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,. My name is ++ and I'm 15-year-old .I am Very to be to the . My is and . My is and . is also a very good here. The and this will me to a lot of in this . I want to well. To give our and a at this . I took part in the of the . in the Task. I will a lot and I hope that I can more at this .


大家好.我叫++.今年15岁.很高兴今年考上了西城外国语中学.我喜欢的科目是语文.英语.我的爱好是吹长笛.看书.在这里也有一个很好的管乐团.这个学校和这个乐团能让我学习到很多知识.在这三年里.我要好好学习.给自己和家长一个满意的答卷.在这个假期.我参加了管乐团的训练.参加了火炬传递的任务. 学到了很多东西.我希望我能在这所中学学到更多的知识.

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