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  须 知








  Good morning. Good afternoon. Im very well thank you.And you?

  Pleased to meet you. What exactly would you like to know?

  As you can see from my CV

  Perhaps I can begin by telling you about

  Recently, Ive been studying at 

  Recently, Ive been working at 

  Ive been studying English now for 

  The reason Im taking the test is because 

  Would you like to know about ?

  Before that I studied at 

  Before that I worded at 

  At the moment Im studying at 

  At the moment Im working at 

  Have I answered your question? Is there anything else you wish to know?


  须 知







  讨论: the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers. the banning of alcohol and tobacco advertising in the media. price differences between various items in your country and Australia. examinations at school in your country and their relevance. the importance of video and television in education. the pros and cons of living, studying or working in a foreign country. the causes and effects of traffic jams in major cities. the qualities and skills required of a good company manager.

  描述: the recreational facilities in your city/town. the night-life in your city/town. the public transport system in your city/town. an interesting vacation you have taken recently. how a vacuum cleaner or other modern appliance works. your journey to this country. your first impressions of 。

  解释: the rules of basketball 。

   how space travel can be of benefit in the future. why crime occurs in modern cities. the need for an international language. why you chose your particular field of study.

  说明: a folk story in your culture that has significance. the plot of a good book you have read recently.


  Could you please rephrase that question/topic?

  Im not exactly sure what you mean 

  Im not exactly sure how to answer that question, but  

  Thats a rather difficult question, but  

  Im sorry, but I dont know much about 

  However, it might be possible that 

  Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. Thats an interesting question 

  Let me see. Well, I suppose that 

  Well, I think there are 2  reasons:First,  Second,  Finally, 

  In my opinion there are three ways of looking at it:First of all,  Next,  Then, 

  Have I given you enough information?

  Would you like me to tell you more about ?

  Is that all youd like to know?

  Im afraid thats about as much as I know. I think thats about it. I cant think of anything else right now 




  应做的事1)肯定自己完全明白自己所扮演的角色和处境;2)将过程分开3部分:设定背景,询问问题和说Thank you和Goodbye3)在角色扮演前先说明您的角色和您想知道什么;4)尽量问多些问题发掘所有资料,您至少需问10条问题。




  须 知








  Good morning. Good afternoon. Im very well thank you.And you?

  Pleased to meet you. What exactly would you like to know?

  As you can see from my CV

  Perhaps I can begin by telling you about

  Recently, Ive been studying at 

  Recently, Ive been working at 

  Ive been studying English now for 

  The reason Im taking the test is because 

  Would you like to know about ?

  Before that I studied at 

  Before that I worded at 

  At the moment Im studying at 

  At the moment Im working at 

  Have I answered your question? Is there anything else you wish to know?


  须 知







  讨论: the advantages and disadvantages of the use of computers. the banning of alcohol and tobacco advertising in the media. price differences between various items in your country and Australia. examinations at school in your country and their relevance. the importance of video and television in education. the pros and cons of living, studying or working in a foreign country. the causes and effects of traffic jams in major cities. the qualities and skills required of a good company manager.

  描述: the recreational facilities in your city/town. the night-life in your city/town. the public transport system in your city/town. an interesting vacation you have taken recently. how a vacuum cleaner or other modern appliance works. your journey to this country. your first impressions of 。

  解释: the rules of basketball 。

   how space travel can be of benefit in the future. why crime occurs in modern cities. the need for an international language. why you chose your particular field of study.

  说明: a folk story in your culture that has significance. the plot of a good book you have read recently.


  Could you please rephrase that question/topic?

  Im not exactly sure what you mean 

  Im not exactly sure how to answer that question, but  

  Thats a rather difficult question, but  

  Im sorry, but I dont know much about 

  However, it might be possible that 

  Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. Thats an interesting question 

  Let me see. Well, I suppose that 

  Well, I think there are 2  reasons:First,  Second,  Finally, 

  In my opinion there are three ways of looking at it:First of all,  Next,  Then, 

  Have I given you enough information?

  Would you like me to tell you more about ?

  Is that all youd like to know?

  Im afraid thats about as much as I know. I think thats about it. I cant think of anything else right now 




  应做的事1)肯定自己完全明白自己所扮演的角色和处境;2)将过程分开3部分:设定背景,询问问题和说Thank you和Goodbye3)在角色扮演前先说明您的角色和您想知道什么;4)尽量问多些问题发掘所有资料,您至少需问10条问题。
