2024届高考(浙江、江苏)英语二轮复习检测:第2部分 题型专题突破 专题5 书面表达 专题强化训练

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2024届高考(浙江、江苏)英语二轮复习检测:第2部分 题型专题突破 专题5 书面表达 专题强化训练


  无规矩不成方圆规则是必要的。在日常生活中我们有家规、校规、法律。现在请你在家规、校规、法律中任选一项结合自己情况进行介绍开头已经给出。要求必须条理清楚不得透露考生信息词数100~120。s,a school has its rules and family also has its rules.





  One possible version:A_country_has_its_laws,a_school_has_its_rules_and_family_also_has_its_rules.For example,there are important rules in my family.First of all,I have to be home by 10:00 p.m..I think it is

  dangerous to go home late and this rule is really reasonable.Nextl nights.Maybe my parents are strict with me in this way.Finally,the biggest problem is that I can’t join clubs.My parents think that it is bad for my study.

  They don’t know I’m interested in running,playing basketball and writing.

  There is a

  good saying“Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.”I should study hard,but I’m old enough to make my own decision.

  An alternative version:As you know,we Chinese students come to school every day and the study and safety at school have become very important problems.So I think some school rules are necessary.First we should ask students not to come to school late nor leave early.That is the basic rule that can help students to study hard.Then we should ask students not to fight against others.Because we must keep a peaceful atmosphere at school so that students can study more concentrated.Finally we should ask students to wear school uniforms.Believe it or not,it is a much helpful way in letting students know they are equal.If you can do as I advised,I believe that our school will be better and better.


  如何理解“成功”不同的人有不同的看法。请认真阅读下面的引语(quotation)Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”—Sir Winston,Churchill

  内容要求:1.你对该引语的理解;你的相关经历;恰当的结尾。 注意:1.短文开头已给出不计入总词数;文中不能出现考生的具体信息;词数:100~120。This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that





  One possible version:he ability to continue efforts through failures.At the age of twelve,I got a nice bike as a birthday gift.So excited was I that I couldn’t wait to try my hand at riding it.However,it was harder than expected.The bike seemed too heavy and difficult to control.Worse still,I took many falls off the bike.I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going.With more practice,I did better and better.Looking back,I feel I wouldn’t be able to ride a bike had I lost heart.Actually,we can’t succeed in everything we try.What’s important is that we should stick.






  One possible version:which poem to choose,what music to go with it,and what to wear for the competition.We made use of whatever time was available to practice it despite the fact that we had sore throats.

  When it’s our turn,nervous but secure among the big family,we put on our best performance.

  All our efforts paid off when we were declared the winner.Many hands make light work.It is our joint efforts and good teamwork that help us to go further and achieve higher.


  随着老龄化问题的日趋严重空巢老人越来越多很多老人呆在家里无所事事感到空虚寂寞。假如你是王敏请你向“China Daily”报社专栏写一封关于让这些老年人欢度老年时光的建议信。注意: 1.空巢老人(empty nester)的现象;提建议及建议的理由(至少两条建议);开头与结束语已给出不计入总词数词数100~120;不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。_________________________________________________________





  Sincerely yours,

  Wang Min

  One possible version:the problem of the empty nesters is getting more and more serious.Many of them are doing nothing at home,feeling lonely and empty.

  I think they had better join in some outdoor activities,such as climbing mountains and playing Taiji.These activities can not only keep them physically healthy,but also make them happy and active.It is also a good idea for the old people to make some friends with the people of their age.They can keep each other in company and share their experiences and happiness.Having friends means that they can have someone to talk to so that they won’t feel lonely and depressed.

  In my opinion,these suggestions may be helpful to them.I hope all the empty nesters will have a happy

  life in future.




  学校计划举行英语作文竞赛主题为“We Need Advice from Older Generations”。请根据以下要求写一篇100~120词的作文:你遇到了困难或问题不知该怎么办。你去请教一位长辈后来问题得到了解决。要求写清楚下面三点:当时面临的困难或问2.你获得的指教是什么?结果如何?注意:不能在作文中出现所在学校的校名和本人姓名。One possible version:ome.Hearing what I told him,he said examination resulted more or less on a fortuitous phenomenon.We can’t judge our improvement only by one examination.He encouraged me to stick to working hard for a long time to check my results.

  I took my grandpa’s advice and have been doing it as he told me to since then.Now my English is much better than before.From my experience,I feel that we need advice from older generations.


  (2024·严州高三仿本学期你校将对本校职业技能类选修课程进行调研评选出学生心目中“我最喜爱的选修课(My favorite elective course)”。假如你是李越推荐园艺(gardening)和防身术(self­defense)两门课。请你用英语给评委会写一封100~120词的信推荐这两门课程并分别说明推荐理由。注意:开头和结尾已给出不计入总词数。_______




  Hopefully,you can consider my recommendation.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Yue

  One possible version:at Gardening is among the most popular courses with us students,not only for the lecturer’s unique way of organizing his classes but also for the great pleasure we gain from the hands­on classes.By the way,we’ve learned a lot about plants and gardening.Some of us even feel like majoring in gardening at university.

  Self­defense is another course that enjoys great popularity.In a world full of attacks and threats,it’s useful and essential for us students,girls in particular,to learn how to protect ourselves in time of danger.Besides,students can take the opportunity to build up their strength.As far as I know,many more students intend to enroll for the course next term.





  (2024·浙江省高三第二次五校联考)假如你将参加一场题为“Two heads are better than one”的英语演讲比赛。请你准备一份演讲稿。内容须包括:你对这句话的理解;生活中的具体例子。 注意:词数:100~120;文章的开头和结束语已给出不计Ladies and gentlemen,

  It’s my honor to give a speech here.






  Thank you!

  One possible version:_here.In my opinion,this proverb means we can make things easier by working with others.It reveals the significance of cooperation.

  Take my experience as an example.Once we were given quite a complicated physics problem by our teacher and were expected to work it out whatever the way was.Naturally,everyone in our class was eager to be the first one to solve it.Considering that I was very good at identifying the physical principles and my friend Joe was better at performing complex calculations,we decided to work together.Magically,we solved the problem efficiently and even were better than the top student who chose to work alone.

  This experience really impressed me a lot.So always keep in mind that cooperation not only contributes to greater working efficiency but also explore our potential.



  假设你是学校优秀社团English Club的负责人为了招收新社员请你给校报写一篇100~120词的文章包含以下要点:介绍本社团;参加本社团的意义和好处;如何加入本社团。注意:文章的标题Welcome to Our Club






  One possible version:Welcome to Our Club

  Featuring wide participation and good reputation,English Club is one of the most popular clubs in our school.Different activities related to English learning are organized on a regular basis,including an annual English speaking contest and an English play competition.

  Attending our club has substantial advantages.It can help you to possess self­confidence,enrich your extra curricula activities and make your campus life dimensional,colorful and vigorous.To sum up,the experiences in our club will be extraordinarily unforgettable throughout your life.

  Students who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week.Everybody is welcome to attend our club.




  One possible version:xperience.

  Once before a test,my friend Joy and I came into the classroom,where several classmates gathered around,writing something excitedly.I was shocked when one of them told us secretly,“My friend in another class finished the test yesterday.I’ll share you the right answers!” I tried to find any signs of shame on her face but failed.I refused her “generous” offer when Joy patted me on the shoulderTo my understanding,friends like books,if well chosen,will greatly benefit us.Never should we keep bad company.


  学校要开设英语选修课现向学生征求意见。假如你是姚敏。你认为英语选修课可以开设英语视听说(English Visual­Audile­Oral)和演讲与口才(Speech and Eloquence)这两门课程。请你用英语给办公室张老师写100~120的信推荐这两门课程并分别说明推荐理由。注意:信的抬头和落款已给出(不计入总词数)。___________________________________________

  Yours sincerely,

  Yao Min

  One possible version:glish Visual­Audile­Oral Course is a good choice.Most of us are interested in English videos and songs,which provide us vivid images and the rhyming rhythm.Thus,we can enjoy the local customs and western cultures as well as learn to sing English songs with joy and excitement.

  In addition,it’s necessary for us to improve our oral English.Although we are always learning English,we may not make a fluent speech or strongly debate with others like native speakers.That is why I recommend Speech and Eloquence Course.Pure pronunciation,classical expressions and elegant gestures will be offered for us to learn and imitate.

  I’ll be glad if you can consider my recommendation.




  假期中你外出旅游时发现许多不文明行为如随地吐痰、乱涂乱画、乱丢垃圾等请你给编辑部写一封信呼吁人们提高素质、文明出行。内容要点:1.你所看到的不文明行为及危害;为建设美丽中国提出你的倡议(至少两点)。注意:1.词数100~120;开头和结尾已为你写好不计入总词数。不得出现真实姓名。参考词汇:吐痰spit; 刻画 scratch; 不文明行为immoral behaviors what I saw while traveling during this winter vacation.






  Best wishes!


  Li Hua

  One possible version:ar_editor,


  I was surprised to see so many immoral behaviors in public places.Some people spit at will wherever they went; some scratched their names on the street walls or other scenic spots, which did great damage to them.

  In my opinion, it’s high time we should take action to help improve the situation.First, certain laws should be passed to ensure people won’t damage the environment.Second, our media should also take responsibility to guide people to protect the environment.Last but not least, we travelers should learn to be more responsible for what we did.

  Only by working together can we make our country become more and more beautiful!





  “Your family are God’s gift to you, as you are to them”是1984年诺贝尔和平奖得主Desmond Tutu曾就个人与家1.你对这句话的理解;结合具体事例说明;恰当的结尾。注意:1.短文开头已给出不计入总词数;词数:100~120。____________________________________________________________________
