2024届高考英语(课标全国)一轮复习课件:写作提升 第13讲

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2024届高考英语(课标全国)一轮复习课件:写作提升 第13讲

  the same as 和……一样 simliar to 与……相似 different from 与……不同 in a word 总之 in short 简言之 generally speaking 大体上说 【常用句式】 一、基础句式 1.Looking at the graph, we can get the message that... 看一下图表,我们可以了解到…… 2.As is shown in the graph.../As is shown in the table.../It can be seen from the table that.../Just as the chart above shows.../ Just as is shown in the chart above... 正如图表所示…… 3.As we can see in the graph/chart/table/form above, in recent years...saw a constant decline/ increase in... 正如以上图表所示,最近几年,……见证了连续不断的下降(增长)在…… 4.The graph/ chart/ table/ form above shows that there is a decline in... 上面的图表表明了在……的下降。 5.The number sharply went up to... 数字猛升到…… 6.The figure has nearly doubled, compared with that of last year. 与去年的数据相比,今年已经翻倍。 7.The percentage of...stayed the same between... (某事物)的百分比在……之间保持不变。 8.The figures reached the peak/bottom... 数值到达顶峰/低谷…… 9.The bar chart describes significant changes in the... 该柱形图描述了……的显著变化。 10.The survey shows that more than half of the... 调查显示,超过半数的…… 11.According to a recent survey made by... 根据(某人、部门等)最近开展的一个调查…… 12.All the facts suggest that... 所有的事实都表明…… 13.There is sufficient evidence to show that... 有充足的证据表明…… 14.According to the statistics provided that... 根据提供的数据可知,…… 15.According to a latest study, it can be predicted...

  由最近的研究可以预测…… 16.This is because... 这是因为…… 17.That is why... 那就是为什么…… 18.The reason for...is that.../ The reason why... is that... 原因是…… 19.In my opinion/ Personally,.../ From my point of view/ In my view.../ To my mind,.../ As/ So far as I’m concerned,... 在我看来…… 20.It seems clear that... ……似乎很明显。 21.In short/ In brief/ In a word/ In one word,.../ In conclusion/ To conclude/ To sum up,... 总之…… 22.It can be concluded from the graph that... 从图表中可以得出结论…… 23.We can safely draw the conclusion that... 我们可以得出结论…… 二、高级句式 1.From the graph/ chart/ table/ form above, we can see the... falls steadily at the end of... 从以上图表,我们可以看到……在末端(期)稳固下降。 2.As is clearly/ apparently shown in the graph/ chart/ table/ pie from above, there is a significant difference between...and...

  正如以上图表清楚地(明显地)所展现出来的,在……之间有明显的区别。 3.From the figures given in the table, it can be apparently seen/ noticed that... 从表中所给的数字,可以很明显地看到(注意到)…… 4.We can see from the...that the number of... increased from...to...


  5.The chart reflects that the demand for...dropped sharply from...to... 图表反映出……的需求很快地从……下降到…… 6.The chart reflects an increase in the...of... 图表反映出……的增长。 7.The number of...has nearly doubled. ……的数目几乎成倍增长。 8.The rate/ number/ amount of...has undergone (经历) dramatic (戏剧性的) changes/has changed greatly recently. ……的比率(数目,数量)近来经历了戏剧性的变化(极大的变化)。 9.It has risen/ increased from...(to...) 它从……增长(到……) 10.It has decreased by 10%, compared with that of... 与……相比下降了10% 11.The total number has increased by 10%. 总数增长了10%。 12.Compared with...it has fallen/ dropped sharply,from 15% to 10%. 与……相比,它急剧下降,从15%下降到10%。 13.The number of...amounts to/ adds up to/ sums up to/ reaches... 数量总计 14.The graph shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该图表展示了(某事物)从……到……这段时间数量上的变化。 15.From the graph, we can see that there were two peaks of...in... 从图表看,我们能看到(某事物)在……有两个高峰期。 16.One peak was in...with the number of...The other was in...with the number of... 一个高峰出现在……,数值达到……。另一个高峰出现在……,数值达到…… 17.From...the number of...had been decreasing till it reached the lowest point of the year in... 从……(某物的)数量一直在减少,直到它在……达到本年度的最低点。 18.As is suggested/ unfolded/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ mirrored in the above chart, with the sharp rise in the... 正如上图表明/展示/说明/反映的一样,随着……的迅速上升…… 19.Let’s take the above chart as an example to illustrate this. 让我们用上面的图表来阐述。 20.A number of factors are accountable for this situation. 导致这种情况的原因有很多。 21.This answer to this question involves many factors. 这一问题的答案涉及多方面因素。

  22.Several factors contribute to the phenomenon reflected in the chart./There are several factors contributing to the phenomenon reflected in the chart. 有几个因素导致了图表中所反映的现象。 23.The change in...largely results from the fact that... ……中的变化主要是由于……的事实。 24.According to the graph, we can see/ conclude that... 根据图表,我们能够看到/得出结论…… 25.From the graph/ data/ results/ information above, it can be seen/ concluded/ shown/ estimated... 从以上图表/数据/结论/信息可以看出/得出结论/显示出/估计,…… 【万能模板】 As can be seen from the chart, great changes took place in_________./The chart gives us an overall picture of the ________.The first thing we notice is that ________.This means that as ________,

  ________. According to the statistics given/ As the data shows, about_________ say they are interested in

  ________.In addition/ However,________ and the rest prefer ________. Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that_________ should________. 假设你是李华,你将代表学校参加国际中学生论坛,就你所在城市的教育状况发表演讲。请根据以下两幅图表,介绍你市高中学生的构成情况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的任何一个数据所反映的情况发表你自己的看法。 注意:1.文章开头和结尾已经给出; 2.词数120左右(不包括已给部分); 3.参考词汇:图表:chart 职业学校:vocational school 外来务工人员:non­local workers。 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m greatly honored to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about the high school education of my city.________________________________ __________________________________________________ I believe the future of education in our city is promising! That’s all. Thank you. 【参考范文】 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m greatly honored to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about the high school education of my city. From Chart 1, we can see high school students are from different family backgrounds. Besides local students, who make up 91 percent, eight percent of the students are the children of non­local workers. There are even one percent foreign students. According to chart 2, the students’ choices after graduation have presented a wider variety. Sixty percent of them intend to go to university. Thirty percent choose to enter vocational schools, and the rest ten percent plan to go abroad for further studies. I think our city government has made more efforts to help the non­local workers. For example, their children can enjoy the equal right of a good education with the city students. I believe the future of education in our city is promising! That’s all. Thank you. 谢谢观看! 第十三讲

  图标类 图表分析作文就是将数据、图表所包含的信息转化为文字形式。写作时难度较大,考生不仅要弄清提示,还要看懂所给的图表和数据,由于提示内容少,信息点分散,审题时一定要领会作者的出题意图,弄清主题再动笔。 主要写作步骤分三步: 第一步:点明主题。根据图表前的文字说明,弄清楚图表的性质,确定文章体裁。 第二步:分析图表。观察图表中数据增减的总趋势,分类阐明,并说明原因(根据题意要求)。在表达时要注意句式的变化,力求在语言表达正确的基础上追求句式变换,确保语言表达的高级性。常见的写作技巧主要包括:简单句与复合句的交叉使用;主动语态为主,适度穿插被动语态;大胆使用平行结构;适当调整句中定语、状语的位置,使句子表达多样化;三大从句与三种非谓语动词灵活互换;特殊句式(如强调句、感叹句、疑问句、省略句)点缀其间等。 第三步:得出结论,发表议论。对图表里面的内容进行抽象概括,在此基础上提出自己的看法。 【必备词汇】  table n.表格 chart n.图表 figure n.数据 graph n.图表;曲线图 describe v.描述 tell v.显示 show v.显示 represent v.代表 soar v.飞涨 rise v.上升 decline v.下降 drop v.下降 peak n.山峰,山顶;最高点 reduce v.减少 increase v.增长 on the contrary 相反 compared to/with 与……相比 in contrast to 相比之下 as...as 和……一样

  the same as 和……一样 simliar to 与……相似 different from 与……不同 in a word 总之 in short 简言之 generally speaking 大体上说 【常用句式】 一、基础句式 1.Looking at the graph, we can get the message that... 看一下图表,我们可以了解到…… 2.As is shown in the graph.../As is shown in the table.../It can be seen from the table that.../Just as the chart above shows.../ Just as is shown in the chart above... 正如图表所示…… 3.As we can see in the graph/chart/table/form above, in recent years...saw a constant decline/ increase in... 正如以上图表所示,最近几年,……见证了连续不断的下降(增长)在…… 4.The graph/ chart/ table/ form above shows that there is a decline in... 上面的图表表明了在……的下降。 5.The number sharply went up to... 数字猛升到…… 6.The figure has nearly doubled, compared with that of last year. 与去年的数据相比,今年已经翻倍。 7.The percentage of...stayed the same between... (某事物)的百分比在……之间保持不变。 8.The figures reached the peak/bottom... 数值到达顶峰/低谷…… 9.The bar chart describes significant changes in the... 该柱形图描述了……的显著变化。 10.The survey shows that more than half of the... 调查显示,超过半数的…… 11.According to a recent survey made by... 根据(某人、部门等)最近开展的一个调查…… 12.All the facts suggest that... 所有的事实都表明…… 13.There is sufficient evidence to show that... 有充足的证据表明…… 14.According to the statistics provided that... 根据提供的数据可知,…… 15.According to a latest study, it can be predicted...

  由最近的研究可以预测…… 16.This is because... 这是因为…… 17.That is why... 那就是为什么…… 18.The reason for...is that.../ The reason why... is that... 原因是…… 19.In my opinion/ Personally,.../ From my point of view/ In my view.../ To my mind,.../ As/ So far as I’m concerned,... 在我看来…… 20.It seems clear that... ……似乎很明显。 21.In short/ In brief/ In a word/ In one word,.../ In conclusion/ To conclude/ To sum up,... 总之…… 22.It can be concluded from the graph that... 从图表中可以得出结论…… 23.We can safely draw the conclusion that... 我们可以得出结论…… 二、高级句式 1.From the graph/ chart/ table/ form above, we can see the... falls steadily at the end of... 从以上图表,我们可以看到……在末端(期)稳固下降。 2.As is clearly/ apparently shown in the graph/ chart/ table/ pie from above, there is a significant difference between...and...

  正如以上图表清楚地(明显地)所展现出来的,在……之间有明显的区别。 3.From the figures given in the table, it can be apparently seen/ noticed that... 从表中所给的数字,可以很明显地看到(注意到)…… 4.We can see from the...that the number of... increased from...to...


  5.The chart reflects that the demand for...dropped sharply from...to... 图表反映出……的需求很快地从……下降到…… 6.The chart reflects an increase in the...of... 图表反映出……的增长。 7.The number of...has nearly doubled. ……的数目几乎成倍增长。 8.The rate/ number/ amount of...has undergone (经历) dramatic (戏剧性的) changes/has changed greatly recently. ……的比率(数目,数量)近来经历了戏剧性的变化(极大的变化)。 9.It has risen/ increased from...(to...) 它从……增长(到……) 10.It has decreased by 10%, compared with that of... 与……相比下降了10% 11.The total number has increased by 10%. 总数增长了10%。 12.Compared with...it has fallen/ dropped sharply,from 15% to 10%. 与……相比,它急剧下降,从15%下降到10%。 13.The number of...amounts to/ adds up to/ sums up to/ reaches... 数量总计 14.The graph shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该图表展示了(某事物)从……到……这段时间数量上的变化。 15.From the graph, we can see that there were two peaks of...in... 从图表看,我们能看到(某事物)在……有两个高峰期。 16.One peak was in...with the number of...The other was in...with the number of... 一个高峰出现在……,数值达到……。另一个高峰出现在……,数值达到…… 17.From...the number of...had been decreasing till it reached the lowest point of the year in... 从……(某物的)数量一直在减少,直到它在……达到本年度的最低点。 18.As is suggested/ unfolded/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ mirrored in the above chart, with the sharp rise in the... 正如上图表明/展示/说明/反映的一样,随着……的迅速上升…… 19.Let’s take the above chart as an example to illustrate this. 让我们用上面的图表来阐述。 20.A number of factors are accountable for this situation. 导致这种情况的原因有很多。 21.This answer to this question involves many factors. 这一问题的答案涉及多方面因素。

  22.Several factors contribute to the phenomenon reflected in the chart./There are several factors contributing to the phenomenon reflected in the chart. 有几个因素导致了图表中所反映的现象。 23.The change in...largely results from the fact that... ……中的变化主要是由于……的事实。 24.According to the graph, we can see/ conclude that... 根据图表,我们能够看到/得出结论…… 25.From the graph/ data/ results/ information above, it can be seen/ concluded/ shown/ estimated... 从以上图表/数据/结论/信息可以看出/得出结论/显示出/估计,…… 【万能模板】 As can be seen from the chart, great changes took place in_________./The chart gives us an overall picture of the ________.The first thing we notice is that ________.This means that as ________,

  ________. According to the statistics given/ As the data shows, about_________ say they are interested in

  ________.In addition/ However,________ and the rest prefer ________. Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that_________ should________. 假设你是李华,你将代表学校参加国际中学生论坛,就你所在城市的教育状况发表演讲。请根据以下两幅图表,介绍你市高中学生的构成情况及毕业去向的选择,并针对两幅图表中的任何一个数据所反映的情况发表你自己的看法。 注意:1.文章开头和结尾已经给出; 2.词数120左右(不包括已给部分); 3.参考词汇:图表:chart 职业学校:vocational school 外来务工人员:non­local workers。 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m greatly honored to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about the high school education of my city.________________________________ __________________________________________________ I believe the future of education in our city is promising! That’s all. Thank you. 【参考范文】 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Li Hua. Today, I’m greatly honored to speak here on behalf of my school. I’m going to talk about the high school education of my city. From Chart 1, we can see high school students are from different family backgrounds. Besides local students, who make up 91 percent, eight percent of the students are the children of non­local workers. There are even one percent foreign students. According to chart 2, the students’ choices after graduation have presented a wider variety. Sixty percent of them intend to go to university. Thirty percent choose to enter vocational schools, and the rest ten percent plan to go abroad for further studies. I think our city government has made more efforts to help the non­local workers. For example, their children can enjoy the equal right of a good education with the city students. I believe the future of education in our city is promising! That’s all. Thank you. 谢谢观看! 第十三讲

  图标类 图表分析作文就是将数据、图表所包含的信息转化为文字形式。写作时难度较大,考生不仅要弄清提示,还要看懂所给的图表和数据,由于提示内容少,信息点分散,审题时一定要领会作者的出题意图,弄清主题再动笔。 主要写作步骤分三步: 第一步:点明主题。根据图表前的文字说明,弄清楚图表的性质,确定文章体裁。 第二步:分析图表。观察图表中数据增减的总趋势,分类阐明,并说明原因(根据题意要求)。在表达时要注意句式的变化,力求在语言表达正确的基础上追求句式变换,确保语言表达的高级性。常见的写作技巧主要包括:简单句与复合句的交叉使用;主动语态为主,适度穿插被动语态;大胆使用平行结构;适当调整句中定语、状语的位置,使句子表达多样化;三大从句与三种非谓语动词灵活互换;特殊句式(如强调句、感叹句、疑问句、省略句)点缀其间等。 第三步:得出结论,发表议论。对图表里面的内容进行抽象概括,在此基础上提出自己的看法。 【必备词汇】  table n.表格 chart n.图表 figure n.数据 graph n.图表;曲线图 describe v.描述 tell v.显示 show v.显示 represent v.代表 soar v.飞涨 rise v.上升 decline v.下降 drop v.下降 peak n.山峰,山顶;最高点 reduce v.减少 increase v.增长 on the contrary 相反 compared to/with 与……相比 in contrast to 相比之下 as...as 和……一样