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  本课您将学到:prefer A to B, of句型+抽象名词的常见类型

  In France, daily social relations are always dominated(支配、统治) by family ties(纽带). The family has been the focus of the individual(个体)s loyalty(忠诚、忠心) and affection(影响), of his economic interest, and even of his legal(法律上的) duty. Many an old Frenchman spent his youth(青春时代) in a world where he was expected to regard his cousin, uncle, and grandmother as more important to him than his friends of his own age.

  French family needs and demands were put before those of local(当地的) community or even those of the state(国家的): I cant pay my taxes because I have a duty to support my uncle. has been a common French attitude(态度).

  The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been steadily(平稳地) narrowed(收缩) from extended family to the nuclear family. Many younger couples today prefer pleasure traveling with couples of friends to reunite(团聚) with big families at weekends or in August.


  在法国的日常生活中,家庭纽带(family ties)主宰着社会关系。家庭不仅是一个人忠诚和情感的中心,(the focus of the individuals loyalty and affection)而且也是经济利益(of his economic interest)和法律义务的集中点(even of his legal duty)。许多年长的法国人是在这样一个环境下长大的:别人要求他们把尊老爱幼放在一个重要的位置,(where he was expected to regard his cousin, uncle, and grandmother as more important to him)甚过对待他们同龄的朋友。(than his friends of his own age)


  其实,这也是表达很多的一种方式,用法是:many a 后接单数名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。比如:

  Weve been here many a time.


  Many a great idea is brought forward in the meeting about the 2008 Olympic games.


  法国人总把家庭的需求(needs and demands)放在社区、甚至国家的前面。(before those of local community or even those of the state)我不能交税,因为我得养活我叔叔。这种态度在法国早已很普通了。

  Support在这里指to provide enough money for someone to pay for all the things they need,也就是养活的意思。比如:

  He has a large family to support.


  战后以来,(since the war)法国人对家庭的忠诚焦点早已从相对的大家庭而稳步缩小,转向了小家庭。(that the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowed from extended family to the nuclear family)如今的许多年轻夫妇宁肯在周末或夏天(at weekends or in August)和朋友去快乐地旅行,也不愿意回父母家中团聚。(prefer pleasure traveling with couples of friends to reunite with big families)


  prefer A to B...(此句型中的to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词)





  I prefer fish to meat.我喜欢鱼,而不喜欢肉。(prefer名词to名词)

  I prefer reading to playing.我宁愿读书,不愿玩耍。(prefer动名词to动名词)

  2、prefer to do sth. + rather than do sth.(注意:rather than的后面没有to)

  She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.


  Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.



  以上两个句型都可以和would rather do sth. than do sth.替换。比如,下面这三句话表达的意思是相同的:

  The bus is too crowded;

  I prefer walking home to taking the bus.

  I prefer to walk home rather than take the bus.

  I would rather walk home than take the bus.





  a women of wealth/wisdom/courage=a wealthy/wise/courageous woman

  2、be of+修饰语+抽象名词。比如:

  be of importance/help/use/significance=be important/helpful/useful/significant


  This question is of importance.(=This question is important.)

  大家可能会问,为什么不直接用后一种说法呢?那不是更容易理解吗?其实,像上面这句话,前后两种说法差别不大,用哪一种都可以。有时候,我们为了强调某种抽象的含义,用这种形式就可以达到很好的效果。比如,我们要表达时间是宝贵的,就可以用be of value取代be valuable,为了加强效果,还可以在value前面加上修饰语great,造个句子:

  Each hour, each minute, each second is of great value for us.


  (体会一下,是不是比Each hour, each minute, each second is very valuable for us.效果好些?而且,适当变化句式,也可以使我们的语言更有活力,对吗?)


  常用于这一结构的修饰语还有little ,some ,any, no, not, much,常见的抽象名词有importance, value, use, help, benefit(利益、好处),significance(意义、重要性)。比如:of no use =useless(无用的)

  3、还有一种情况,我们必须使用这种句型,就是of后面的抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式,为了表明主语的这类特征,我们只能用be of+抽象名饲的形式代替be+形容词结构。这类名词包括size, weight, height, length, width, age ,opinion ,colour , price, kind, type, shape, way等。比如:

  Coins may be of different sizes, weights, and shapes and of different metals.


  Her eyes are of a dark gray color.



  相信大家在许多关于社会、家庭的文章中,都读到过这两个短语,unclear family, extended family,它们是什么意思呢?翻翻资料库,了解一下吧!

  unclear family=a family consisting of mother, father and their children

  extended family=all the people in a family including aunts, uncles, grandparents etc.

  家庭主要是根据因结婚、生育或领养而形成或产生的关系所确定的。这些关系都由法律和风俗习惯加以规定。其基本关系是通过婚姻而形成的夫妇关系,以及存在于双亲(Parents),即父亲(father)和母亲(mother)及其子女(children),即儿子(sons)和女儿(daughters)之间的关系。双亲及其子女,有时叫作生物学家庭(biological family)或核心家庭(nuclear family)。扩大家庭(extended family)是更大的家庭单位,通常由数个核心家庭合成。

  今天的节目中,我们总结了prefer to句型的用法,给大家介绍了be of+抽象名词的用法,还了解了关于家庭形式的知识,希望大家有所收获!



  本课您将学到:prefer A to B, of句型+抽象名词的常见类型

  In France, daily social relations are always dominated(支配、统治) by family ties(纽带). The family has been the focus of the individual(个体)s loyalty(忠诚、忠心) and affection(影响), of his economic interest, and even of his legal(法律上的) duty. Many an old Frenchman spent his youth(青春时代) in a world where he was expected to regard his cousin, uncle, and grandmother as more important to him than his friends of his own age.

  French family needs and demands were put before those of local(当地的) community or even those of the state(国家的): I cant pay my taxes because I have a duty to support my uncle. has been a common French attitude(态度).

  The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been steadily(平稳地) narrowed(收缩) from extended family to the nuclear family. Many younger couples today prefer pleasure traveling with couples of friends to reunite(团聚) with big families at weekends or in August.


  在法国的日常生活中,家庭纽带(family ties)主宰着社会关系。家庭不仅是一个人忠诚和情感的中心,(the focus of the individuals loyalty and affection)而且也是经济利益(of his economic interest)和法律义务的集中点(even of his legal duty)。许多年长的法国人是在这样一个环境下长大的:别人要求他们把尊老爱幼放在一个重要的位置,(where he was expected to regard his cousin, uncle, and grandmother as more important to him)甚过对待他们同龄的朋友。(than his friends of his own age)


  其实,这也是表达很多的一种方式,用法是:many a 后接单数名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。比如:

  Weve been here many a time.


  Many a great idea is brought forward in the meeting about the 2008 Olympic games.


  法国人总把家庭的需求(needs and demands)放在社区、甚至国家的前面。(before those of local community or even those of the state)我不能交税,因为我得养活我叔叔。这种态度在法国早已很普通了。

  Support在这里指to provide enough money for someone to pay for all the things they need,也就是养活的意思。比如:

  He has a large family to support.


  战后以来,(since the war)法国人对家庭的忠诚焦点早已从相对的大家庭而稳步缩小,转向了小家庭。(that the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowed from extended family to the nuclear family)如今的许多年轻夫妇宁肯在周末或夏天(at weekends or in August)和朋友去快乐地旅行,也不愿意回父母家中团聚。(prefer pleasure traveling with couples of friends to reunite with big families)


  prefer A to B...(此句型中的to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词)





  I prefer fish to meat.我喜欢鱼,而不喜欢肉。(prefer名词to名词)

  I prefer reading to playing.我宁愿读书,不愿玩耍。(prefer动名词to动名词)

  2、prefer to do sth. + rather than do sth.(注意:rather than的后面没有to)

  She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.


  Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.



  以上两个句型都可以和would rather do sth. than do sth.替换。比如,下面这三句话表达的意思是相同的:

  The bus is too crowded;

  I prefer walking home to taking the bus.

  I prefer to walk home rather than take the bus.

  I would rather walk home than take the bus.





  a women of wealth/wisdom/courage=a wealthy/wise/courageous woman

  2、be of+修饰语+抽象名词。比如:

  be of importance/help/use/significance=be important/helpful/useful/significant


  This question is of importance.(=This question is important.)

  大家可能会问,为什么不直接用后一种说法呢?那不是更容易理解吗?其实,像上面这句话,前后两种说法差别不大,用哪一种都可以。有时候,我们为了强调某种抽象的含义,用这种形式就可以达到很好的效果。比如,我们要表达时间是宝贵的,就可以用be of value取代be valuable,为了加强效果,还可以在value前面加上修饰语great,造个句子:

  Each hour, each minute, each second is of great value for us.


  (体会一下,是不是比Each hour, each minute, each second is very valuable for us.效果好些?而且,适当变化句式,也可以使我们的语言更有活力,对吗?)


  常用于这一结构的修饰语还有little ,some ,any, no, not, much,常见的抽象名词有importance, value, use, help, benefit(利益、好处),significance(意义、重要性)。比如:of no use =useless(无用的)

  3、还有一种情况,我们必须使用这种句型,就是of后面的抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式,为了表明主语的这类特征,我们只能用be of+抽象名饲的形式代替be+形容词结构。这类名词包括size, weight, height, length, width, age ,opinion ,colour , price, kind, type, shape, way等。比如:

  Coins may be of different sizes, weights, and shapes and of different metals.


  Her eyes are of a dark gray color.



  相信大家在许多关于社会、家庭的文章中,都读到过这两个短语,unclear family, extended family,它们是什么意思呢?翻翻资料库,了解一下吧!

  unclear family=a family consisting of mother, father and their children

  extended family=all the people in a family including aunts, uncles, grandparents etc.

  家庭主要是根据因结婚、生育或领养而形成或产生的关系所确定的。这些关系都由法律和风俗习惯加以规定。其基本关系是通过婚姻而形成的夫妇关系,以及存在于双亲(Parents),即父亲(father)和母亲(mother)及其子女(children),即儿子(sons)和女儿(daughters)之间的关系。双亲及其子女,有时叫作生物学家庭(biological family)或核心家庭(nuclear family)。扩大家庭(extended family)是更大的家庭单位,通常由数个核心家庭合成。

  今天的节目中,我们总结了prefer to句型的用法,给大家介绍了be of+抽象名词的用法,还了解了关于家庭形式的知识,希望大家有所收获!
