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  我们的英语老师漂亮温柔、聪明能干,大家都亲切地称她Miss Yao。


  我们都喜欢她,不仅是她的漂亮,更是她的人格魅力,她的多才多艺。她是有名的教学能手,她的教学风格严谨、风趣。她总是关注每一个学生,在姚老师的眼里,每个孩子都是可爱的,都能成才。她在每堂课上都精心预设我们喜爱的活动,让我们全员参与,培养我们的合作意识,创设我们用英语交流的情境。她总是先把知识点讲透彻,然后创设情境让我们练习。最难忘的.是这学期我们学习第七课《When’s your birthday?》,姚老师买来一个大大的生日蛋糕送给那天过生日的同学,我们边唱歌边拍手,快乐地走进新课的学习,我们学习了十二个月份,学习了日期的表达方法,我们每个人都学会了说自己的生日。然后,老师从她的包里拿出好多我们爱吃的零食,组织我们开了一个生日Party,严格要求我们只能用英语交流。我们从羞于开口到应答自如,老师满意地笑了……





  our english teacher is a man of medium build, always wearing a pair of gih-framed spectacles. he looks thin in his loose-fitting suit. small as his eyes are,they are etremely bright. he looks old for his age, because his hair is all white.

  he is enthusiastic and skillful in teaching his students. he has etensive knowledge. he not only teaches english but also tells us many things about history, geography and literature.his lectures are given in a vivid way. for eample,when we take up a new lesson,he introduces the author first, including his biography, his works and main content of those works. in this way we can improve our listening ability quickly, and learn more than only the tet itself.

  his teaching method means more work for us to do in the evenings. for each lecture, he asks several questions from the tet for our homework. in order to answer those questions, we must first read the whole tet at home. sometimes it isn't enough to read the tet only. we have to read other materials concerning those questions. this helps us develop self-reliance.

  we learn a lot from our english teacher. we love him very much.