2024届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第5期 A2-3(外研版)

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2024届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第5期 A2-3(外研版)







  A 难度:★★

  Would you use an app to find new friends? Bumble adds a new button that lets women look for girl pals. You can now swipe (滑动) your way to a best friend forever after dating app Bumble announced it has released a function that allows users to look for friends as well as lovers. The app previously enabled women to approach men — but not the other way around — for potential dates but has now added a similar function for finding new friends.

  Bumble’s founder, Whitney Wolfe, has extended the app’s dating function to allow users to adopt the “friend mode”, meaning you can swipe right on pictures of anyone you’d like to be girl pals with. Bumble was designed to appeal to women in response to Tinder which its creators believe is full of bad guys. The app instead allows women to message men first and its creators claim its female-friendly approach makes it safer and users will never receive unwanted messages. Wolfe said the move is a response to a demand for a platonic (纯精神友谊的) dating function from users. “We have an incredible user base, and so many of them were using this app to find friends. And they’ve been requesting such a feature: I’m in a relationship, but I love Bumble. I still want to be able to use it.”

  Finding friends works the same way as finding a date on the app. Users can swipe right on the people they are interested in and if there’s a match, the two can start chatting. If no message is exchanged within 24 hours, the connection disappears from both users’ messages. However, some people have criticized the fact that the app only allows users to “friend match” with members of the same sex.

  1. From the first paragraph, we can know ____.

  A. it is difficult to find friends by using the app

  B. the new function will make no difference to women

  C. men couldn’t use the app to contact women in the past

  D. the app used to forbid its users to find friends or lovers

  2. With the help of the app, if you want to make friends, you can ____.

  A. make a phone call to the person

  B. swipe right on the person’s picture

  C. meet the person face to face directly

  D. get to know the person’s name at once

  3. What can we infer from the passage?

  A. It’s easier to find a friend than to find a date.

  B. Bumble is not suitable for married women.

  C. Only a few people are using the app at present.

  D. Not all users are satisfied with Bumble’s new function.

  B 难度:★★★

  A new startup called The Winston Club is offering travelers the opportunity to book hotel rooms at half of their cost. Obviously, there’s a disadvantage — they have to be willing to share the room with complete strangers.

  Byron Shannon, the founder of the club, thought there should be an easy way for people to connect when they’d like a low-cost way to get the comfort and convenience of a hotel, so the club was set up to provide a safe, reliable and economical solution.

  Byron came up with the idea after he was out of town for two days. He set out to look for a cheap hotel, but in vain. He didn’t want to spend $150 or $200 on a hotel room. Frustrated, he wondered why there wasn’t a way for him to share the cost of a room with someone else at one of the nice hotels nearby.

  Later, Byron met with a friend who worked at a hotel, talked about his idea, and came up with the idea of getting random strangers together to share the cost of expensive hotel rooms. He eventually worked out the details, and launched the service along America’s West Coast — like Seattle, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland.

  Safety is naturally a top concern, but Byron assures everyone that his screening (筛选) procedure is quite strict. All the members must show five forms of verification (证实) — the phone number and professional email, one verified social media account and credit card at booking, and one photo ID at check-in. Members must pre-approve pairings before the reservation (预订) is complete.

  Rather than staying with a stranger, people are sharing a space with someone who has been screened and is responsible for his actions. However, the concept is not for everybody. Winston appeals to the growing number of consumers who are comfortable and familiar with the sharing economy and operate on a self-funded travel budget.

  The company is currently accepting membership applications online. Several people have signed up, mostly between the ages of 20 and 35.

  4. The Winston Club was started with the purpose of ____.

  A. encouraging travelers to live in nice hotels

  B. helping travelers book hotels worldwide easily

  C. letting travelers who want to spend less but enjoy nice hotels’ comfort connect

  D. offering travelers more chances to connect strangers during their travel

  5. Where can members get the service from the club?

  A. In New York.

  B. In Portland.

  C. In Houston.

  D. In Washington D.C.

  6. Before members of the club share a hotel room with strangers, they should ____.

  A. share more responsibilities than rights

  B. know how to share a space with others

  C. pass a strict screening procedure

  D. have online communication with each other

  7. What can we know about the Winston Club?

  A. It has attracted a certain kind of travelers.

  B. Business travelers are not allowed to apply for the club’s membership.

  C. It was Byron’s friend who came up with the idea of starting it up.

  D. Its founder had the experience of sharing the cost of a room with strangers.

  C 难度:★★★★

  Women in particular care about how people feel about their weight and shape of their bodies. According to surveys, four out of five American women are dissatisfied with how they look. Weight control is a hot topic in every magazine for women.

  “It’s not fair!” complained Janelle. “How come I suffer like this when my sister Carol at work eats exactly what she wants and never gains weight?” Like Janelle, do you limit yourself to lettuce for days or even months only to find yourself racing for that chocolate cake just when you swore (发誓) you’d never touch the stuff again? You’re not alone.

  Dieting is a common reaction to society’s obsession with being thin. Yet more than half of American women are overweight. Conflict about what and how much to eat suppresses (抑制) the normal body responses to hunger and satisfaction.

  Ann went on and off diets regularly. She even tried diet pills. Still she kept losing and gaining those same 15 pounds above her goal weight. Each morning, before weighing-in, she denied herself even a drop of water. She supported herself with one hand on the bathroom counter to keep the numbers on the scale (秤盘) from going up. Ann said, “I’ll never attract Mr. Right unless I can get down to goal weight and slim my stomach!”

  Ann was a veteran of the diet wars. She failed each time because when faced with a shortage of calories the body naturally reacts by preserving fat. Metabolism (新陈代谢) slows down so it becomes more difficult to lose weight. When the strict routine is broken, the weight is regained in fat.

  Certainly the diet industry is booming as never before despite the high failure rates of diets. Each year, the diet industry earns between 40 and 60 billion dollars, including diet centers, diet drugs, weight-loss books and magazines. Every year over 50% of Americans go on a diet. Two-thirds of dieters regain the weight within a year, and 97% have gained it back in five years. A third of dieters develop serious eating disorders.

  The solution? Don’t diet. Instead, look at what you really are hungry for. A new job, partner, place to live? What are your dreams? And what steps do you need to take to get it? It’s your heart that’s hungry — not your body!

  8. According to Janelle and her story, ____.

  A. one must eat less to lose his weight

  B. people at work can easily lose weight

  C. eating vegetables surely leads us to lose weight

  D. one is not definitely to gain weight without diet control

  9. To satisfy her goal of weight loss, Ann ____.

  A. even hardly drinks water every day

  B. even did something to cheat herself

  C. has been keeping on diets all the time

  D. keeps doing exercise every day

  10. To solve the problem, the best way is ____.

  A. to lose your weight by working hard

  B. not to have so many dreams or desires

  C. to take part in more activities of diet centers

  D. to turn your attention to other good life goals

  11. What might be the best title for this passage?

  A. Are you dieting again?

  B. Dieting fever in America.

  C. Why is it hard to lose weight?

  D. How to lose weight effectively.

  D 难度:★★★

  Some sea creatures can find their way through thousands of miles of seemingly featureless oceans. Even more impressive is the route that they take. “Well, we’ve known for a long time that sharks are able to make long-distance travels, and in some cases those travels occur along very straight paths.” Scripps Institution of Oceanography biologist Andy Nosal said, “And this has always begged the question: how exactly do they know where they’re going?”

  Nosal and his team suspected that the navigational (航行的) secret of some sharks might be their sense of smell. They use their keen noses to find food, of course. And other fish, like salmon, are known to use smell to navigate. To see if his idea was right, Nosal chose some adult female sharks in their preferred environment, waist-deep water off the San Diego coast. And he blocked the sense of smell in half of the sharks by putting cotton balls in their nostrils (鼻孔). Nosal and his crew dropped the sharks about six miles away at a spot in the open ocean. The researchers then tracked the sharks as they tried to swim back home.

  Four hours later, the sharks that could smell were two-thirds of the way back home and had swum in very straight paths. But the ones with blocked noses took erratic routes and only made it about half as far. Nosal thinks they all eventually got back home. 揂nd we know that because even though they didn抰 get as close to shore and even though their paths were more winding (e.蜿蜒的), their movements were still towards the shore. On average, they still finished closer to the shore than when they started.” And those cotton balls eventually break down, returning the sharks to normal. The experiment is the first to show that sharks can indeed sniff their way back home. For Nosal, the next question is: If sharks navigate by smell, what exactly is it they’re smelling that leads them by the nose?

  12. According to the passage, sharks can find their way through ____.

  A. taste

  B. sound

  C. light

  D. smell

  13. How did Nosal and his team prove their idea?

  A. By doing an experiment.

  B. By making a questionnaire.

  C. By analyzing data.

  D. By watching sharks’ habitat.

  14. What does the underlined word “erratic” mean?

  A. Direct.

  B. Round.

  C. Irregular.

  D. Rough.

  15. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

  A. As a matter of fact, sharks usually swim in a fixed path.

  B. Nosal will probably find out more about sharks’ smell next.

  C. Sharks with their noses blocked will never swim back home.

  D. Two-thirds of sharks will not lose their way while swimming.

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Simple ways to seek out happiness in everyday life

  Get outside. It has been scientifically proven that being outdoors helps relieve feelings of sadness and depression.


  Sit for a while and pay close attention to your surroundings. I guarantee you’ll soon be reminded of the beauty of life.

  Forgive and forget.


  We抳e all been hurt before, some worse than others, but no matter the situation, you will always be better off leaving it in the past. If not for their saker(为了他们), forgive them for your own.

  Reach out to loved ones. Tell your friends and family that you love them. Life is incredibly precious and we never know when our time on Earth is going to end.


  Let your loved ones know that you care, even if it’s been a while.


  This is truly necessary to your well being, not just physically, but mentally, as well. You should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night, if not more. If you find yourself catching less shut eye, make a conscious effort to turn off all electronics an hour before bed so you have some time to relax.


  It doesn’t have to be something luxurious. It truly is the little things that mean the most in life — such as smiling at a passerby, complimenting someone on a feature or clothes, or even holding the door open for the person behind you. Making someone smile will make you happy in return.

  A. Get a good night’s rest.

  B. Take a walk in a park or along a hill road.

  C. You have no excuse not to take care of yourself.

  D. Make it a goal to make someone smile every day.

  E. Holding hate serves absolutely no purpose in your life.

  F. Send your loved ones a text message and ask them how they’re doing.

  G. You are on the road to success as long as you are learning from your mistakes.

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Thomas Dambo, an artist from Denmark, is using his sculpting skills to help thousands of urban birds worldwide. Driven by the belief that humans should live with other species in


  , he uses reused wood to


  houses for birds wherever he goes. Over the last seven years he has built more than 3500 birdhouses.

  Dambo’s birdhouses are creative and


  , combining wonderful design with reused wood and other junk materials that he regularly collects. Through his


  , he wants to show that everyone can create something beautiful from


  , and he also hopes to


  others to waste less of the world’s resources.



  his own creations as colorful, positive, childish, and fun. He also makes birdhouses that easily


  city environments and give them a sense of security (安全), so birds can feel


  in them. Some of his past projects


  a collection of birdhouses made of broken skateboards. He also sculpted 600 birdhouses for a festival, and later


  them away to people, only demanding that they hang them up, take