won't be out of touch.


  The arms of a man correspond to the wings of a bird.


  The written record of our conversation doesn't correspond with what was actually said.


  correspondence n. 通信,信件;符合,一致;对应

  correspondent n. 通讯记者

  We've ______ each other for years but I've never actually met him.

  A. written with

  B. corresponded with

  C. communicated to

  D. competed with

  B 句意:我们已互相通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人。用correspond with表示“与……通信”;write 与to连用,表示“与……通信”; communicate与with连用;compete with与……竞争。

  date back to/date from 追溯到,起源于;始自(某时期)。无被动式,通常用一般现在时态。

  The temple dates back to the Ming Dynasty.


  My grandfather's hobby of collecting old coins dates from his childhood.


  ①The Shaolin Temple, ______ has many legends and mysteries surround it, ______ AD 495.

  A. which; dates back to

  B. where; dates back to

  C. which; dated back to

  D. where; dated back to

  ②The building ______ Rome times has been rebuilt recently.

  dates back to

  B. date from

  C. dating back to

  D. dated from

  ①A 关系代词which引导一个定语从句,修饰temple。date back to通常用一般现在时态。

  ②C 分析句子结构可知这里要填的是非谓语动词;date from/date back to为主动形式表被动意义,故选C项。

  【1】 Therefore, the next time you choose an outfit, you should not be arbitrary about what you pick.


  此处the next time 充当了时间状语从句的引导词,the next time you choose an outfit相当于when you choose an outfit next time。许多表时间的名词都可以用来引导时间状语从句,除the next time 之外,还有each time, the first time, the moment, the minute, the instant等。

  He'd let me down more than once so the next time he asked me for a favour I gave him the brush-off.


  The moment I heard the voice, I knew father was coming.


  ①______ I toured Zhangjiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.

  A. For the first time

  B. At first

  C. It was the first time

  D. The first time

  ②I fell in ______ love with Amsterdam ______ very first time I visited the city. (2010南通期中)

  A. /; the

  B. /; a C. the; the

  D. the; a

  ①D 句意:第一次我游张家界时,就被美丽的风景深深地吸引了。

  ②A fall in love with为固定短语;the first time+从句,相当于一个时间状语从句。

  【2】 The son had left home to waste his time and money leading a life of luxury, but later mended his ways and came home.


  句型中 to waste his time and money leading a life of luxury是不定式短语作目的状语,waste time/money (in) doing sth. 表示“浪费时间或金钱做某事”,与动词spend构成的句型相同。

  Don't waste your time playing computer games. It is time that you made effort to study.


  My parents do not allow ______ time ______ nothing.

  A. to waste; to do

  B. wasting; to do

  C. to waste; doing

  D. wasting; doing

  D 句意:我父母亲不允许浪费时间,无所事事。allow之后接动名词作宾语,waste的句型是waste time/money (in) doing sth., in可以省略。