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高考英语作文摘抄 学校将举行以“turning a bad mood into a good one “高考英语作文出炉的作文比赛,请按以下要求完成 1发生高考英语作文出炉的具体事件 2对你的心情有何影响 3你如何应对 范文 Turning a bad mood into a good one It is。


2011年高考英语作文类型及范文背诵一看现象,讲道理1世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volu。

高考必备的英语作文 篇1 As the economic level keeps increasing, many people would like to travel abroad But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India。

高考英语作文1 评分细则 优秀2225紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容充实语法结构多样,词汇丰富,行文流畅,显示出较强的语言运用能力,允许有个别语言错误,但不影响意思表达 良好1821紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点。


高考英语作文带翻译精选1 It is wellknown that smoke is bad for our health But there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to quit It is a problem make many people confused For this, I have。