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China's central bank, the People's Bank of China, said in a statement issued on its website that adopting the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)would help uncover the real situation in the economy and provide "a timely and accurate basis" for policymaking. At the same time, it will help "enhance the level of China's participation in global economic cooperation".


在采纳SDDS前,从2002年开始我国一直按IMF数据公布通用系统(General Data Dissemination System (GDDS))改进统计数据编制和发布制度。

SDDS和GDDS均为IMF制定的数据公布标准。两者框架(framework)基本一致,但SDDS对数据覆盖范围(coverage)、公布频率(frequency)、公布及时性(timeliness)、数据质量(data quality)、公众可得性等方面要求更高,且需按标准公布实体经济(real economy)、财政、金融、对外和社会人口等五个部门的数据。

The GDDS applies to all IMF members, while the SDDS applies to member countries that have or are seeking access to international markets.


去年11月,习近平主席在G20布里斯班峰会(Brisbane G20 Summit)上承诺,中国将采纳国际货币基金组织数据公布特殊标准。

最近,我国相关部门已按SDDS公布了部分数据,如央行和国家外汇管理局今年7月中旬发布的官方储备资产(reserve assets)、国际储备与外币流动性数据模板和全口径外债数据,财政部7月底发布的分季度中央政府债务数据(debt figures),以及国家统计局9月初发布的分季度GDP数据等。

"We are committed to strengthening our statistical system and enhancing transparency, as this is not only crucial for our own policy making, but also beneficial for a better understanding of the Chinese economy by the outside world," said PBOC Deputy Governor Yi Gang.


人民银行表示,采纳SDDS符合我国进一步改革和对外开放的需要(a necessary step in reform and opening up),有利于提高宏观经济统计数据的透明度(statistical transparency)、可靠性(credibility)和国际可比性(comparability among different economies)。





China's central bank, the People's Bank of China, said in a statement issued on its website that adopting the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)would help uncover the real situation in the economy and provide "a timely and accurate basis" for policymaking. At the same time, it will help "enhance the level of China's participation in global economic cooperation".


在采纳SDDS前,从2002年开始我国一直按IMF数据公布通用系统(General Data Dissemination System (GDDS))改进统计数据编制和发布制度。

SDDS和GDDS均为IMF制定的数据公布标准。两者框架(framework)基本一致,但SDDS对数据覆盖范围(coverage)、公布频率(frequency)、公布及时性(timeliness)、数据质量(data quality)、公众可得性等方面要求更高,且需按标准公布实体经济(real economy)、财政、金融、对外和社会人口等五个部门的数据。

The GDDS applies to all IMF members, while the SDDS applies to member countries that have or are seeking access to international markets.


去年11月,习近平主席在G20布里斯班峰会(Brisbane G20 Summit)上承诺,中国将采纳国际货币基金组织数据公布特殊标准。

最近,我国相关部门已按SDDS公布了部分数据,如央行和国家外汇管理局今年7月中旬发布的官方储备资产(reserve assets)、国际储备与外币流动性数据模板和全口径外债数据,财政部7月底发布的分季度中央政府债务数据(debt figures),以及国家统计局9月初发布的分季度GDP数据等。

"We are committed to strengthening our statistical system and enhancing transparency, as this is not only crucial for our own policy making, but also beneficial for a better understanding of the Chinese economy by the outside world," said PBOC Deputy Governor Yi Gang.


人民银行表示,采纳SDDS符合我国进一步改革和对外开放的需要(a necessary step in reform and opening up),有利于提高宏观经济统计数据的透明度(statistical transparency)、可靠性(credibility)和国际可比性(comparability among different economies)。