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  Thanks God, We Have Computer Game Instead

  The story of Dr Jekyll is quite famous around the world, however, Dr Jekyll himself is a typical tragic person. He is a kind and wise doctor in front of the public, but might not wise enough to adjust himself. As an old saying goes: every coin has two sides. Dr Jekyll also has his own negative side, which finally become Mr. Hide. Mr. Hide is always hunger for violence, and all the bad things he did tell us that too. People may treat him as a criminal, but to me, he is just unable to find a way to abreact.

  It really doesn’t matter if you are a man lives in 19th century or comes from stone age, we are all people, we all have feelings, we all have our own Mr. or Ms Hide, the only question is, can you find a way to maintain your mental health? Maybe we can’t afford to have our own psychological consultant, but we CAN play games to relax ourselves, or realize any wildest dream in this virtual world. Imaging this, once our Dr Jekyll has some evil minds, he can turn to his computer for help. Maybe he can play some action games to satisfy his desire for “passion”, just like people today. Since the video game is always about the adventures of some superheroes, the game will guide him to the daydreaming of everything good but a criminal. As soon as he feels good again, then he will never try to become Mr. Hide in the reality. Maybe you will consider this as a na?ve idea, but computer game does reduce the crime rate in America.


  Which led to a dramatic Edwards. Hyde, who served a well-known drugs, Dr. ─ ─ enjoy power. Jie Qi, Since then becomes a very odd, as if fascinated by the drug, taking it all day long, so that "evil" the other side of Hyde, was also killed Dr. Andrei. When he turned back into Dr. Jie Qi, but desperately Tingzhao Hyde. To know the truth of Dr. Lennon, died due to depression.Jie Qi taking the drugs, have not been able to control the other side of Hyde, lead to a situation out of control lost nature, never become Hyde, the change can not come back, and eventually died mad. Finally, a letter, so that's good friend, Dr. Jie Qi ─ ─ Oute Sen lawyers know the whole story.Do you have you thought about the other side of the "evil" part of it? In fact, it is invisible, is the book's protagonist water use will be "evil" character of the entity, but is essential, as a bright, peaceful co-existence must be. Also, good and evil, and so must survive in order to maintain a balance, if too good at the expense of the people but their own; if too evil, resulting in other people's troubles, it is not good!The book's main character has made a wrong model, so that their own personal awakening of evil, beyond the control of the lead, making Jie Qi has been weak, Hyde has been the growth and development, the last being on the evil people who occupied the body of Ge Haide, so I proposed We must not let evil regained consciousness

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