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  kind-hearted, Id love to


  像所有的童话故事一样,开头的话一定是:A long long time ago/Once upon a time很久很久以前是不是把你的思路引向了遥远虚幻的世界了呢?呵呵,没关系,既然事情都过去那么久了,何必去追究它是真是假呢?跟着感觉走就好啦!

  Are you ready? Here we go!


  A long long time ago , an old fisherman lived with his wife by the sea. They lived in a broken boat. One day he caught a beautiful fish and was surprised to (对感到惊奇)hear it speaking. Please let me go, Old Fisherman, said the fish. If you let me go, Ill give you anything that you want.He took the fish back into the water, for(后面的部分表示原因) he was a kind-hearted man.



  对于一个像渔夫这样的人,我们可以用这个词kind-hearted, adj.来形容他,意思是: having or showing a kind nature 仁慈的,好心的。

  你身边有没有这样的朋友或同事呢?那么,在适当的时候,不妨告诉他:Youre really a kind-hearted person. 表明你对他的欣赏哦。(And I bet you will get a big smile in return.)

  下面这句话就表达了我对这位好莱坞明星的欣赏:Around Hollywood, Ron Howard is known as a talented director and a genuinely kind-hearted guy. 在好莱坞,Ron Howard 是公认的天才导演和待人诚恳的好人。(Did u think as the same as me?)



  Before the fish swam away, the old man said to it, Id love to have a new house that my wife and I can live in.




  Id love to(+do) 我想


  Id love to date that guy, but I just dont know how to say it. 我真想约会那个男生,可我不知道要怎么说。(呵呵,请经验丰富的网友们赐教!)

  另外,在口语中,我们也可以只说Id love to,把后面的动词省略:

  A: Surfing the net is pretty cool, would you like to give it a try?

  B: Id love to, but dad wont allow me.





  kind-hearted是一个合成的形容词,仿照这种形式,即一个形容词+一个名词+ed, 我们可以组成许多类似的形容词,比如:open-minded 开放的;curly-haired 卷发的;well-rounded 通才的。




  kind-hearted, Id love to


  像所有的童话故事一样,开头的话一定是:A long long time ago/Once upon a time很久很久以前是不是把你的思路引向了遥远虚幻的世界了呢?呵呵,没关系,既然事情都过去那么久了,何必去追究它是真是假呢?跟着感觉走就好啦!

  Are you ready? Here we go!


  A long long time ago , an old fisherman lived with his wife by the sea. They lived in a broken boat. One day he caught a beautiful fish and was surprised to (对感到惊奇)hear it speaking. Please let me go, Old Fisherman, said the fish. If you let me go, Ill give you anything that you want.He took the fish back into the water, for(后面的部分表示原因) he was a kind-hearted man.



  对于一个像渔夫这样的人,我们可以用这个词kind-hearted, adj.来形容他,意思是: having or showing a kind nature 仁慈的,好心的。

  你身边有没有这样的朋友或同事呢?那么,在适当的时候,不妨告诉他:Youre really a kind-hearted person. 表明你对他的欣赏哦。(And I bet you will get a big smile in return.)

  下面这句话就表达了我对这位好莱坞明星的欣赏:Around Hollywood, Ron Howard is known as a talented director and a genuinely kind-hearted guy. 在好莱坞,Ron Howard 是公认的天才导演和待人诚恳的好人。(Did u think as the same as me?)



  Before the fish swam away, the old man said to it, Id love to have a new house that my wife and I can live in.




  Id love to(+do) 我想


  Id love to date that guy, but I just dont know how to say it. 我真想约会那个男生,可我不知道要怎么说。(呵呵,请经验丰富的网友们赐教!)

  另外,在口语中,我们也可以只说Id love to,把后面的动词省略:

  A: Surfing the net is pretty cool, would you like to give it a try?

  B: Id love to, but dad wont allow me.





  kind-hearted是一个合成的形容词,仿照这种形式,即一个形容词+一个名词+ed, 我们可以组成许多类似的形容词,比如:open-minded 开放的;curly-haired 卷发的;well-rounded 通才的。
